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This is what you have to do if you've had a DUI .......


That's WOOLY !


He found a roadkill and he's taking it to use for bait for his trailcam setup...<<grin>>....


He's wearing long pants because his shorts were in the wash that day.

Edited by Pygmy
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Yep, did myself for years as did everyone else back in the day. I remember Troopers pulling cars over on the NYS Thruway that had deer on them to check the tags to see if them city slickers in NYC were doing it all legal, dumb city slickers… oh wait… I meant … uhhh…. nevermind!

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Tied them on the fenders & across the trunk all the time years ago. one time had 3 on the trunk & 2 across the roof of a 68 Plymouth Fury! First day of season. Had 2 cars 7 guys & we all got deer by 3 pm. 5 bucks with racks & 2 button bucks. Those were the days!

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