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So You Want to Build a Wall on the Mexican Border?

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One thing not mentioned is that our present laws don't allow us to immediately deport Central Americans only Mexicans. So once they cross they stay and at the very least, tie up our court system and social welfare system until they get deported. More likely they just disappear into our country and start making American citizen babies.

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Another important fact of why a wall will not be built is it would violate longstanding border treaties, some having to do with laws concerning the free flow of water between America and Mexico. And no matter what nonsense flows from Little Hitler's mouth Mexico and/or reducing trade imbalances are not going to pay for the idiot's wall. As for reducing trade imbalances, being we no longer make anything here in America that American's buy on a daily basis, just where, if not from other countries, are the things we buy going to come from?


I understand the majority of you here hate Hilary but your hatred is blinding you and not allowing you to see the nonsense that Little Hitler is having you all swallow. Deep down you all must know, but won't allow yourself to accept, that Trump is doing the same exact thing every politician has done, he is telling his followers what they want to hear knowing full well none of his outlandish policies will every be undertaken.  

I am voting for Supreme Court justices, hoping the Exec. Orders do get pulled back and beyond that hoping for total gridlock in DC.

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Border security solution:  Allow volunteers to help secure the border with their own arms, on their own time, with authority to shoot anything approaching the border outside a check point, or not escorted by the US Border Patrol.  Put the American militia where it should be at this time in history.  Within days, illegal border crossing that would be stopped by a wall, will stop completely.


Illegal Immigrant solution:  Deport every illegal immediately upon identification as illegal, including any illegal children, and fine the heck out of anyone who was paying them to work.


Illegal Drug solution:  Legalize ALL illegal drugs.  Removing the risk of supplying them illegally removes the high profits in smuggling them.  Legal drugs will be privatized and legal businesses must work within the government regulatory system.  Users will find it's their choice to risk using drugs and their medical needs will be their burden, not taxpayers.  If we are a free country, your stupid choices are your free choice and the consequences are your consequences, nobody else's.




I'm sure many will say these are harsh solutions.  I say, we must have the guts to solve harsh problems with harsh solutions.  These solutions also remove any political gain by any American political party.  The only thing that matters is solving the problem effectively and with the lowest possible cost to taxpayers.


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Border security solution: Allow volunteers to help secure the border with their own arms, on their own time, with authority to shoot anything approaching the border outside a check point, or not escorted by the US Border Patrol. Put the American militia where it should be at this time in history. Within days, illegal border crossing that would be stopped by a wall, will stop completely.

Your solution to securing the border should make you Little Hitler's first choice as his running mate. Your version of a "Final Solution" is an exact match for his Nazi inspired campaign.

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I don't want a wall but I think the first 200yds on our side should be a FREE FIRE ZONE

And just how funny it would be if the first group of illegals you fire upon should be a group of cartel connected smugglers who cut your head off and deliver it to your family? Now wouldn't that be the irony of all ironies?

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And just how funny it would be if the first group of illegals you fire upon should be a group of cartel connected smugglers who cut your head off and deliver it to your family? Now wouldn't that be the irony of all ironies?


Exactly how would they accomplish that when they have been shot dead?


Like I said harsh realities require harsh solutions.  Americans would not be shooting anybody that didn't risk getting shot.  The word goes out we will now shoot people coming at our country like invaders and these people, if they have any brains, will not come anymore.  If they still try to come, they are accepting the fact they will be shot.  I see no difference between them and invading enemies.  Obviously you do, but you're a bleeding heart liberal who's logic is twisted by propaganda.


Get this through your head.  Illegal immigrants are invaders bent on destroying the land they claim to want to be a part of.  It's obvious when they refuse to assimilate when they get here, and take more than they provide.  No nation ever became great by supporting a huge class of parasites in it's citizenry.  They don't plan to have any part of making America a better place.


Legal immigrants do.  Illegal immigrants are criminals by definition.

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Your solution to securing the border should make you Little Hitler's first choice as his running mate. Your version of a "Final Solution" is an exact match for his Nazi inspired campaign.


Hitler and the Nazis were radical left-wing Socialists. You might want to rethink your use of the term with regard to Trump.

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Exactly how would they accomplish that when they have been shot dead?


Like I said harsh realities require harsh solutions.  Americans would not be shooting anybody that didn't risk getting shot.  The word goes out we will now shoot people coming at our country like invaders and these people, if they have any brains, will not come anymore.  If they still try to come, they are accepting the fact they will be shot.  I see no difference between them and invading enemies.  Obviously you do, but you're a bleeding heart liberal who's logic is twisted by propaganda.


