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Who hunts the moon?


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So I came across an article about buy in program "moonshine" now I have no intention of buying in. However it did cause me to look into the concept.

I found the solarluna calender. And it shows good hunting /fishing times. And projects out through the entire season.

The.king about giving it a whirl this year and devoting some extra attention to the moon phases and spend extra time on thosedays.

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6 minutes ago, jjb4900 said:

I hunt whenever possible as well, but I also believe there are certain conditions that make being out there a must.

Agree , my days off are my days off and I can't shoot them from the couch. Now that I think about it last year during full moon I hadn't seen anything for days. Morning of full moon I questioned the moon. Shot 2 that day , a decent buck and a freezer filling big doe. Saw most deer I had seen all season that day. So I'll now say moon did not effect them 

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Damn auto correct. Should say "moonguide.com".

The opinions expressed here are exactly my sentiments. And those of many based on the articles and forum posts I read while googling.

I'll file it in the brain as something to be aware of. But in my mind rut and weather will trump the moon.

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I try to.  There is no doubt that ungulates (cattle and cattle type animal) have a strong connection to lunar changes.  I think biologists have already proven that.  Is it a be all strategy, likely not.  But things like the rut are tied to moon phases so why not.....

I don't agree about the rut and the moon but it's not provable either way and there are plenty of threads arguing both sides

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The only "Moon" you should worry about is making sure you don't have 'plumbers crack' in view. All these years of new found scientific facts and gadgets, and yet people with no web or smart phones kill deer. Some of them even do without wearing camo or worrying about scent control! 


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4 hours ago, Core said:

I thought I read that there is basically no predictability in deer behavior based on the moon.

There is some science to it. I never give it much thought, I have seen a lot of deer activity in fields on a full moon while driving to or from my hunting spots. I say hunt when you can, full moon or not.

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