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I see this as a symptom of our modern food chain and not religion. We are becoming more and more removed from where and how our food is raised and butchered that natural connections we would make between the farm and table are being lost. My mom and dad raised rabbits in Brooklyn and I helped them with everything from feeding, mucking out the cages to butchering and portioning them. I saw nothing but respect for the animals from my parents and pride that they raised healthy (& happy?) animals. In Italy I helped with the chickens and hogs too and I have come to appreciate the toil and dedication farmers have. The further we get from how our food is raised the more we tolerate abuses to that system by big agra and create people who are ignorant of where their food comes from.

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I see this as a symptom of our modern food chain and not religion. We are becoming more and more removed from where and how our food is raised and butchered that natural connections we would make between the farm and table are being lost. My mom and dad raised rabbits in Brooklyn and I helped them with everything from feeding, mucking out the cages to butchering and portioning them. I saw nothing but respect for the animals from my parents and pride that they raised healthy (& happy?) animals. In Italy I helped with the chickens and hogs too and I have come to appreciate the toil and dedication farmers have. The further we get from how our food is raised the more we tolerate abuses to that system by big agra and create people who are ignorant of where their food comes from.

You mean chicken, pork, and beef does not come from the garden in those Styrofoam packages with cellophane? Huh! ..... How about that.

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Could've just slapped her and then told her you're a Muslim and don't take that kinda crap from women.  Then let her know she should be glad you're not gonna cut her head off.



Why even bother changing it. I have seen a christian slap a woman because she talked back to him. 

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Could've just slapped her and then told her you're a Muslim and don't take that kinda crap from women.  Then let her know she should be glad you're not gonna cut her head off.




Why even bother changing it. I have seen a christian slap a woman because she talked back to him.

He just can't pass up an opportunity to foment hate.
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guess she wouldn't sell anything from the fishing department either. Those poor fish getting killed so that she could eat them on Fridays .

I would have complained to her manager.

Its funny how people dont have this anti fishing sentiment, yet they're against hunting. Always struck me as odd and hypocritical

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guess she wouldn't sell anything from the fishing department either. Those poor fish getting killed so that she could eat them on Fridays .

I would have complained to her manager.

Its funny how people dont have this anti fishing sentiment, yet they're against hunting. Always struck me as odd and hypocritical

PETA had a campaign against fishing for a long time. They tried calling fish "sea kittens". 

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guess she wouldn't sell anything from the fishing department either. Those poor fish getting killed so that she could eat them on Fridays .

I would have complained to her manager.

Its funny how people dont have this anti fishing sentiment, yet they're against hunting. Always struck me as odd and hypocritical

   Never mind the fish what about the poor worms ?  First we pull them out of their homes, then we stick them with a hook, then we throw them in the water to drown them held down with a weight, while we wait for a fish to swim by & eat them!!  We are some awful people!

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Those who claim they are against eating any living thing need to starve to death, as they are complete hypocrates. You have heard the type before - "I won't put anything in my mouth that was once alive."


Plants are living things too - we constantly eat their babies (fruits, vegatables, and grains are all harvested from their parent plant and consumed).


So maybe we should start referring to the vegans as the exclusive baby-eaters.

Protect the plants - eat more meat!


If your personal beliefs don't match with where you are employeed, then you should work elsewhere or suck it up and do your job that you are paid for without harrassing customers or fellow employees.

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Who's looking out for the vegetables?   Living plants all over the world are being struck down in their prime by "killers".  Where do you draw the line?   When you cook a plant, you render it dead, and even if you eat it uncooked, your digestive tract kills it prior to re-absorption.   "Thou shall not kill" is a commandment, and this ignorant woman does not understand that it means "people killing people".  He is even ok with that if it is justified. God gave us plants, animals, birds, and fish to eat and the Bible is loaded with examples of that.   Remember Jesus filling the fisherman's nets to capacity with fish, until they started to break and the boats couldn't hold them all.  Now here is a guy, who by Biblical definition, never did no wrong.    I do see where God might have a problem with folks senselessly maiming fish with "catch and release", or folks killing deer just for their for antlers.   Now "Killing for food", surely he is all about that.  I make sure to thank him every time I do, that's for sure.  He has blessed me there so much that it is seldom necessary for our family to visit the grocery store.  I am especially thankful to be a "killer", and so are my wife and kids.   I definitely prefer to do my own killing over having other folks do it for me.           

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