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actually Charlie horses..OMG this afternoon my body tried to tear it's self apart...started with my calves then my back ,hip  both thighs and toes on my left foot seized up...45 mins later and Mr B arrived home to me hobbling around the kitchen table crying and begging to have a heart attack...Looks like I'm back to Dr' s for prescription vitamin D again..


I wouldn't wish this on King Andy....

Edited by growalot
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gr, I take thermotabs:http://www.numarklabs.com/index.php?src=directory&view=Products&srctype=detail&back=Products&refno=11


Basically your cramps are muscle contractions that happen due to the loss of electrolytes when you work up a sweat.  There can be nerve issues as well so its a good idea to talk it over with a doctor.  They sure can be painful. 

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Vitamin D is a good place to start, I used to get cramps so bad i would be doubled over in pain

went to the doc's and after a bunch of blood work they found i was lacking vitamin D in my system So now i take 1000 ui a day and havent had any really bad cramps in years,

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I'm going to look into vitamin D thing..  Since we live in upstate NY where there is a shortage of sun, there may be something to this.  It would be nice if I could avoid the painful hand cramps I get from time to time.  Thanks.

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Thanks guys...Oh boy rough night last night...I feel like pulled pork...

My fault I took symptoms as arthritis acting up due to all this rain and the weeding I have been doing...I had lowered my D intake thinking when I ran out that my muliti and the calcium and D supplements would cover it...last time it got this bad  Blood work showed I was at life threatening levels...my body doesn't seem to retain it...so off for blood work I'll be going again...They'll check for several things again...

I drink tons of water now having passed out in the woods and waking with flies in my mouth and all over me..I even went as far as stocking all my shooting blinds with bottled water this spring...so it's not far away when I'm out working...few times already I have been very glad I did.....always learn my lessons the hard way..lol

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Thanks guys...Oh boy rough night last night...I feel like pulled pork...

My fault I took symptoms as arthritis acting up due to all this rain and the weeding I have been doing...I had lowered my D intake thinking when I ran out that my muliti and the calcium and D supplements would cover it...last time it got this bad  Blood work showed I was at life threatening levels...my body doesn't seem to retain it...so off for blood work I'll be going again...They'll check for several things again...

I drink tons of water now having passed out in the woods and waking with flies in my mouth and all over me..I even went as far as stocking all my shooting blinds with bottled water this spring...so it's not far away when I'm out working...few times already I have been very glad I did.....always learn my lessons the hard way..lol


My life is soooo boring.




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The prescription they had me on last time this happened was a crazy amount 50,000iu... if I recall I know I asked the pharmacist if it was right...had to take them 10 days.   I then started taking 2400 a day...and the cramping stopped ...I guess the 1800 I'm on no isn't cutting it... We'll see...

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I  had to have my knee done a while back & they had to take stuff out of my good leg to use to  fix the bad one. Ever since then I wake up to screaming leg cramps (both legs) a couple times a week. The Doc says vitamin D and lots of fluids. It seems to help a little.

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