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Wow..at first glance....


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Those antlers will look beautiful in the snow right where he's standing!

That would be a great set to haul out of anywhere, but it would be extra special if they were the first antlers you found on your own property!

I'm sure they gotta be at least getting a little loose by now...good luck grow!

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I wish I could follow his tracks...but the cards won't go out until my walk tomorrow and the area is just tore up with deer tracks...I honestly don't know how they are doing it...but  today I found huge half eaten frozen turnips sitting on top of the snow...I didn't think there could still be that many left...and green leafs..too...They are hitting the HSG a lot and now the nature woodland grasses too...

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Lol maybe some day...hey the fact that after all these years I'm seeing lots of buck this time of year here....has me pretty stoked....It's good exercise tracking and back tracing the dozens of trails...the deep snow some times catches me off guard...I get too far for too long and then have a real time of it getting back...dang good thing I have so many ground blinds around with chairs in them...lol ...I was out the other day and Mr B met me at the door ...pretty hot...TAKE YOUR CELL NEXT TIME!!  he was worried...I'd been gone 2 1/2 hours and he got worried and called...cell on buffet..oopppss....I have to remind him I do this every single day for longer than that... when he's at work...not to worry...lol

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