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Self defense denies an attacker his rights? What?

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This is why anyone who references the Huffington Post needs to check his education.


Self defense denies an attacker his rights? What?

What even needs to be said about this? It's so blindingly moronic it wouldn't be worth posting about except that there are so many people that let websites like HuffPo do their thinking for them.

If we (gun owners) were the monsters they portrayed us as, they would be afraid to speak out against us.




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The trouble is, this thinking is out there, this guy just put it in writing and the HuffPo is giving it some exposure.


We best start giving it some attention.  It may sound utterly ridiculous but I'll bet this will be another legal front gun owners will be assaulted on eventually.  Remember, the Constitution is already invalid according to the activist judges on the left.


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More like the kid is exposing things he's heard from his circle of leftists and their plans to implement it.


Does anyone believe gun grabbers haven't thought of this already?  They work 24/7 coming up with ways to destroy all gun ownership.  Their big problem is the 2nd Amendment and it's enumeration of gun ownership as a right.


Does that mean that right can't be taken away?  Heck no.  It just means the attackers have to be creative and get a majority of the public to support their cause.


Don't worry about the messenger.  Hear the message.  Blowing it off because the messenger doesn't concern you wouldn't be very wise.


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More like the kid is exposing things he's heard from his circle of leftists and their plans to implement it.


Does anyone believe gun grabbers haven't thought of this already?  They work 24/7 coming up with ways to destroy all gun ownership.  Their big problem is the 2nd Amendment and it's enumeration of gun ownership as a right.


Does that mean that right can't be taken away?  Heck no.  It just means the attackers have to be creative and get a majority of the public to support their cause.


Don't worry about the messenger.  Hear the message.  Blowing it off because the messenger doesn't concern you wouldn't be very wise.

That was my point. There aren't many firearm manufactures left here in the US. You want the best price you go to a box store. You want to build a friendship with who you buy from you go mom&pop.

Those private shops are voters, but they can't compete with say...Dicks, who will still make money if they ban guns. You have to wonder who's really on our side.

Get the picture?

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Don't worry about the messenger.  Hear the message.  Blowing it off because the messenger doesn't concern you wouldn't be very wise.


Yeah, except this is the internet age.   Anyone could be an "author" now.  It takes zero money to start a blog, it takes zero talent to be one of the "bloggers" on some of these content aggregation sites, and it takes zero effort and time and money to publish your stream of consciousness rant on the world wide web.


In effect we have given every village idiot a bullhorn.


Your advice is we listen to the village idiots because of the "message".    I suggest your advice is 180 degrees backward.   Now is the time when we have to be extra diligent sourcing our information because unlike in the old days, anyone could write now.   Thirty years ago if we read something in the paper we could get legitimately angry about it because the person writing it was vetted by the paper and was supposed to be a professional.  


Now it's just idiots shouting outside your window.   And you're going to get angry over what some mental mutant thinks?   Hear his message?  


You want to be like Papist?  Scouring the dregs of the internet for alarmist unsourced unverified bullshit so you can fill my favorite hunting site with stories about Muslims, immigrants, and conspiracy crap?   Or are you going to employ some critical thought and stop giving credence to every moron with a keyboard?

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Yeah, except this is the internet age.   Anyone could be an "author" now.  It takes zero money to start a blog, it takes zero talent to be one of the "bloggers" on some of these content aggregation sites, and it takes zero effort and time and money to publish your stream of consciousness rant on the world wide web.


In effect we have given every village idiot a bullhorn.


Your advice is we listen to the village idiots because of the "message".    I suggest your advice is 180 degrees backward.   Now is the time when we have to be extra diligent sourcing our information because unlike in the old days, anyone could write now.   Thirty years ago if we read something in the paper we could get legitimately angry about it because the person writing it was vetted by the paper and was supposed to be a professional.  


Now it's just idiots shouting outside your window.   And you're going to get angry over what some mental mutant thinks?   Hear his message?  


You want to be like Papist?  Scouring the dregs of the internet for alarmist unsourced unverified bullshit so you can fill my favorite hunting site with stories about Muslims, immigrants, and conspiracy crap?   Or are you going to employ some critical thought and stop giving credence to every moron with a keyboard?

Go crawl back under your rock......

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I don't know how you can assume this guy is a nobody with an off the wall message.  His message has been reprinted and circulated by the HuffPost.  That means they are trying to give it some traction.  The good thing is most people see the HuffPost as a fluff organization anyway, but there are plenty of people who think they circulate real "News" and trust their opinions.


I see a couple of guys on this site quoting them to try and reinforce their debates.  Some people read what they print, believe it, repeat it and continue to do so until lots of fools think it's fact.  That's the real danger of the internet, but it hasn't stopped liars and politicos from forcing this kind of idiocy on us in the past.


Tell a lie often enough and people begin to believe it's true.  Hell just look at the lies that have been repeated over and over by people like Obama and the Clintons.  There are millions of fools who currently believe them.


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