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Long Island, Geno bids you ADIEU!!

Geno C

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Steuben or Chemung County will get me... My wife and I will be relocating upstate :)


Im sure some of you have noticed from the past few months my activity rate has dropped like a rock on here.... and that is due to the fact my wife and i have secretly listed our house on LI and started our search in the Horseheads, Corning, Painted Post, Big Flats area. We will be opening a business in which we are not saying what at this time. LI has become far to saturated for business owners and it is a wonder how some even make it out here with ALL the choices consumers have as options just on ONE BLOCK. I am currently an engineer and left my job when the move started last week. So pumped to start the venture of my own business.


The upstate down state convos on here i had to bite my lip on as i had plans on going up for some time now. Dont get me wrong, i love Long Island, as i get older there tends to be many things i love more about upstate tho. My house went into contract in about 2 weeks and was off the market and we are closing in less then 1 week. We had an accepted offer on a house in Horse Heads but we decided to back out as it was just not a good fit after my engineer inspection was done. our movers came Thursday to pack the house in the truck and we met them in HH's Friday morning to load in storage. So all our stuff is upstate basically...


 at first when i even brought the word upstate to my wife i was shut down super quick. Upon bringing her up there she loved it. she loves my friends up there and my family. and not to mention Seneca Lake... The one thing i will miss is the LI hunting LOL!! AND FRIENDS AND FAMILY. 


So there it is lol


now that we are basically moved out and just waiting to close, i have some time on my hands until we get up there and start diving in.

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thanks guys


the hard part is done... that was the 275 mile drive getting a 4BR house up there lol. what a PITA... its a good thing im crazy and young enough to make moves... plus i have no kids yet so it makes it a lot easier, well from what i hear haha


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Good luck with the move and the new business Geno. I hope you stick around this site though. I just drove through Northern and Central NY on my way up to and from Niagara. During the drive I brought up the subject of moving up North with my wife. This has been a subject we've discussed for several years. She's all for it. Been so for a while. She can't stand living on LI. Too crowded and expensive. Seems like we are only working to pay taxes. The only thing keeping us here is family. Both sets of parents, sister and brothers all within 15 mins drive. I think once the kids are out of HS then it may become a reality. But that's not for another 5 years. By then my daughter will be done with college and my son will be done with HS. Guess I'll have to wait and see for now...

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Good luck with the move and the new business Geno. I hope you stick around this site though. I just drove through Northern and Central NY on my way up to and from Niagara. During the drive I brought up the subject of moving up North with my wife. This has been a subject we've discussed for several years. She's all for it. Been so for a while. She can't stand living on LI. Too crowded and expensive. Seems like we are only working to pay taxes. The only thing keeping us here is family. Both sets of parents, sister and brothers all within 15 mins drive. I think once the kids are out of HS then it may become a reality. But that's not for another 5 years. By then my daughter will be done with college and my son will be done with HS. Guess I'll have to wait and see for now...

Thanks bud

I will always be on this site so long as john keeps it active. I'm not going anywhere, I'll still be in NY. It's funny we are the same way, the more we think about it, the more we can't stand living on LI. I can't stand the traffic and after someone slamming the back end of my truck a few weeks ago in traffic while I was picking that quad up it was icing on the cake for me lol. Luckily my truck barely had a scuff on it.. We said the same about family too but at the end of the day they don't pay your taxes lol

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Why on earth would anyone leave heaven? Lol

My wife and I talk about leaving the state all the time, family and kids hold us here.

Welcome to upstate.

i love NY to much unfortunately to leave... aside from all the BS we deal with here. LI has its share


where would you go if you could leave NY?

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i love NY to much unfortunately to leave... aside from all the BS we deal with here. LI has its share

where would you go if you could leave NY?

The latest favorite state is maine, after our trip last year to the big woods we were hooked. Other than that we would head to the mid west, all I need is good bird hunting and deer to kill and I'm good. Any thing else is bonus.

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i have a buddy from Maine, he loves it there. he is planning one moving back there soon... i hear ya, so the wife would move but the family and kids keep you guys in NY? Seems to be what everyone says, even out here who wish to relocate. always something holding them back. thats why i figure we would do it now while we can. if id have kids in the near future they are almost certain to move away from us, the next generation will never be able to afford to live on this island. it will be section 8 and rich out here by then

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i have a buddy from Maine, he loves it there. he is planning one moving back there soon... i hear ya, so the wife would move but the family and kids keep you guys in NY? Seems to be what everyone says, even out here who wish to relocate. always something holding them back. thats why i figure we would do it now while we can.

Kids make it very hard to move especially once they are in school and making friends. But if one of us were to loose our job we would be gone real fast and we told the kids that. Great idea for you guys to make the change now, it will be for the best.

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haha, thanks john! i knew you would... its something i always wanted to do but didnt think id get to come into fruition but it it is so if its something you wish to do dont rule it out! make it happen. and thank you, id like to get my hands on a nice chunk of property one of these days, hey you never know might get ya up there to film and hunt :)

Congrats geno. I'll keep the deer in check for you down here don't worry Lol. Moving upstate is something I have been talking about with my fiance also and might not be too far off in my future. I wish you the best of luck up there!!




Good for you Geno. I've never been so excited for someone I've never met lol! Livin' the dream! Tell us all about it.

lol your too funny bro, i will def do that!

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