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WTB Shotgun and Rifle

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Do you have an FFL in mind to handle the transfer?  If so getting a price prior to the deal could save some hassle.


I have a camo'd 12ga Remington Express with a short turkey barrel on it.  Not exactly what you're looking for though.

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it's been a while since I've purchased a firearm, but I'm pretty sure a background check isn't something you do ahead of time and are issued a certificate for, from what I remember, it's done at the time of sale and is only good for that sale..............

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Doing it correctly is pretty simple. Agree to price, meet at a FFL, sign one paper and collect your money. If you are the buyer, you paay the seller then pay for your background check and walk out with your gun. More of a pain than it used to be but not horribly difficult.

Who's done it, how much for the FFL and what FFL?

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Written into the SAFE act under 'private sales', the FFL is not supposed to charge more than $10 for a private transfer. On dealer to dealer transfers they can charge whatever they want, and it's usually in the $25 to $35 range. They can also refuse to participate in the transfer/sale.


I haven't done a private sale under the new restrictions yet, but I'm guessing that a lot of FFL's won't want to bother with the paperwork for the 10 bucks. Maybe a $20 'tip' up front would help?


Seems to me like just another way to limit gun sales/transfers overall.

Edited by philoshop
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Doing it correctly is pretty simple. Agree to price, meet at a FFL, sign one paper and collect your money. If you are the buyer, you paay the seller then pay for your background check and walk out with your gun. More of a pain than it used to be but not horribly difficult.

Exactly. It isn't rocket science. Making it sound like a big hassle that is difficult to do doesn't help anyone.

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