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15 hours ago, ....rob said:

Just ask greg54. 

As for greg 54 you can even ask the moderator, i told him, the moderator, not to ban him, that I was more then capable of taking care of him myself. I reached out to moderator simply to cover myself due to the strongly worded PM i sent him in response to his PM to me. End of story

Now I'll take no more of your time because I.m sure that time might be better spent ratting someone else out to the police. 

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7 minutes ago, Uptown Redneck said:

As for greg 54 you can even ask the moderator, i told him, the moderator, not to ban him, that I was more then capable of taking care of him myself. I reached out to moderator simply to cover myself due to the strongly worded PM i sent him in response to his PM to me. End of story

Now I'll take no more of your time because I.m sure that time might be better spent ratting someone else out to the police. 

Been out hunting much? Got anything yet? Trail cam pic's? Hunting info? Anything, remotely hunting related? Didn't think so.......

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On 10/16/2016 at 4:23 PM, ....rob said:

Grampy and I were in there this morning. Cam was gone or moved. Thinking moved as how as the brick/bait was moved from the ground to sitting on a log. Park office was open on my way home and I gave them a heads up. I hated to do that. I feel like a snitch. But, it is what it is. Don't break the law and people won't turn you in.

Snitches get stitches.

But actually evil good men doing nothing all that works better for me. Baiting on public land in front of a cam is straight stupid.

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11 minutes ago, grampy said:

Been out hunting much? Got anything yet? Trail cam pic's? Hunting info? Anything, remotely hunting related? Didn't think so.......

As i stated earlier I now only hunt rifle season, so no, nothing hunting related to report. As for trail cams being I hunt public land I don't use them. However I will be out fishing tomorrow, much more enjoyable then sitting in the woods waiting for a deer to walk by to shoot, so if you want to join me let me know.

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8 minutes ago, Uptown Redneck said:

As i stated earlier I now only hunt rifle season, so no, nothing hunting related to report. As for trail cams being I hunt public land I don't use them. However I will be out fishing tomorrow, much more enjoyable then sitting in the woods waiting for a deer to walk by to shoot, so if you want to join me let me know.

Your boat or mine?

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On ‎10‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 9:28 PM, Uptown Redneck said:

Because that is exactly what you are, i guess you have never been taught to mind your own business. You could have just as easily destroyed the bait pile or gotten rid of it in some other way.

how are you destroying minerals placed on the ground?? lol

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6 minutes ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Better at that then ratting someone out to the cops 

Doesn't sound like one would need more then the heel of a boot to take care of 

unless you bring a dust buster or vacuum of some sorts it's still there.  if it was private property like the neighbors then so be it.  baiting is the hunting equivalent of your everyday traffic speeding.  that said it's public property where you're directly effecting others therefore you're making it part of their business.  It's not like he was out to look for the stuff with the sole intention of getting someone busted.

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Rob you did the smart thing..Now here are 2 scenarios you can ponder.

1. Some idiot did this on what grampy describes as a busy public area to hunt over it. They should be turned in for just being stupid, besides the fact they are doing something illegal.

2. Someone that knows hunting laws and is anti hunting set that up in hopes of having a hunter get nailed for hunting on lands that have or have had mineral /salt licks on them..So turning it in allows you give law enforcement a heads up...saving you or another hunter a mess to deal with.

BTW, did you ask if hunting the area was now off limits  or OK?

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1 hour ago, MikeyB said:

Reporting was the right thing to do.sitting over a bait pile is not hunting. And if you think he is a snitch don't report the illegal immigrants that move in next to you.

Don't worry I won't, but I will drive them to the polls to vote for Hilary on Election Day 

And i agree 100% with your view on baiting

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4 hours ago, growalot said:

Rob you did the smart thing..Now here are 2 scenarios you can ponder.

1. Some idiot did this on what grampy describes as a busy public area to hunt over it. They should be turned in for just being stupid, besides the fact they are doing something illegal.

2. Someone that knows hunting laws and is anti hunting set that up in hopes of having a hunter get nailed for hunting on lands that have or have had mineral /salt licks on them..So turning it in allows you give law enforcement a heads up...saving you or another hunter a mess to deal with.

BTW, did you ask if hunting the area was now off limits  or OK?

They said they would look into it. Nothing about not hunting that area was stated to me. But, I won't hunt that spot now for two reasons, 1 because of the bait, and 2 grampy showed me a few spots away from where most of the hunters will be. 

Yes, the bait and cam were less then 100 yds from a main hiking trail, and maybe 200 yards from the parking area.


I probably shouldn't have even brought it up on here, I forget we have a few very strong willed openly admitted poachers on this forum. Ehem....:hunter:

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