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Only dumb question is one not asked ....


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So here goes.

In sighting in shotguns/muzzleloaders/rifles I could never grasp if gun is shooting to the right that I "click" to the right on scope.  Oh yeah, I've spent more money on ammo not conceiving this,lol. Gun shoots to the right , I keep clicking left. Eventually getting pizzed and spinning the correct way many clicks and by dumb luck and getting it dead on .

Is this the same way with holographic sights (Bushnell T that glows green or red), red dots etc ?

Last year when I switched out turkey barrel on daughters shotgun for a slug barrel we had to change sighting in a bit. So now have to re sight in her gun with turkey loads. Too expensive to screw this procedure up.

Here's my plan: sight in at 20 yards with cheap inexpensive low brass. Get the Left/Right down first. Then worry about elevation. Once elevation is set with center of densest part of pattern in the bulls I'll try a turkey load or 2 at different distances.   

Any thoughts or tips appreciated.

And WTF am I worried about embarrassing myself by asking this ?! I post a pic of me wearing the Christmas Story pink bunny pajamas:pleasantry:

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TF - my red dot is the same as a scope.  With a gun, you move the bullet poi to the cross hairs (not really but that's how I think of it).  POI rt means you move left and POI high means you move down.  With a bow, you move the pin to the arrow poi.  POI rt means you move pin rt and high means you move pin up.  I think that answers your question.

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19 minutes ago, moog5050 said:

TF - my red dot is the same as a scope.  With a gun, you move the bullet poi to the cross hairs (not really but that's how I think of it).  POI rt means you move left and POI high means you move down.  With a bow, you move the pin to the arrow poi.  POI rt means you move pin rt and high means you move pin up.  I think that answers your question.

Good explanation!

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If you shoot from a sol8d rest (clamp in style lead sled) I guy once told me to put cross hairs on spot Bullet hit then dial cross hairs to center using knobs. Never tried it personally so don't bank on it but thought it was a cool thought if I ever get that solid of a rest to sight in from I may try it

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1 hour ago, stoneam2006 said:

If you shoot from a sol8d rest (clamp in style lead sled) I guy once told me to put cross hairs on spot Bullet hit then dial cross hairs to center using knobs. Never tried it personally so don't bank on it but thought it was a cool thought if I ever get that solid of a rest to sight in from I may try it

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

It works. It's the same way you would 'bore sight' a bolt action without the proper tools, or the "old fashioned way".

You put a black dot on a piece of blank paper, tape the paper up at about 20 feet, remove the bolt from the rifle/shotgun, secure the gun, look down the barrel and move the gun until the dot is in the center of the barrel. Now, move the cross-hairs/dot in the scope to be on the dot. You won't be "dialed in", but you will be on paper and should be close. 

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5 hours ago, turkeyfeathers said:

In sighting in shotguns/muzzleloaders/rifles I could never grasp if gun is shooting to the right that I "click" to the right on scope.  Oh yeah, I've spent more money on ammo not conceiving this,lol. Gun shoots to the right , I keep clicking left. Eventually getting pizzed and spinning the correct way many clicks and by dumb luck and getting it dead on .

If possible I usually bore sight first and then:


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