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Best Bow Shops in WNY?


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Traditions Archery Tom is very knowlegable, The carry Elite, Hoyt, Matthews, Excellent Pro shop. You can shoot any new bow you want. Try them all ,There is always one that will feel better than the rest.






Ding Ding Ding we have a winner. If you walk in a shop and they're pushing 1 brand down your throat. Turn around and walk out. Shoot them all and see what fits you the best. All of the manu. are putting out great products. It boils down to what feels good to you.


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Mike at Belmont Archery is excellent and he is there long after you buy a bow phone 585-973-7312 located in Friendship ,NY along Interstate 86 on County Rd 20

My best friend lives about a mile down the road from there, I never got the chance to stop in and say hey.

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I bet they (Elite) were sweet.......


As I've mentioned before, I picked up a 2012 Elite Answer at the tail end of deer season this past fall.  It is shooting great!  I have a stabilizer, detachable quiver and soft case (all marketed and branded with the Elite name) that I finagled with the deal.


I put a QAD rest on it and the HHA sight from my Guardian on it.


I should really be deadly with it for this fall. (better be..........)


It'll certainly make for a fun summer getting it all fine tuned.  Good luck with your purchase.



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