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Winter Kill


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How do you think these recent snow storms will affect the deer mortality? Will there be a significant winter kill this year? What areas will be hit the hardest?


Can't remember where I saw it but the Adiroundacks got hit pretty hard and they figured the deep snow would have an adverse effect on the deer herd .

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It has been a long, cold winter for us humanoids here in southwestern NY, and I am sure that the game has had to work some for thier living...

However, there has not been the kind of snow and ice conditions that would seriously hamper deer MOBILITY... As long as they can stay mobile, they will find enough food.. Significant winter kills occur when snow and ice conditions prevent the deer from moving around and limit thier ability to find food and avoid predators...

As tired as we all are of winter, I suspect that the deer herd has survived pretty well.. I don't anticiapte a significant winter kill, at least not in the twin tiers area...

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Although the deer around here look good i'm sure they are at a low point,been snow on the ground since dec. And their movements were down to a minimum for a lot of jan feb, if the neighbor didn't log his woods and the 7 acres of corn left standing for them here i would of expected a pretty good kill here. I know my friends place in humphery the snow was so bad the deer left the hills and were walking down roads to try and find food! Still a lot of snow on the ground here especially in the woods and i'm sure we'll find some winter kill in areas. where overpopulation and lack of habitat exist.

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Actually pat the creeks usually will have less snow on it so the deer use it for travel and in deep snow only go off of it to bed so I would expect to find the winter kill there. Big pine plantations do the same thing keep some of the snow off lot of kill found there as well.

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WNY got spared by the latest storm so things should level out now. From what I've seen out here so far, they've done fairly well around here in comparison to years past.  I've only found 9 or 10 dead deer total over a pretty wide area. Glad this last blast of winter missed us, they were starting to get kind of skinny and stupid.

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Right now the hill tops are showin..a little more each day..we got minimal wet snow yesterday..january and february were rough even for me gettin thru the woods(which always takes longer to melt)..the pond accross the st from me gained about 4' and covered a long peninsula where i usually walk out and watch the duck and honkers..we had oats on the 130 tillable acres which got cut and bailed right before shotgun season..so it didnt take long to burry the eats.

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I have been out in the woods pretty steady along the NW corner of the Tug Hill, east of Mannsville over the last few weeks. I dont think the kill will be significant in that area. The deer seemed to be moving very well, and the deer I am seeing now are in good shape. Many deer in this area drop down the few miles to the lower land when it gets too deep, and are only just now returning.

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