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Assault Weapon Ban NO WE WILL NOT COMPLY

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I still can't believe people like Sogaard (not trying to pick on you), but you stated I can still own them. Yes and no I can still own them if I register them (until I die and they must be sold out of state or turned it, can not will them to my family), or I have to spend more money buying different stocks, and barrells, and other stuff., when all these weapons where legal. First it is the evil AR type rifles, you watch the next thing will be Semi-Auto guns. So all you hunters that say it does not effect you, it will some day in the near future. They will come after your Remington 1100.

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Anyone who is willing to comply with the SAFE Act law is just helping the anti-gun politicians to proceed to the next step.  What will that be?  Bans on all semi auto rifles?  All handguns?  All Semi auto shotguns?


When do you guys decide to grow a pair and say, "I will not comply!"


When guns are outlawed, I'll become an Outlaw!  And that ain't just talk!


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I still can't believe people like Sogaard (not trying to pick on you), but you stated I can still own them. Yes and no I can still own them if I register them (until I die and they must be sold out of state or turned it, can not will them to my family), or I have to spend more money buying different stocks, and barrells, and other stuff., when all these weapons where legal. First it is the evil AR type rifles, you watch the next thing will be Semi-Auto guns. So all you hunters that say it does not effect you, it will some day in the near future. They will come after your Remington 1100.


I'm not agreeing with the law.  I would love to see it repealed. 


What I'm saying is that breaking that law is a very risky endeavor that I do not endorse. 

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We can posture and put up the brave face, but the truth is that when the game cop or other L.E.O. sees you out hunting or target shooting with your unregistered AR, you too will meekly hand it over when ordered to do so. Explain to me what other options you will realistically have. All this defiant Rambo talk is just a bunch of damn foolishness. And by the way, when you are convicted of that felony, you will also be handing over every other rifle, pistol, and shotgun from your home as well (talk about playing into the hands of the anti-gunners). It may be time to start getting serious about legitimate, responsible ways to fight this law instead of being drawn into this movie-set fantasy that we all know ends badly for those of the Bonnie and Clyde mindset.



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I have joined in several of the lawsuits agaisnt the NY Safe Act. Some that have been filed already and some that are about to be filed. If Cuomo gets relected, just wait and see how fast the Background check law goes in to effect.


Also I find it kind of strange that the Registraion date has come and gone, and NYS has not released and numbers on the total amount reigistered. That right there seems to tell me that the numbers are low and they don't want to release the numbers to show that people are not complying with the NY SAFE ACT.



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It does not take a leo to see you with the gun.  Do not forget the snitch line.  If your neighbor is in your house and see it, they can report it through the snitch line.  Then they get 500 dollars, and you get a visit from leo.  So essentially as long ads you keep it locked up never take it anywhere and never let anyone see  it, you can keep it and not register.  Just a back door confiscation ploy anyway.  That being said, I would never register them.  The law has no teeth essentially as said.  Again as I have stated in the past contact your local leo agencies and ask if they will come and kick in your door.  My county sheriff has said very publically that no law enforcement in my county will be doing so.  Also remember you can be arrested and charged.  There is a thing called jury nullification. Be sure you have at least one member on your jury that is pro gun.  Charged and convicted are two different things. Stand up now or roll over forever.  Also if you notice when the kings ads are on tv about all the wonderful things he has done for ny, the safe act is never mentioned.  The dems are considering primarying him in September.  he is ripe for the picking if we get off our collective butts support to the fullest Astorino and vote. Send him a few bucks, volunteer for him whatever.  We can not expect this to happen on its own.

Edited by bubba
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While the "I will not comply" gesture is noble, it ends up meaningless unless the courts can overturn these Draconian measures. Consider CA's AW ban in 1989; only 7,000 of those banned weapons were surrendered by the deadline. The number estimated in circulation was 42X's that tally. Those weapons turn up occasionally at gun buybacks or raids today.


Consider NJ's AW ban by Gov. Jim Florio in 1990. Very few firearms were surrendered before the deadline, a handful were registered but that number was never disclosed, for many gunowners didn't see the need to surrender their Marlin Model 60 that held 18 rounds of Long Rifle cartridges since it didn't seem to fit the description of an assault rifle. An arrest of a man who owned one that made it's way to the state's Supreme Court where he ultimately lost his case, showed others how futile that exercise was.


The lawmakers and law enforcement don't have to do anything for now. They will just wait for opportunities to come to them like so many crumbs swept from the kitchen table. 


The future for CT, NY, MD, CA and soon NJ doesn't look good. Vote the bums out? Incumbents seem to have a 90% chance of remaining in office. On that note, it looks like Charlie Rangel is set for a 23rd term in Congress, just one example of how we've come to accept mediocrity for America.

