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3 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Well I hope then your business would have a substantial legal reserve set up for the lawsuit that would follow. 

No need for a lawsuit.  NY State is an "employment at will" state. Bumper sticker or not,  Any employee can be let go at any time, no reason need to be given.  It can't be based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious views though.

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3 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Well I hope then your business would have a substantial legal reserve set up for the lawsuit that would follow. 

Which lawsuit would this be for exactly? Use a little common sense. If I work at a solar company and then start plastering stickers on my car saying solar power sucks, I'm going to be fired. And it's legal.

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49 minutes ago, Core said:

Which lawsuit would this be for exactly? Use a little common sense. If I work at a solar company and then start plastering stickers on my car saying solar power sucks, I'm going to be fired. And it's legal.

The great thing about filing a lawsuit is it costs nothing. All the costs are on the person being sued who has to pay for a lawyer to defend them. A friend of mine was fired from his job, he retained a lawyer, without having to lay out a dime because lawyers accept cases and then take a percent of any settlement. Basically my friend hired the lawyer just to be a pain in the ass for the company that fired him. Faced with the legal cost of hiring a lawyer to defend them, which they had to pay out of pocket. they settled with my neighbor.

So why you might think that you can fire someone for whatever reason you want, whoever you fire, if they are like my friend, can very easily make that firing a very costly action for you to take.  

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11 minutes ago, Uptown Redneck said:

The great thing about filing a lawsuit is it costs nothing. All the costs are on the person being sued who has to pay for a lawyer to defend them. A friend of mine was fired from his job, he retained a lawyer, without having to lay out a dime because lawyers accept cases and then take a percent of any settlement. Basically my friend hired the lawyer just to be a pain in the ass for the company that fired him. Faced with the legal cost of hiring a lawyer to defend them, which they had to pay out of pocket. they settled with my neighbor.

So why you might think that you can fire someone for whatever reason you want, whoever you fire, if they are like my friend, can very easily make that firing a very costly action for you to take.  

Yes free for him because the attorney takes a cut of the settlement.

Please explain how you're going to find a lawyer to bring a lawsuit against a company for something that isn't illegal, and the lawyer knows it isn't illegal, such as firing them because they have an offensive bumper sticker?

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12 hours ago, Core said:

Yes free for him because the attorney takes a cut of the settlement.

Please explain how you're going to find a lawyer to bring a lawsuit against a company for something that isn't illegal, and the lawyer knows it isn't illegal, such as firing them because they have an offensive bumper sticker?

Knowing lawyers, I played softball for years with lawyers and judges in Rockland County, I know for a fact that what you claim is not to be illegal many of them would turn and file a lawsuit on the basis of some sort of violation of free speech. What you consider "offensive" someone else will consider "free speech". But no matter who might prevail it would be you in this case faced with the financial burdens and inconveniences of defending such a lawsuit.   

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1 hour ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Knowing lawyers, I played softball for years with lawyers and judges in Rockland County, I know for a fact that what you claim is not to be illegal many of them would turn and file a lawsuit on the basis of some sort of violation of free speech. What you consider "offensive" someone else will consider "free speech". But no matter who might prevail it would be you in this case faced with the financial burdens and inconveniences of defending such a lawsuit.   

I am not a lawyer, but I played softball with some......lol. Now there is a statement that offers credibility ..... Ha-ha-ha-ha.

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1 hour ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Knowing lawyers, I played softball for years with lawyers and judges in Rockland County, I know for a fact that what you claim is not to be illegal many of them would turn and file a lawsuit on the basis of some sort of violation of free speech. What you consider "offensive" someone else will consider "free speech". But no matter who might prevail it would be you in this case faced with the financial burdens and inconveniences of defending such a lawsuit.   

Free speech never has, or will, exist at work. Also:


Lynne Gobbell was fired because her boss didn't like the bumper sticker on her car..Freedom of speech isn't the only right that disappears in the world of work..

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On 1/7/2017 at 10:06 AM, Uptown Redneck said:

Knowing lawyers, I played softball for years with lawyers and judges in Rockland County, I know for a fact that what you claim is not to be illegal many of them would turn and file a lawsuit on the basis of some sort of violation of free speech. What you consider "offensive" someone else will consider "free speech". But no matter who might prevail it would be you in this case faced with the financial burdens and inconveniences of defending such a lawsuit.   

So, Uptown, no mea culpa on this one? It's pretty clear my link upended your argument. I was at least hoping for a taste of contrition, given how ardently you argued that a business would be looking at a lawsuit for firing somebody over a bumper sticker.

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5 hours ago, Core said:

So, Uptown, no mea culpa on this one? It's pretty clear my link upended your argument. I was at least hoping for a taste of contrition, given how ardently you argued that a business would be looking at a lawsuit for firing somebody over a bumper sticker.

