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Cant make it out in the A.M. but I am free and clear Tue, Wed, and Thur. I have hunted at least a dozen times this spring and I have had close action every time. Passed up Jakes and have seen several good Toms,  that I just couldn't shoot, for one reason or another. I have NEVER had a season like this!!  If I don't score I can't B!t@H!!..But I have some revised plans in mind……. LOL!!!

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Sunday lunch with my folks and some family today, sitting on their back deck. A tom came out onto the lawn in full strut. I did a really pathetic voice call for show-n-tell with the non-hunters and he started strutting towards us. Human laughter and the barking dog sent him slowly back into the hedgerow where he spent some time ogling a woodchuck.

I don't know if he was tone-deaf, blind, or just seriously female-deprived. I'm almost thinking about buying a stamp.

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Sunday lunch with my folks and some family today, sitting on their back deck. A tom came out onto the lawn in full strut. I did a really pathetic voice call for show-n-tell with the non-hunters and he started strutting towards us. Human laughter and the barking dog sent him slowly back into the hedgerow where he spent some time ogling a woodchuck.

I don't know if he was tone-deaf, blind, or just seriously female-deprived. I'm almost thinking about buying a stamp.


PM me your address, Philo...I'll be over in the morning.


Have the coffee ready about 4:30 AM.....<<GRIN>>.....

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Well, another very quiet morning to say the least!!! Was in the woods at 5:15am, stayed right till 10:45....ZIP!!! I waited till 6:15am and didn't hear a single gobble, then proceeded to set up and cold call. After picking out a tree and got the blind set up, I walked out to stake the deeks. Guess what was right on the ground, a wing feather. This woods was my honey hole, and could depend on this spot to produce all the time, but nothing but a lone gobble last week, then complete silence!!! The only thing that showed up this morning was a young buck. I tried to get a pic because he was starting to wind me.





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