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sigh perfect chance bad shot


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Had the perfect shot 25-30 yrds broadside looking the other way spike horn. Saw the arrow hit and open 1.5 - 2 inchs down from back perfect windage from a 20 ft stand not complete pass threw. Found arrow 75 yrds from hit 21in of penetration all blood another 20 yrds frisbee size circle of red blood no bubbles crossed a creek in another 20 yrds stright up hill just enough blood to keep on his track for probley 80yrds had to back out to ask permission to go farther but could see really good the way we was going and saw no deer:/ kind of think i might not have killed him going back in a.m got permission

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it looked really high was surprised he did not drop right there from hitting his back but it must have been just under it but It did not look like lung blood or a lot of but for that matter not feeling very confident this deer is dead going to give it my best first thing is am still sitting up thinking about it cant sleep

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no luck went back the next day even tho it rained all night and was still raining. marked last spot I had blood night before but could not find any more due to rain. circled the woods all day found nothing bummed have no set there since letting it calm down will sit sat night and see if alive

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