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Speaking of bear....


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I just cooked some two weekends ago.  It was great.

It is important to remove all of the fat off the meat when it is butchered though.  That will spoil the flavor and give it that greasy taste.

I put the meat in a pot with some vegetable oil and browned.  Added onions and cooked till crisp.

On the side I mixed a can of mushroom soup concentrate with a little dry sherry, garlic salt and 4 ounces of chopped mushrooms with the water in it too.

Dumped it all in with the meat and cooked on a simmer for 1 hour.

Then cooked a pot of white rice.  Put the rice on a plate and put the bear meat mixture on top of the rice.  GREAT!

Even better the next day as a left over.  It was even more tender.  Very easy to make in the kitchen with just two pots.

Tastes like pork with a venison gaminess to it.  I like it!

Of course the bear I hunt live in the woods and don't eat at the garbage dump.  That also has a lot to do with how it tastes.

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if you skin it and quarter it in the woods that takes the whole point of wanting a rug made dosnt it? i dont know cuz i have never had a rug made of any animal but if i got a bear i would love to get a rug done. How would you do that and not ruin the meat by not skinning it imidiatly???

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have seen bear tracks in the snow, and mud.  They are BIG.  So big in fact, it looks like another hunter was walking barefoot. 

SCARY !!!  only 5 rounds in the rifle.  The weekend after that I carried my side arm.  :)    They say bears have perfect color vision.  They can clearly see orange.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've posted these before, here they are for people that didn't seen them. We have a good bear population in my area 8P. They can and will cause some serious damage to your property if the have a good food source and den area. They love this pole and only this one. They will snap a 6 foot pine tree in half and let the sap run and come back eat what's there. I don't know what these berry trees are called (choke berries) but they take the whole tree down and eat the berries. If you got corn and bears you will find crop circles in the field. They love corn! Nice to watch but I feel uncomfortable walking around especially with my girls, the gun comes with us.



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Down in Orange and Rockland county we have tons of them... I have come across them many times while hunting or in my back yard. They bolt when they see you, You just don't want to get between a sow and her cubs and you will be fine. When they come in my yard the dogs usually chase them off, last year I had one come and destroy my new grille just to get a few licks of greese. About three years ago I had to throw rocks at one to get him to drop my deer head I had in my yard.

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We have been seeing more bears than ever up in greene county in the last few years.  My brother shot one in 2007 and my friend took one on the same farm in 2010.  I put together a video of his hunt if you guys want to check it out. It was a self filmed hunt so not the best quality during the shot. hope you guys enjoy.


Dennis Eacott NY Bear Kill 2010

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I'd like to try bear hunting some day. We get the tag - then why not?

I dunno, logistics I guess. Last year I was in one of the 'extended' zones but there was never any bear sign. Have some property in 6k (Williamstown) but that's still a ways before any NZ bear zone. Perhaps an oppertunity will present itself this year.

Hey Fantail..I have property very near there in W.Amboy. I'm told by locals that there are no bear there at all. They tell me go to ADK to hunt bear,cuase I will never see one locally.I have to wonder why though? There are enough swamps around,habitat looks like it would support bear.

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