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Biz-R-OWorld 2017 Season


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Picked up my first compound today. All went smooth. 366 grain setup. I stuck all 4 shots in or touching the bulleyes at 10 yards at the shop. Then headed to my parents for more. All in all shot 15 at 10yds and 6 at 15yds so 21 all together. Never shot more than 1 arrow without pulling it out because like the xbow I was pretty damn close to bulleyes every single time and didn't want to break any arrows on the first day.




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  On 8/4/2017 at 10:35 PM, Biz-R-OWorld said:


Haha, I know but I was playing it safe aiming at the middle. Didn't know I would be this accurate on day 1.

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That's part of the addiction right there , I'm still guilty of it, it's always so easy to hit the center spot but then the mind games start when you move close to the edge of the bag . 

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  On 8/4/2017 at 11:02 PM, moog5050 said:
Good job Biz.  Did you set up a 10yd pin?   Set one at 20 and you will be in the kill zone with the same point of aim from 0-25yds. It will cause you to be a bit high at 10yds but nothing to worry about.  

I got a 1 pin HHA sight. So I just modify it as I go. Ultimately I plan to be zeroed in at 20 or 25. With the xbow I'm dead zero at 25 and i do great on holding high/low from 0-40. The compound is slower so maybe I'll be dead zero at like 22 or 23. I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow so probably get back at it on Sunday.

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I will speak from experience and tell you that you never want to "adjust as you go"...    Things happen fast out there and you will not want to have to adjust things before getting ready for a shot..     Just practice a lot with one pin...   hold a little low if less than 20 yards and a little high if greater..     You will figure it out..

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  On 8/4/2017 at 11:10 PM, Biz-R-OWorld said:


I got a 1 pin HHA sight. So I just modify it as I go. Ultimately I plan to be zeroed in at 20 or 25. With the xbow I'm dead zero at 25 and i do great on holding high/low from 0-40. The compound is slower so maybe I'll be dead zero at like 22 or 23. I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow so probably get back at it on Sunday.

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That bow should be fine sighting it at 20 and leaving it unless you plan to shoot past 25, which might not be a great idea first year out.  A lost deer will leave a bad taste in your mouth.  I have kept all of my shots with the recurve at 27yds and shorter.  No problem killing deer in that range.  Set it and forget it year one.  When you head west, then play with longer ranges.  Just a suggestion.  

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  On 8/4/2017 at 11:21 PM, moog5050 said:
That bow should be fine sighting it at 20 and leaving it unless you plan to shoot past 25, which might not be a great idea first year out.  A lost deer will leave a bad taste in your mouth.  I have kept all of my shots with the recurve at 27yds and shorter.  No problem killing deer in that range.  Set it and forget it year one.  When you head west, then play with longer ranges.  Just a suggestion.  

It's a pretty cool system. Basically I figure out what # I am at 20yds and then what number I am at 40yds or 60yds then you do the math between the two according to the instructions and you get a final number. This number is one of 50 choices then I put that correct tape on my sight and I should be good to go.


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They are cool and work.  I was just suggesting that you don't really want to be worrying about adjusting the site year one when a deer comes in.  Keep it simple and keep shots inside of 25. Less to think about but then again you are pro staff already.  Never mind. Lol

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  On 8/4/2017 at 11:16 PM, t_barb said:
I will speak from experience and tell you that you never want to "adjust as you go"...    Things happen fast out there and you will not want to have to adjust things before getting ready for a shot..     Just practice a lot with one pin...   hold a little low if less than 20 yards and a little high if greater..     You will figure it out..

  On 8/4/2017 at 11:44 PM, moog5050 said:
They are cool and work.  I was just suggesting that you don't really want to be worrying about adjusting the site year one when a deer comes in.  Keep it simple and keep shots inside of 25. Less to think about but then again you are pro staff already.  Never mind. Lol

Sorry for the confusion. I meant I am adjusting as I go right now. Meaning I keep changing it from 10yds to 15yds etc. once I am 100% confident on my 20yds "number" and 40yd "number" I can put my personalized sight tape on.

