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Guys I am looking for a good set of binoculars the ones I have just don't have the magnification. When I view deer in a field I see the deer just fine . But the head is hard to see for antlers or not. Any recommendations? What is the best power under all conditions.


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is it a power issue or a light gathering one? i have a pair of 10x compact that are ok in direct light, but my pair of 7x have much better light gathering ability(larger lenses) and allow me to see finer details in a lower light in a hunting situation. just some thing to think about its not all magnification...

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is it a power issue or a light gathering one? i have a pair of 10x compact that are ok in direct light, but my pair of 7x have much better light gathering ability(larger lenses) and allow me to see finer details in a lower light in a hunting situation. just some thing to think about its not all magnification...

Correct, thats why I have 2 different pair, 10x21 and 10x42. I carry the 21s with me while hunting because they are nice and light weight, the 42s go with me when Im scouting for short periods or in the truck.

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8x is plenty east of the Mississippi in my opinion.  Try out a really good pair of 8x30 or 8x32 top end binos and you be impressed.  You'll get more enjoyment out of great binos than you will any gun or bow.

Spend the money once and you'll NEVER regret it.

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I picked up a pair of Nikon Action 8x40 2 years ago and Im VERY satisfied with their performance. Good light and crystal clear. Ideal for glassing fields and quick to focus in the timber. They're not waterproof but I accidently forgot them on stand this season durring a 3 day downpour and once the foggy lens' dried they are just like new again. I use them alot for glassing for distant antlers. Price aint bad either and you can get them for under $100 in camo. Really see no need for anything more powerfull where I'm at. There not too bulky either so weights not too bad.


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I picked up a pair of Nikon Action 8x40 2 years ago and Im VERY satisfied with their performance. Good light and crystal clear. Ideal for glassing fields and quick to focus in the timber. They're not waterproof but I accidently forgot them on stand this season durring a 3 day downpour and once the foggy lens' dried they are just like new again. I use them alot for glassing for distant antlers. Price aint bad either and you can get them for under $100 in camo. Really see no need for anything more powerfull where I'm at. There not too bulky either so weights not too ba


Wooly, that's the closest I have been to antlers all season.


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So sorry 'bout that,lol.

That was actually the first antler I ever found by glassing alone. Sucker was hiding out at 200yds if that gives you an idea.

Really thought these were more suited for birdwatching but that's not the case at all. I got them from Wal-mart online for $82. 8)

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When it comes to glass, whether bino's or scopes.................you will get what you paid for. Fact.

The best way to choose is by application, what is it you want to do with them? Secondly, at what distance are you looking to use them (min./max.)? Lastly, under what conditions will you most likely be using them(daytime vs. low light)

The magnigication will allow you detail and FOV, the objective lens size and quality will determine your clarity and light gathering abilities.

I am not a fan of Tasco products, but I was given a set of 8x20 compacts as a gift, I have to say I have been happy with them and impressed with the clarity of the lens. I had a set of Bushnell's that sucked in comparison.

I have a set of Leupold 8x42 and a set of Pentex 7x35 both are extremely well built and have great glass, there are about as big as I care to carry on an everyday trip, but find myself not needing them in 75% of the area's I hunt now a days.


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