Get this through your head.  Illegal immigrants are invaders bent on destroying the land they claim to want to be a part of.  It's obvious when they refuse to assimilate when they get here, and take more than they provide.  No nation ever became great by supporting a huge class of parasites in it's citizenry.  They don't plan to have any part of making America a better place.


Legal immigrants do.  Illegal immigrants are criminals by definition.

I will personally arm you and pay for your ticket to the border just so I can laugh at you and watch as you spend the rest of what no doubt is your miserable life locked away in a federal prison after you have been caught killing innocent people. Even though in your twisted view of things these people are invaders once upon American soil they are protected from idiots like you just as every other person here is. However I am pretty sure you would never have the courage (the stupidity yes, but the courage no) to do as you propose.   

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attachicon.gifIMG_1231.JPGSomething for all the Build a Wall Crazies...

Except for the fact that their was no formal sovereign nation or laws that kept the settlers/explorers out. About like when the first migration of people into North America took place. I guess only the Mammoths would have been some of the only legal residents. 

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Hey uptownredneck you should re think your late post.
Weather you believe evaluation or creation there is no such thing as Native Americans. There were no humans on this continent prior to about 13,000 years ago and now there are some indications that the first humans were of European origin and not Asian. At best they can be called the first Americans but not native. They were also invaders.

Edited by Larry
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I will personally arm you and pay for your ticket to the border just so I can laugh at you and watch as you spend the rest of what no doubt is your miserable life locked away in a federal prison after you have been caught killing innocent people. Even though in your twisted view of things these people are invaders once upon American soil they are protected from idiots like you just as every other person here is. However I am pretty sure you would never have the courage (the stupidity yes, but the courage no) to do as you propose.   


Listen up Redneck, I'm proposing giving Americans the legal power to do what I said.  I'm not suggesting it be done illegally.  My proposal to arm the border militia is to stop them from getting in.  You are right when you say they are protected.  They are protected by bleeding heart Leftists who have no clue about why illegal immigration is, in fact, illegal.  And like you say, once they are on our soil, they are protected as well, right up to the point they bomb a marathon, rape a woman, or kill someone for money.


I can tell you have no real response to my suggestion, since you have devolved to the level of troglodyte using insult and mockery to try to persuade.  When someone loses their cool in a debate, it's because they have lost the debate.

Edited by Rattler
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attachicon.gifIMG_1231.JPGSomething for all the Build a Wall Crazies...


The point this meme really makes is, if we don't curtail ILLEGAL immigration into America, we will wind up like the native Americans.  Is that what Leftists really want for American citizens?  I think it is, but they're to stupid to realize it.

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Rattler I mock based upon the utter stupidity of what you propose.


What's stupid is not doing anything effective to solve the problem.  I, however, do not mock people who don't understand this and tend to think like you.  I pity them for the fools that they are.

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There are better ways to combat the problem then posting a bunch of armed right wing morons along the border. One thing that could be done but will never be, would be to go after employers who hire illegal immigrants, But we know neither party really will do much to curb the flow of illegal immigrants, Democrats want their votes and republicans the cheap labor they provide. Illegal immigration has been occurring long before Little Hitler has turned into red meat for the fools who support him. Reduce the economic incentive for them coming here and you in turn will reduce the number of illegals coming across the border.   

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There are better ways to combat the problem then posting a bunch of armed right wing morons along the border. One thing that could be done but will never be, would be to go after employers who hire illegal immigrants, But we know neither party really will do much to curb the flow of illegal immigrants, Democrats want their votes and republicans the cheap labor they provide. Illegal immigration has been occurring long before Little Hitler has turned into red meat for the fools who support him. Reduce the economic incentive for them coming here and you in turn will reduce the number of illegals coming across the border.   


You think terrorists are coming across the border looking for work?


You know why I think we will never get Leftists to resolve any problems in America?  Because they are stupid.  That's not an insult either.  It's an observation.



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I'd be willing to wager this guy wasn't here looking for legal citizenship, or even an under-the-table job. He was likely here, in our neighborhood, to find a 'soft' target for his next crime(s).


"Police officers in Leroy, New York, stopped Juan Rivas-Silva, 42, for a traffic violation on Monday, June 6. He presented a passport and an expired driver’s license...


The police officers called for Border Patrol agents to come to the scene and review the status of the foreign national. Agents conducted a background investigation from the scene and determined that Rivas-Silva, a Mexican citizen, had illegally re-entered the U.S. after having been previously deported. He was arrested and taken to the Border Patrol station for processing.

A further search into the illegal alien’s background revealed the man had a violent criminal history. His crimes, including felonies, were listed as burglary, domestic violence, assault and battery, and driving under the influence. Rivas-Silva admitted he illegally entered the U.S. in 1998 through California."




ETA: Kudos to the Leroy police and the local Border Patrol. Nicely done folks.

Edited by philoshop
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