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How Did The Debate Go?

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I thought Astorino did well. He was poised, and was on the offense against the Fuhrer. None of the candidates made any gaffes, although Cuomo looked annoyed or pained at times. Or that just might be his normal expression besides the times he smiles when stripping us of our second amendment rights.

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I thought Astorino did well. Never really landed the knockout but hopefully did well enough to close the gap a little more. Coumo played the race card hard but didn't have much else. I hope he didn't fool too many folks with that nonsense.

Our only real hope is to make sure every damn one of us gets to the Poll to Vote. Keep encouraging everyone you know to do the same and maybe we can pull it off.

Statistically, less than 50% actually vote so it could happen with a strong turnout.

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I can criticize politicians of any party, but in all honesty Cuomo has the personality of a doorknob.  Even politicians that are disliked can have interesting personalities and one can sometimes find something appealing in them.  Cuomo has absolutely NOTHING about him that can be perceived as appealing.  It is hard to believe that he could have been elected to anything, let alone be elected in as Governor twice.  Unbelievable!  I guess all it takes is a well known name, and a (D) behind your name to get elected in this state.




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I can criticize politicians of any party, but in all honesty Cuomo has the personality of a doorknob.  Even politicians that are disliked can have interesting personalities and one can sometimes find something appealing in them.  Cuomo has absolutely NOTHING about him that can be perceived as appealing.  It is hard to believe that he could have been elected to anything, let alone be elected in as Governor twice.  Unbelievable!  I guess all it takes is a well known name, and a (D) behind your name to get elected in this state.

Next year you will be saying 3 times. Strange.

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I cant believe the Safe Act wasn't discussed during the debate .


It was mentioned... Astorino said he would appeal it and the Libertarian candidate also said either it was bad or it should be repealed.


You are right - it wasn't discussed. I actually think that is a good thing. Astorino said he would work to repeal the "unsafe" act. That told us folk "in the know" what we needed to know.


If the topic was discussed, that gives Cuomo an opportunity to make a "it's for the kids" speech. Hard to counter with uninformed masses. Argue against that and you might be viewed as a "baby killer."


In a true debate it might make sense. In a "you have 60 seconds to respond" format with no rebuttal allowed, some topics are better left alone.

Edited by jrm
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The debate was standard; soft journalism questions.


Cuomo represents the power elite.  Astorino has the "fakey, perfect" demeanor. Howie represented his party well and McDermott is trying to get Cuomo Independent votes and was the only candidate to mention the Consitution, twice I believe; and limited government.


We sat first row behind Bob McCarthy from the Buffalo News, the first moderator.  I was right behind Bob, so you only saw my silver hair when Bob was on camera.  Don Hey from Western New York Talks, was on the right of Bob and Betty Jean Grant, Erie County Legislature was on my left. Mike Madigan, vice president of the Frederick Douglas foundation was on the right of Don.


So what was the vibe?


Standing in line to get in, gave us a voice.  Don jested with NYS Senator Tim Kennedy where people in line heard the "spirited" to and fro.  The major of Niagara Falls was behind us, so I called him out on why he walked by my booth, for three straight days at the Niagara Falls Blues Festival and did not stop over and introduce himself like with the other vendors.  We helped him with some 2A education.  He was/is ? one of the Mayors Against Guns Violence team.


Paladino walked by and we voiced up a hello so attendees would notice that.


I was asked to remove my New York State Resistance sweatshirt once I was in the debate.


Buffalo Mayor Brown, Hochuel, Legislator Crystal Peoples (who attended our WNY Gun Debate Forum), Erie County Executive Polonczrk, were in the front row opposite us.


We stared down Cuomo through the whole event.  Watch the video of the debate, notice that through the whole debate his vision is located on our side and much of the time, at us.  We stared and stared and stared at him.




Paladino and Trump got to Astorino and therefore the GOP (system) distanced from Rob.  Wish Rob's demeanor didn't have that careful polished politician crafted but it is what it is.


Howie will take votes from Cuomo.  McDermott will take votes from Republicans and some Democrats.  That leaves the agenda vs. the lesser evil.  How does this downward spiral continue? 





Edited by tony m
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