Hunting wise I will probably leave it somewhere from 20-25 and Then just aim a little high or low accordingly. For example, My xbow buck last year was 18yd so I aimed a tad low and it was perfect (double lung, died instantly within 20yds)

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  On 8/4/2017 at 11:37 PM, Biz-R-OWorld said:


It's a pretty cool system. Basically I figure out what # I am at 20yds and then what number I am at 40yds or 60yds then you do the math between the two according to the instructions and you get a final number. This number is one of 50 choices then I put that correct tape on my sight and I should be good to go.


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I love that sight , i have the same one on my Pure.

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  On 8/4/2017 at 11:21 PM, moog5050 said:

That bow should be fine sighting it at 20 and leaving it unless you plan to shoot past 25, which might not be a great idea first year out.  A lost deer will leave a bad taste in your mouth.  I have kept all of my shots with the recurve at 27yds and shorter.  No problem killing deer in that range.  Set it and forget it year one.  When you head west, then play with longer ranges.  Just a suggestion.  


+1  I too have the HHA sight and love it!  My bow is also set at around 50lbs.  I set for bullseye at 23 yards. Aim a touch low at 10 and a touch high at 30, my self imposed bow "hunting" limit. That puts me in the kill zone.  Only time I use the slide is when practicing out to 40, 50, and 60 yards. Practicing at 60, makes those 20 and 30 yarders seem like chip shots. Really sweet set up ya got there Biz! And looks like you're doing fine, right out of the box! Keep shooting, build up your confidence, and the deer should fear you this season. Best of luck to ya!

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  On 8/5/2017 at 12:07 AM, Biz-R-OWorld said:

Cool. Did you use the 20-40yd or 20-60yd system for calculation?

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I can't remember , it was a few years ago . I want to say 20-60 . I use a piece of masking tape across the whole target face . It really helped with just focusing on the vertical placement of the shot instead of just focusing on a single dot on the target. 

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  On 8/5/2017 at 12:07 AM, Biz-R-OWorld said:

Cool. Did you use the 20-40yd or 20-60yd system for calculation?

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Either one works. But 20-60 will be most accurate. But if your not planning on taking shots over 40 yards on a regular basis you won't notice a difference. I used the 20-40 at first and found the 50 and up pins to be just a hair low. Resighted with 20-60 and switched sight tapes and all good now
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  On 8/5/2017 at 3:09 AM, Adkhunter1590 said:

Either one works. But 20-60 will be most accurate. But if your not planning on taking shots over 40 yards on a regular basis you won't notice a difference. I used the 20-40 at first and found the 50 and up pins to be just a hair low. Resighted with 20-60 and switched sight tapes and all good now

Cool thx!

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Took 18 shots today, all from 15yds. Last shot had an arm slap- still very accurate, but obviously grip/form wasn't great for that to happen. Probably got tired. All 18 shots would have easily killed a deer.



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  On 8/4/2017 at 9:39 PM, Biz-R-OWorld said:

Picked up my first compound today. All went smooth. 366 grain setup. I stuck all 4 shots in or touching the bulleyes at 10 yards at the shop. Then headed to my parents for more. All in all shot 15 at 10yds and 6 at 15yds so 21 all together. Never shot more than 1 arrow without pulling it out because like the xbow I was pretty damn close to bulleyes every single time and didn't want to break any arrows on the first day.




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Nice Biz especially love the growler arrow holder I need to try that..

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Shot bow again tonight. 3rd career day shooting. Shot from 8:05pm - 820pm so pretty low light for eastern NY.

Took 9 shots at 15yds. The first 3 weren't great. Think I was thinking about the arm slap and it did happen again, which means my form is off.


Then my next 6 shots were better.



Then I adjusted the sight and tried 3 shots at 20yds but it was 820pm and nearly dark, so although not great still not horrible. The last one I really took my time and it was the best one.


So 12 shots in total, now up to 51 shots for my career. All shots would have killed a deer, but still a lot of work to be done on my form and consistency. No fun bruising arm and then it becomes mental.

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