Not at all, In case you missed it in an earlier posting I clearly stated that no matter the final outcome of any lawsuit the cost and inconveniences will be paid by the employer, and that is one of the major points I am making is to burden the employer with excessive costs as well as the resulting inconveniences. As for what you deem an "offensive" bumper sticker I also still stand by my claim that in this "let's sue everybody world" that we all currently live in there is no doubt that one would be able to find a lawyer to bring suit on a "free speech" claim. 

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35 minutes ago, Rattler said:

Many a lawsuit has been lost, and the judge has ordered the plaintiff to pay the legal fees of the defendant.  If the company refuses to settle and takes it to court, you could wind up holding the short end of the dirty stick.

This does point to another aspect of our system that I hope the new administration takes on. We are in desperate need of Tort Reform that limits frivolous law suits, make the plaintiffs  liable for the defendants legal costs (when deemed frivolous) and  take a realistic look at awards. This has to carry into the medical field too 

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1 hour ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

We are in desperate need of Tort Reform 

Considering a large majority of Senators/congressman are former lawyers do you really think they are going to do anything to "bite the hand that feeds them"?

Kinda like imposing term limits on themselves, who in their right mind is going to do anything that will limit their ability to make money? 

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2 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Not at all, In case you missed it in an earlier posting I clearly stated that no matter the final outcome of any lawsuit the cost and inconveniences will be paid by the employer, and that is one of the major points I am making is to burden the employer with excessive costs as well as the resulting inconveniences. As for what you deem an "offensive" bumper sticker I also still stand by my claim that in this "let's sue everybody world" that we all currently live in there is no doubt that one would be able to find a lawyer to bring suit on a "free speech" claim. 

Do you realize how silly you're being?

  1. I say you can be fired for an offensive bumper sticker
  2. you say I hope the employer has their legal fund ready
  3. i then post a link showing that firing for an offensive bumper sticker is fine 
  4. you maintain that an attorney is going to spend their time pushing a lawsuit that they know full well is going to fail

lol, just know when you've lost. There are plenty of other battles to fight.

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1 hour ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Considering a large majority of Senators/congressman are former lawyers do you really think they are going to do anything to "bite the hand that feeds them"?

Kinda like imposing term limits on themselves, who in their right mind is going to do anything that will limit their ability to make money? 

Well Cruz has already started the ball rolling on the term limits so we'll have to see if it picks up steam or stops. 

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Any elected official can be a "former" lawyer, but they are currently a duly elected representative of the people.  They take an oath to serve the electorate, not themselves.  If they choose themselves over the people, the should be impeached and prosecuted.  

I know it's hard for supporters of Leftist Democrats to understand this.  

Maybe since we now have a POTUS who is not a lawyer, we will start to see the will of the people imposed, like it should've been all along.

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23 hours ago, Rattler said:

They take an oath to serve the electorate, not themselves.  If they choose themselves over the people, the should be impeached and prosecuted.  

You really have no understanding of reality and how things really work if you think elected officials put the electorate needs before their own needs 

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You really have no understanding of reality and how things really work if you think elected officials put the electorate needs before their own needs 

Aaaaaaaaannnnnndddddd this is why Trump won. Whether or not you think of it as "reality". It's not the way it's supposed to go and needs to be corrected
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38 minutes ago, Adkhunter1590 said:



Aaaaaaaaannnnnndddddd this is why Trump won. Whether or not you think of it as "reality". It's not the way it's supposed to go and needs to be corrected



I actually agree with you, however, I do not think that ANY politician will ever do anything to negatively effect their own self-interests. It's simply human nature to take care of one's self.  

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I actually agree with you, however, I do not think that ANY politician will ever do anything to negatively effect their own self-interests. It's simply human nature to take care of one's self.  

I think you have greed and selfishness confused with the self preservation of ones own life in a life and death situation. By nature, humans will do what's needed to survive in a life or death event. But there are plenty of people and even occupations that force people to choose others over themselves. Police, fire fighters, military, navy, secret service, the list can go on and on.

So why is it that a kid fresh out of high school can risk his life to save your cat from a burning house, but our ELECTED politicians can't put the people's best interests before their own? Greed and selfishness. Neither one is forced upon anyone. It's a acted out trait that can be seen from a mile away if someone is paying attention.

There's thousands if not millions of people out there who would love nothing more than to represent the people and gain nothing from it but a pat on the back and a thank you. But those people don't usually have millions of dollars behind them to get to the top political ranks. Our system is so corrupted and misguided that it would take many years to weed out the unworthy. Trump is not the answer to that problem, but he could be the start of a political reform.
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