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Gassing before hunting?


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Well, something made by Budweiser maybe. But I wouldn't waste a Labbatts like that. ;)

Why take chances on spooking game. I try and fuel up the day before same idea behind ventalation in the camper to minimize food oders.

Works for me I dont burn time on what others think about that.

I actually try to minimize it as well. I just don't try to make a religion out of it. You can go through it all but if a mature deer comes in down wind, chances are you are gonna get busted.

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Can you say narcissistic know it all. Why bother explaining logic to some people.  They know it all and if you do not believe that just ask them.  Every time he opens his keyboard he just proves it over and over.  Then back peddles and changes his story. I personally leave my hunting gear at camp and go back and forth in my every day clothes.  Hell sometimes even in scrubs. If I need gas before I go, I get it. I keep my clothes in totes,  Put them on when I get there take them off when I come in at night and put them back in the tote. That way I know where they are the next day.  But the bigger and much bigger factor is I have done a lot of scouting and have put my stands in different locations so I can hunt regardless of the wind.  I do not care how many gimmicks you buy in the store to control scent a down wind deer will detect you.  But it is your money to waste. 

Edited by bubba
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I wonder if the day will come when we all stop getting so wacked out when people decide not to listen to our magical words of wisdom as to how people must hunt. I am one of those that tries not to let hunting become some kind of mind-bending torture that chases after every word uttered by the TV and magazine "experts". I do not have to hunt to feed my family or myself. It is not my job. If I don't harvest the biggest deer and impress all my buddies with what I do get, my life is not ruined and I don't feel like the worlds biggest failure. So, I guess if my car is low on gas, I'll probably fill it up without having it ruin my day. And if I feel like having bacon and eggs at a restaurant before hunting, I probably won't return home in disgust feeling like the whole day of hunting has been completely trashed. Hell, I may even drag some of that stinky food along to my stand.....lol. If somehow that attitude equates to being a slob-hunter in some minds, then as far as I am concerned the problem is their minds and the fact that they have let something that in this day and age should be a relaxing pastime become perverted into some sort of do-or-die activity.

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Scent control is a good thing while hunting, but no matter what most hunters think you will never be totally scent free... hunting the wind is paramount when hunting whitetails... 99% of the hunters can be smelled by 99% of the deer in the woods no matter how careful you are unless you are downwind from the deer. How much of you they smell and how alarmed they get depends on how much you stink... gassing up prior to entering the woods isn't the best idea if you're going to be stationary, but even the stinkiest hunters in the woods have killed deer.


If you're a stand hunter I wouldn't approach your stand upwind after gassing up... cuz you're probably not going to see much on that sit... other than that.. gassing up before going into the woods might be better than running out of gas before you get to the woods... that might ruin your day of hunting :)


Edited by nyantler
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How often have I sat on a running diesel tractor during the season with deer standing down wind watching me? Sometimes I wished I had a scabbard on tractor? Every day my wife takes a mile or more walk around the grounds - before light during hunting season. A lot depends on what your deer are used to.

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if a deer gets directly  downwind of you, you're busted anyway, but reeking of gasoline would probably get you busted a few second quicker which might make all the difference in whether or not you get a chance for a shot.


That being said the gas smell on the soles of your boots will also most likely tip off any deer that crosses your path. It would probably best to at least not gas up in your hunting boots.

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Now this is what I would refer to as a slob hunter.. And I'm sure its something we can all agree on.... Not pictured are the 10-15 cigarette butts littering the ground...

Hey! You found my water bottles! I've been looking for those

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