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Steve Piatt.................


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I got a chance to meet Steve Piatt, editor of the NY Outdoor News.  He was manning the booth for the newspaper at the LOTSA outdoor show in Niagara Falls today.  We chatted for a couple minutes before the mayor of Niagara Falls, Paul Dyster muscled his way in. :O  No Secret Service though, just him & his father.


I mentioned to Mr. Piatt that he must have had a long trip from the north country to Niagara Falls but he said no, he had moved to the southern tier, Waverly maybe?  He said it was much better for his traveling around the state for work.  Good deal.  I told him to stop in here and say hello.  He seemed like a pretty cool guy............



The rest of the show was OK, saw a bunch of guys I know and had a few laughs.

Edited by Lawdwaz
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I lurk a bit here and there, especially when hunters/anglers are heated up about certain issues – such as now.....huntingny.com is a great tool for me to keep my finger on the pulse of the sporting community.....


So, what's new? haha



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When was the last time they had THEIR world rocked like the hunters?  Oh wait, wasn't there a saltwater license train wreck or something.......??


Those darned anglers have it made!


Nice to see you posting here and there Steve.  Post some pics of your new pooch.

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I lurk a bit here and there, especially when hunters/anglers are heated up about certain issues – such as now.....huntingny.com is a great tool for me to keep my finger on the pulse of the sporting community.....

So, what's new? haha


Read the Vaseline thread. Most are pissed. Some think bow hunters deserve it. At the end of the day it's creating a divide and we're not given enough info on why or how to stop further regulations before it gets out of hand.

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Yeah, I was surprised they went forward with it THIS YEAR....not sure it would be well accepted next year but this gives the dissenters another bullet.....


My big concern is that this time around DEC's deer managers – and I will pontificate on this in our Aug. 21 issues – enacted a regulation that needs to be solidly accepted by hunters in order to have the success they're looking for. I don't see that happening for that very reason.....sort of the deer hunting version of a strike...

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Read the Vaseline thread. Most are pissed. Some think bow hunters deserve it. At the end of the day it's creating a divide and we're not given enough info on why or how to stop further regulations before it gets out of hand.

You will have no choice. They saw what Andy did and got away with and they will/are doing the same. They will make the rules and you will live by them. Hard to fight something thats already a law!

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Great to have you.  Good place to get an idea of our thoughts thats for sure.  Yes thier are a lot of unhappy bow hunters who feel they are unjustly being targeted.  It seems the DEC could care less about our input as the number one sudgestion of earn a buck was ignored.  Many experienced hunters are more pissed off that the kids they are mentoring have no chance at a buck for the first 2 weeks after all the hard work they put in.  Another instance of the DEC targeting bow hunters, shame.   

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You will have no choice. They saw what Andy did and got away with and they will/are doing the same. They will make the rules and you will live by them. Hard to fight something thats already a law!

Just take your tags and money out of state. I did. Unfortunately I have some great land in NY and pay my out of state fee to come back every year and bowhunt.

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Just take your tags and money out of state. I did. Unfortunately I have some great land in NY and pay my out of state fee to come back every year and bowhunt.

Nope...Invested way to much in hunting property on 3 corners of the state. State land is on them. Our private land...Well, Not so much for their way of thinking. All one has to do is look at all the other states bitching because of no deer to hunt and it all started just like this. Hunters were dumb enough to believe how many deer were out there because the white coats told them that and gave them a fistful of tags to fill. Well they filled them and now a few years later...Hunting seasons are cut and some removed altogether!  Ny is headed down the same path.  If you let them!  I promise you it wont in my hunting areas. Right,Wrong or Indifferent...

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Nope...Invested way to much in hunting property on 3 corners of the state. State land is on them. Our private land...Well, Not so much for their way of thinking. All one has to do is look at all the other states bitching because of no deer to hunt and it all started just like this. Hunters were dumb enough to believe how many deer were out there because the white coats told them that and gave them a fistful of tags to fill. Well they filled them and now a few years later...Hunting seasons are cut and some removed altogether!  Ny is headed down the same path.  If you let them!  I promise you it wont in my hunting areas. Right,Wrong or Indifferent...


There are many who can't or wont leave NY no matter what SAFE Act and other penalties are imposed on us as citizens. But dollars talk. Those that can afford it need to start looking at more out of state opportunities. It's the best way to protest. Businesses have been doing it for decades now as the state's population outside of NYC has been steadily declining since the 50's. NY took 60 years to realize that being pro-worker and anti-business isn't going to work so they put some incentives behind businesses coming back to NY. Not sure how well the program is working, but I believe these new regs are just another "tough shit, you'll take it" shot fired by NY and nothing will change until we force it.


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There are many who can't or wont leave NY no matter what SAFE Act and other penalties are imposed on us as citizens. But dollars talk. Those that can afford it need to start looking at more out of state opportunities. It's the best way to protest. Businesses have been doing it for decades now as the state's population outside of NYC has been steadily declining since the 50's. NY took 60 years to realize that being pro-worker and anti-business isn't going to work so they put some incentives behind businesses coming back to NY. Not sure how well the program is working, but I believe these new regs are just another "tough shit, you'll take it" shot fired by NY and nothing will change until we force it.


Agreed and i am one of the ones that have way to much invested in Ny and having a successful life in Ny. I will be damned if i will move or be forced out.  Live your life by your hand and dont worry to much about stupid laws they make.  In hunting mostly.  Its pretty easy for landowners to do their own thing, within reason.  Also can have the best of both worlds if ya play your cards right.

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