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Dangers of Single-Use Plastic


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  It is a total shame, we are killing ourselves.  What ever happened to "Don't be a litter bug" & the fines that went with it ?   I guess it was lost along with prayer & the Pledge to the flag in schools!    Kids / people don't learn the basics anymore.

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People are just getting more and more selfish and disrespectful. I've seen people toss trash on the ground like its what you're supposed to do. A lot of it goes to crappy parenting too.

Ever see furniture and T.V.'s dumped on the side of a road? It pisses me right off.

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I was driving behind a couple during hunting season and they tossed a whole fast food type bag filled with trash out the window. They don't even care . My brother watched a guy throw lottery tickets out the car window while sitting outside a store so he picked them and spiked them In the guys lap through the open and said " you dropped these you fat F@#$! "

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Even some of the people who go camping to spend time in the outdoors/woods leave their trash laying there.  I ways end up having more garbage to dispose of than I created every time we go camping.


Even witnessed a few scouts dropping their candy wrappers on the ground instead of using the trash bag 15-20 away.  We loved to make those we caught doing this have site clean-up duty.  They tend to learn after a while.


I know where some hunters are taking their shots because I find 2-3 empty shotgun shells in clusters on public lands.  Sometimes their plastic water bottle or juice bottle is just a few steps away too.  These guys give the rest of us a bad name and degrade the place.


Believe me, you don't want to find a glass bottle under the leaves when wearing lite-weight running shoes. The glass can and does go the sides of the shoes.  Got my inside arch.  No more trail jogging for me. Just walk with hiking boots these days.


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A lot of these dirty little people blatantly litter because they know that most people won't call them on it. I say something to these rats all the time. I don't care. I remember being behind a carload of trash in a drive through one time. They got their order pulled up to a trash can and the driver, rather than get out and walk 5 feet to the trash can, opens is door and throws a big  bag full of trash onto the side walk, next to the can.The bag was half open and spilled out all over the sidewalk, near the front door. When I blew my horn at them and pointed to the can, the entire scummy little family, starts flipping me off and swearing at me. Like the child I can sometimes be, I gave it right back to them but of course it did no good. Some people are just low lifes. 

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Take a walk on just about any parcel of state land. You will be amazed at the plastic water bottles, zip-lock sandwich bags, candy wrappers, cans, and other forms of junk that people just tossed on the ground. Another type of trash that I can almost guarantee that I will find are these damned party balloons that people turn loose by the jillions. Apparently people assume that because they eventually go out of sight that they disappear and never come down.

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