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DEC proposed AR's


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Farm raised bucks are still farm raised buck after you put them in a pen no matter the size. I have seen these animals first hand while doing preserve Pheasant hunts and they hardly present a challenge. And just because a fenced hunting business states they have 600-1200 acres that does not mean that its one big pen, it could be several smaller sized pens. I don't care what a guy does for fun wether its fenced hunitng or free range but the two ain't the same.

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I honestly believe that they would rather have mandatory AR's than have there seasons shortened or lose the opportunity to take an extra buck if given the choice. That was the point I was trying to make... take a week away from bow hunters, and you better get out the way of the stampede.


don't forget that they did take away, what some believe was the best weekend of bow. Then took 3 years to give us 2 more weeks of "mosquito hunting".



Four Seasons we had a nice civil phone conversation in 2012 about the very issues you trash the QDMA about.  


I understand your feelings of being upset by the organizations stance on Deer Farms.  


The organization does far more for the average hunter and the preservation of the whitetails than bad.   Is every decision and everything they do "gold" no.    They are far from extremists, and the argument that they are concerned about competition of growing big bucks is ridiculous.   


This is a good point that can be said for most hunting organizations. This site has it's NYB and QDMA haters, because of stances they take on "hot topics". But truth is, both and most others do more good than harm.


Edited by Belo
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Unfortunately, I believe you are correct in your prediction. And that poses a sad commentary on the future of hunting. I really don't find that something to celebrate, but it is what hunting is morphing into as people continue to seek out overwhelming advantages that defy the rules of fair chase. It's unfortunate that you find it necessary to be a part of that.


Its all about choices my friend.. Do you remember a time when you had no scope to put on your gun? Do you remember when there were no computers or cell phones. Its the way the world is growing thats causing the spike in high fence. The states cant manage the lands or the herds. Why will a guy any longer spend thousands at an outfitters farm just for a chance to see a 140in buck let alone get a shot an harvest that animal. Or spend huge money to outfit himself with gear to go hunt state land that has no deer?


I find myself involved in a very big high dollar business that i and many others are doing very well with.

 I sure didnt spend 40 grand plus to start a business to lose at. 3 short years later the colors have changed in my business and its now all gravy from here. Its called product and demand...And the demand is huge!

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Small enclosers, I agree but anytime you want to go to the places i do business with...700-1200 acre enclosers...and you can pick out a buck from a trail cam pic, I will give ya 3 days to drag that buck out of there and then you can tell me about canned hunts. I have one place of 1200 aces that i would give ya 2 weeks to pull a trail cam pic buck out of.  Trust me, Its not as easy as you may believe.


As far as the 2 year olds that cant hold their heads up are few and far between. As far as the hunting world..There are thousands of people across the country that would disagree with ya and i believe within 5 more years you are going to see a growth beyond anyones expectations!


Tell ya what, you cover the cost, Im in. B)


Id give anyone that wanted to hear it, a full review on the experience, difficulty level, etc.

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Its all about choices my friend.. Do you remember a time when you had no scope to put on your gun? Do you remember when there were no computers or cell phones. Its the way the world is growing thats causing the spike in high fence.

Hell, I'll go you one better ... I remember when there was no such thing as "high fences" at all. I can even remember when deer were for actual real hunting and not used as some kind of ag enterprise to satisfy those who need to have a harvest and don't care how they get it. I can remember when we didn't grow our prey, feed our prey or genetically manufacture our trophies to satisfy today's need for instant gratification with no expenditure of effort.

But you're right, that's all changed. I can't argue the changes that are blatantly obvious. I can only lament that some of today's hunters will never know that hunting really is a skill. They may never understand or appreciate the idea of challenge. They may continue to despise the idea of woodslore in hunting and actually expending some effort to locate and harvest a deer. They may be ever increasingly disdainful of finding their own deer and out-witting them in their own environment. These time honored features of hunting may continue to fade, but don't be expecting me to be welcoming that pollution of the sport that I have spent my life involved with.

No, there is nothing that will reverse or slow this idea of techno-worship in hunting. And I do understand that there are those that have no use for heritage and tradition in their hunting, and yes it is sad. But, I can be satisfied with the fact that I have never had a hand in making new hunters believe that wild game is something you raise like goats. And I have never made a cent promoting that distorted view of a magnificent animal as merely being a lab experiment for profit. But I have seen an awful lot of people that can justify anything based solely on the profit motive. And of all the changes, that is the one that is growing the fastest.

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I personally am in favor of the AR during bow season and first week of rifle, or the 1 buck bag-limit. If you have a problem with the 1 buck bag-limit you are just greedy in my opinion. Shoot a doe. What do ya'll think??




LOL... AR's for first week only ??? Wth !!?


1 Buck a year ?? When you can barley get the doe tags you want??


Sounds like a fluke too me just another way to push people around and make millions over time in ticket fee's.


I never knew hunting needed so many rules !!!

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