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Just wanted to say im sorry..


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as said up in the subject, just wanted to say im sorry for doing what you all wanted and posting my essay on here for you guys to read... you asked me to so i did and then got jumped for posting GREAT infront of ted nugents name. Im sorry if some of you dont agree with me, but he is great in my eyes. For hunting and gun owners he is a role model. His personal life is none of my buisness so when you all say to look him up and read some of the bad stuff about him im not going to. Just like you all make mistakes he does too. Im not standing up for his mistakes but what ever he does in his personal life is his problem nnot mine. I am perfectly fine with Stating that i look up to him as a hunter, artist, and gun owner.... thanks...

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Kid, you don't need to carry on about this and you shouldn't feel the need to appologize for your opinion.

"Just like you all make mistakes he does too"

I have never craped my pants to avoid the draft, married a minor, been caught for breaking game laws..and on and on. Sure we have all made mistakes but WE DON'T CLAIM TO REPRESENT A GROUP OF PEOPLE!

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I give you credit for standing up for what you believe in. You are 15 and posted your essay for the whole world to see. When I was 15 my mother or father were the only ones to review an essay that I wrote before I handed it in. I'm not saying posting it here was a bad thing but think twice or maybe three times before hitting that send button. Are your parents OK with you sharing it here? I hope they got a chance to read it and give you feedback. I don't think you had to apologize for your posting, you showed some character!

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thanks guys. and yes maybe u havent married a minor and all that crap but for what he has done for the hunting world and for the gun owners, he is great... his personal life sucks giant hog balls... but his outdoors life is pretty dang impressive. taking more trophy whitetail and trophy animals then some of us ever will. Shooting a bow with out sights. and i would put money on it if guns got out lawed ted would be the first guy standing on the white house stairs raising some hell :P        but i do agree he isnt a role model for his home life. But his hunting attributes are pretty impressive. I hope one day i will take a trophy like some of his.  :(

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Doe Wacker unless you have been on his show or where he hunts u cant really say he hunts in a fenced area... either way he is still a good shot with his bow lol. but i might have the chane to go out to flordia and take some hogs with my buddy that has his own hunting company/hunting line.

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"his personal life sucks giant hog balls" LOL now thats something I didn't see coming.

If you wish to take some trophys like Ted just hunt behind a fence like he does, its a sure thing then. haha

+1 I knew I could count on you to point this out, Doe.

I really don't watch many hunting shows, but I did see a few of Nugents and I don't think I've ever seen him hunt whitetails other than behind a fence.  Man, the deer he hunts even have ear tags on them! 

So the moral here is that you should get good grades in school, starting with this essay, :(  go to college, make something of yourself and you could become rich enough and kill the same type of trophies he does!

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"his personal life sucks giant hog balls" LOL now thats something I didn't see coming.

If you wish to take some trophys like Ted just hunt behind a fence like he does, its a sure thing then. haha

Jorden is entitled to his own opinion...


+1 for the fenced in hunting... All of most have an issue with that on here but tend to forget his whole property is one big fence lol.

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I think I sense a lot of jealousy and envy here!


Yeah right.  Maybe YOU are the one that gets jealous since you can't hunt in an expensive enclosure, but don't think some of us others here are.  Our dislike of hunting behind fences has NOTHING to do with jealousy.  I have more respect for someone shooting the smallest deer walking than anyone shooting anything behind a fence.

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well put Steve, i am in no way jealous either... he does what he does and thats cool, but when you have monster bucks behind a fence it kind of adds to your odds. if you dont kill those big deer this year they will only get bigger for you next year. especially when they dont have the opportunity to go check out any other property but yours...

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He can keep his lifestyle and I will keep mine.  I have no problems being no one of any significance while he obviously can't seem to get enough of himself. The sad part is that in the eyes of many he is making himself out to represent me, which in NO way, shape or form does he.

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No apology needed.. Your young, full of entusiasm, and ideals, and allowed to make errors in word choices and 'who' is your hero..

With age, hopefully, you'll come appreiciate the person as a whole before taking such a stand on a public figure..

Don't worry if you don't though, you'll have plenty of company,  69 million Americans voted for Obama..

Keep coming back, although we can be a rowdy bunch on certain topics, you'll learn some good stuff on here..

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Kudos for sticking to your guns and everyone is entitled to an opinion...We don't have to agree and some can give theirs better than others.....time shows us which ones to just read and think  "WHAT EVER!!!"...hahaha I hate that saying...sorry couldn't resist :) ;D

Ya know so what Ted made this choice or that?...so what if he's a loud boisterous JA?...does any one know of a time when a hunter..non hunter...feminist... a conservative...liberal ..gay..Bi or military person was EVER tied down ...eyes taped open and hear aides plugged in ...to force them to listen or watch him?....I don't believe I've ever heard him read from a list, stating he's speaking for any one person...If ya don't like him so what? ..if ya do so what?....how can a sane person give another person they've never met ...that much power?...really?

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Unkey Ted for prez ;D

No offence but that's a bad running joke.

I would respect what he has done to promote hunting and 2nd amendment rights but the man would make a terrible potus, too much hate. Put him in charge of the Southern border, maybe.

LOL nice, you know in the vent of them putting him in charge of the border i might just believe he would do "Great" things with that LOL

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Wow ddin't take long for some guys to go for the throat here as well.. should have just started a thread on Ted... Kid you have a ton of growing up to do.. if calling Ted Nugent "great" is the worst of it.. you'll do ok in life... me, I like your style. Just remember Steve warned you about what might happen if you were gonna take a stance on Ted's "greatness".. you'll grow and learn.

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and growing and learning i am.  :P  I just think its a riot how many people are to jump my case on my essay for (let me remind you 10th grade) and i would put money on it not very many of them can write a essay that a college professor would compliment them on... Just saying...

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There has to be a ton of hunters who likes The Nuge because his show won the Fans Favorite Hunting Series and the Fans Favorite Host awards at the Outdoor Channels Golden Moose Awards.  Whether that makes him "Great" or not should be up to each individual person and not up to a committee.  Kind of like a beauty is in the eye of the beholder type of thing. 

Can someone explain to me what posting that essay on this forum hurt?  It's unfortunate that some of you grown men made a kid feel the need to appologize for his opinion.  I bet that is a notch on the belt that feels good!

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