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Political Threads Feeding to Recent Topics List


Political Threads Feeding  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want political threads to feed to the recent/hot topics list?

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Instead of going to the Recent Topics list , I , personally go to View New Content . It has the New Topics plus threads that have been added to .... much simpler .

that's great but a sizable portion of the members here use the recent topic list. and they are not you.
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I never use the recent topics list.  I don't even see the need for it.  I scan all the forums and click on what I find of interest.  Why not just delete the whole "last 5 recent posts" list altogether?  That's really all it is, and it changes every 10 minutes anyway.

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HHmmm.... my veiw new content hasn't worked for nearly a year...always says sorry no new content ...OK brain engaged and I use the portal...that gives me recent and below that most all other topics posted for the day....just one click to see anything of interest...

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not in the least.  this is more the elitist who want the rest of us to comply so they do not have to see something they do not like when they can easily bypass it More like the libs we do not like the political forums so they must be hidden from our view.  

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Great advice. Dont you think I already know who the site owner is? Dont you think I know how I should go about this?

I posted a poll and its in the recent topics list. Get over it, moderator. I havent broken a rule.

Frankly, I don't know who you know and what you know about requesting a site change, nor do I care. I'm telling you that if you are as upset as you sound, there is a procedure and a person to contact, to get the issue resolved (if in fact you are serious about getting the issue resolved). Nobody is saying you have broken any rules. I'm just suggesting some common sense positive action to scratch your itch. Seemed like a logical step to me. Certainly nothing to get all indignant about.

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Doc, I merely posted a poll. I appreciate your explanations.

Maybe youll understand, I simply posted a poll. Thats it.

The fact remains some people are less enthusiastic about posts clogging up a main spurce of threads to the point their pushing hunting threads off that list.

Posting about helicopters from mexico to the us, and the banter that went back and forth, I think thats the kind of thing that clogged up the list that dw was noting. When it gets to the point that recent topics list is full of this, it can be useless for people who dont want to see it. I dont click on it, but it still impedes the UI.

There should be an opt out to give choice to everyone imo. But thats not what I intended here. Just see the state of affairs.

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that's great but a sizable portion of the members here use the recent topic list. and they are not you.


Did you take a Poll / Survey to the the "sizable portion" response ? They aren't "you" either so maybe they go to the view new content button .


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HHmmm.... my veiw new content hasn't worked for nearly a year...always says sorry no new content ...OK brain engaged and I use the portal...that gives me recent and below that most all other topics posted for the day....just one click to see anything of interest...


When I click "View New Content" it always shows "Sorry, no new content".  Then I click on "View New Content" again and all of a sudden all the new contents appear.  I have to do this every time I log into the site.

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I think the best thing to do is to expand the filters to include the "Recent Topic" section.  I use the filters to block out certain threads that don't pertain to me (like Land Management for example since I don't own any land).  While the filter removes these threads from my "View New Content" page, it does not remove it from the "Recent Topic" section which is why I don't bother checking the "Recent Topic" section.  If they can expand the filter, then those who don't want to see political threads in their "Recent Topics" can just filter them out.

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