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Something New Coming To Canandaigua


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Sometime in September, we have a new store coming to Canandaigua. Its a Runnings. It is kind of like a cross between Walmart and Loews and tractor supply, with apparently a rather large section of outdoor sporting goods (my kind of store .....lol). What makes it interesting is that they seem to have emphasized the fact that they will have "a large inventory of hunting, fishing, and archery equipment and accessories, as well as guns" (their words). It remains to be seen what opportunities they will have there to purchase that kind of stuff, but I am always happy to see another store that will add to the competition for sales of these kinds of products. The store where they will be located is a huge building (92,000 square feet).


Anybody ever been to one of these stores or know anything about them? They are from the Midwest, and we are their first expansion into the eastern part of the country.

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They just opened a new wal mart in Liverpool ny. I believe I read somewhere that one of these runnings stores was going to go into the old Walmart building. I've never heard of them though. I will have to see if I can find that article. If only I remember when and where I read it.

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It took me a little time, but got onto their home web site. Looks pretty darn good to me.


I'm adding Runnings, along with the new Bass Pro store in Victor to my " to visit list."  Make a shopping spree, family day of it.


Thanks for posting Doc. Anyone that visits these new stores,  please keep us informed.



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AWESOME!  The Clay store will be not too far away from me.  I'm glad to see they are using the old Walmart building, as it was just remodeled like 2 or 3 years ago, It grinds my gears that many times perfectly good buildings are left to rot, or torn down in order to put up some cookie cutter facility in the exact same spot.


Pretty impressive list of vendors on their website.  Mathews and Hoyt among them.  Not too shabby.  IF their prices are decent, it will give Dick's and Herb Philipson's some competition...which is not a bad thing.

Edited by loworange88
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