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It does not take a leo to see you with the gun.  Do not forget the snitch line.  If your neighbor is in your house and see it, they can report it through the snitch line.  Then they get 500 dollars, and you get a visit from leo.  So essentially as long ads you keep it locked up never take it anywhere and never let anyone see  it, you can keep it and not register.  Just a back door confiscation ploy anyway.  That being said, I would never register them.  The law has no teeth essentially as said.  Again as I have stated in the past contact your local leo agencies and ask if they will come and kick in your door.  My county sheriff has said very publically that no law enforcement in my county will be doing so.  Also remember you can be arrested and charged.  There is a thing called jury nullification. Be sure you have at least one member on your jury that is pro gun.  Charged and convicted are two different things. Stand up now or roll over forever.  Also if you notice when the kings ads are on tv about all the wonderful things he has done for ny, the safe act is never mentioned.  The dems are considering primarying him in September.  he is ripe for the picking if we get off our collective butts support to the fullest Astorino and vote. Send him a few bucks, volunteer for him whatever.  We can not expect this to happen on its own.


Events in our recent history has created the culture of; "If you see something, say something."


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Anything you owned prior to the SAFE Act was grandfathered in (minus the high capacity magazines).  You did not have to sell or dispose of them (again, sans magazines with 11+ round capacity).  The SAFE Act just makes you register them.

not true. Your pre 1994 ban 2 feature "assault rifle" was made illegal. They can not be possessed in N Y, registered or not.

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not true. Your pre 1994 ban 2 feature "assault rifle" was made illegal. They can not be possessed in N Y, registered or not.


I honestly didn't know pre-'94 guns were legal before that. I knew the magazines were, I did not know the entire rifles were.  Time to dremel off that bayonet lug?

Edited by Sogaard
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In the past men gave their lives for their beliefs.It was not considered foolish, but an act of bravery .Anyone remember the words "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH " , liberty is vanishing very fast...

If I remember my history correctly, the circumstances were slightly different.


On an unrelated note, I believe Coke is better than Pepsi.  Anyone care to fight to the death over it?

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That's about the sum of it. Americans are fast becoming a nation of 'rugged individuals' who only care about themselves, the Big Game and how to go along to get along. The country is finished, just running on patriotic fumes and jingoism now. Meanwhile the UN are right now gearing up for gun confiscation in the event of , what I believe, will be an economically inspired social unraveling.Hang on to your hats. I give it 2-4 years max before all hell comes to main-street USA.



I am really learning to love your special brand of crazy.   :hunter:

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And of course that is the crux of why the country will never bounce back. People don't believe in anything or hold to higher principles anymore.


Why is it that people who don't believe in what you believe in, don't believe in anything?  


Maybe you're just wrong.

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All fun and games, until they slap the bracelets on you.  I don't own an AR, but I damn sure would have registered it if I did.  


Life/Job/Livelihood destroyed -vs- doing something all residents of NYC have to do with any long-arm anyway...not really much of a dilemma.


Side point, showing us how uninformed you are ("He should stick to banning soda...") does not help your cause.  That was Bloomberg, not Cuomo.



And this should be in Politics, not General. :)



EDIT: For the record, I do not agree with the SAFE Act, but it is the current law whether you like it or not.  The consequences are severe and will change your life if you are prosecuted for breaking it.


ditto. it's fun to talk a big game until reality hits you in the face.

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And these guys know what the reality of the SAFE Act is, but they don't seem too upset by the fact the law was passed!


"Oh well, the government just took away some of my rights with the threat of imprisonment.  What can you do?  I think I'll have another beer and just take a nap."


The founding fathers would be ashamed of all complacent, docile, apathetic, gun owners.  Nothing you have in this life is worth the freedom you are about to see vanish.  If you won't have freedom, what difference does it make if you risk going to jail?  And when your grandchildren ask you what you did to stop it, what are you going to say?  I voted against Cuomo?  Big deal.



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You seem to forget that these laws were put into place by politicians elected by the people.  You don't get to choose which laws you have to follow and which you can ignore.  Well, you do, but be prepared for the consequences.



Everyone wants to be a Libertarian until they need the pothole outside of their house fixed.

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You forget politicians swear to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.  By passing a law in violation of that oath they are a candidate for impeachment, and possibly charges of treason.


Obama gets to decide which laws to enforce and which to ignore.  What consequences does he suffer.


You also seem to think they actually represent the people these days.  Why are they spending us into bankruptcy buying votes then?


Potholes?  On my way out of my mountain road, potholes are the least of my worries, and the last thing I want to see here is some lazy taxpayer funded public employee blocking my way!


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If I remember my history correctly, the circumstances were slightly different.


On an unrelated note, I believe Coke is better than Pepsi.  Anyone care to fight to the death over it?



As I recall the went to war over a tax on tea.  Either you have the balls to follow through or you don't.  Sadly most seem to not.  

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