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Will the SAFE Act apply?

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Story starts to get skeptical.  No one actually saw him with the gun in his hand.  She was the one who handed the gun over to the police and CLAIMED he was waving it during their closed door argument.  This came a week after she filed for divorce.  Seems like a tactic to try and win more money off the divorce settlement.


With his high priced lawyers, he'll counter that she tried to set him up.  That the gun was actually kept in SC where he has it legally registered and it was she who bought it up to NYC to try and frame him.  In a matter of he said-she said and our system or innocent till proven guilty, he will get off with nothing but a slap on the wrist.

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Story starts to get skeptical. No one actually saw him with the gun in his hand. She was the one who handed the gun over to the police and CLAIMED he was waving it during their closed door argument. This came a week after she filed for divorce. Seems like a tactic to try and win more money off the divorce settlement.

With his high priced lawyers, he'll counter that she tried to set him up. That the gun was actually kept in SC where he has it legally registered and it was she who bought it up to NYC to try and frame him. In a matter of he said-she said and our system or innocent till proven guilty, he will get off with nothing but a slap on the wrist.

When I was applying for my pistol permit last year I took my handgun safety class from a retired oswego county sheriff's deputy. He said if you are having any type of marital problems get rid of your guns. Give them to a family member, friend or even the police. Because if your spouse goes to the police or court and says you have guns and she doesnt feel safe they can pull your permit and take your guns. It seems very easy for a women to frame a guy under that circumstance which is similar to this. I dont like this he said she said stuff and dont think you should be able to pay the consequence for it. The fact that the guy didnt have a permit for the gun for NY though makes me think he will get screwed somehow. Edited by boo711
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This pistol has been brought to attention number outs times due to its capability to penetrate police Kevlar vests. They've coined this gun as the "cop killer".

This will all blow over with spending a small fortune on lawyer fees and no charges will be filed. Worst case, they keep the $1200 gun and the lawyers eat good for the next few months.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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The irony of it is that there has been no reported incidences of the Five Seven actually killing a cop even though it's ability to penetrate up to even class III body armor is well documented.

It's the "scare" factor. Unless someone has a vendetta against cops, a cheapie glock will stop a cop from pursuit just as fast.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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