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OMG!! Now I'm really worried!




Climate change is already impacting the planet in lots of terrible ways, and the worst is yet to come. Still, some people have a hard time summoning the energy to give a shit. Well, here’s the news that’s gonna get them off their asses: Climate change is ruining beer.

Edited by EspressoBuzz
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Ok TF I've seen you post it and it finally became available so I picked one up. I grabbed another BP and will post up when I try it. This has a good taste and grapefruit aftertaste is a little harsh but not over powering. It's decent and I'd buy it again.


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Beer has come a long way in the last 5-10 years, however I been feeling sappy and nostalgic lately. Maybe it's because of my 40th birthday or something but I been thinking about beers from back in the day when there really wasn't the quality and choices we have today.

For example some plan old dry Irish stouts like Murphy's and Guinness, hitting a bar with them on tap was the shit compared to the typical watered down tap swill everyone had.

So here is a throw back beer. Shortness Stout from the Peoples Pint. It's a dry Irish stout, great mouth feel and holds up in the glass with a good head. It's as nice a stout as you can ask for, albeit no where near the complexity of today's stouts, non the less it's perfect.


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Jenny called on my way home today and wanted me to take her shed huntin'!

I was pretty pumped!

We gave it hell.., but nothing but big fat goose eggs for us today!

She's having some friends over tonight, so I'm stuck entertaining!


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Jenny called on my way home today and wanted me to take her shed huntin'!

I was pretty pumped!

We gave it hell.., but nothing but big fat goose eggs for us today!

She's having some friends over tonight, so I'm stuck entertaining!


Like your Easter basket wooly. Thought it would be made from shed antlers instead of feathers. Good luck getting any sleep with Jenny and her gal pals over tonight.

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Very bad news flowing in tonight.
I can't find Jenny ANYWHERE!
I just got in touch with her best friend Natalie(aka Natty) who's dad just happens to be an undercover high ranking 8 star officer for the ABV!
He just stopped over to take reports and talk to witnesses about Jenny's last where abouts....

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