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Elk and or deer hunting Idaho /Montana/ Wyoming


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Brother heads west to these 3 every year. Sees boat loads of critters when fishing. Hmmm, DIY hunt with the bow ? Either state easier to draw tags ? DIY and how do I get one out of the woods ? ( quartering it I guess ) Then home ? Idea intrigues me a bit. I haven’t even had my bow out hunting yet and I fathom up this idea lol.  Who wants to go ?  Pipe dream but fun to think about 

Edited by turkeyfeathers
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I would imagine it would be extremely rewarding, if it all came together. I've been out to Wyoming a few times for deer & antelope with a rifle, but that's low elevation hunting. Once was DIY on public land, twice I paid a trespass fee to a rancher (unguided).

A lot of planning, a lot of driving, a lot of hiking (and walking meat out if you kill something). Licenses are pricey for out of staters.

Personally, I'd head to Colorado, it's easier to get tags there and highest chance of success.

Good luck if you take the plunge!!!

Edited by Uncle Nicky
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  On 9/21/2018 at 11:54 AM, turkeyfeathers said:

Brother heads west to these 3 every year. Sees boat loads of critters when fishing. Hmmm, DIY hunt with the bow ? Either state easier to draw tags ? DIY and how do I get one out of the woods ? ( quartering it I guess ) Then home ? Idea intrigues me a bit. I haven’t even had my bow out hunting yet and I fathom up this idea lol.  Who wants to go ?  Pipe dream but fun to think about 


I have a friend who lives in Montana and a closer friend in Washington state , who drives to Montana to hunt with him every year , they kill nice bucks every year and the resident kills elk often .

Our deer spot is a river bottom , and some spots we can drive a truck to the deer, others we use a deer cart to,get them back to camp .

He has packed out Elk, 12 miles between all the trips though .

I missed the application deadline this year, it’s the end of March I think .

I drove mine to “ town” had it cut up and brought it home in a cooler on the plane . Head was shipped back by the taxidermist.

Im planning on going next year , but you’ll have to apply by March. I go rifle season , it can be 60 or minus 10....

deer tag for non res was about12% , so I did deer elk combo 60% chance but it was $900. I hear today the odds are much better some years almost certin .


the demand far exceeded tags years ago then the economy tanked and they could not fill all non res.

now it seems with the better economy it’s no longer 100% success for non res. But far better odds then when I went .

youre welcome to come, my friend from  Seattle is a big fancy beer guy ..... and an attorney which is always a benefit when traveling I’ve found . The guy who lives there is a biology professor, so field dressing is clean and fast .

Edited by Stay at home Nomad
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turkeyfeathers, Sir, please forgive me for stepping on your thread. I am  still fairly new here, and figuring out how to navigate the site. Is there a sub forum here to put like minded members together who might want to do an out of state hunt? If not, is that a possibility and how would one go about setting something like that up that up? 

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  On 9/21/2018 at 1:02 PM, eaglemountainman said:

turkeyfeathers, Sir, please forgive me for stepping on your thread. I am  still fairly new here, and figuring out how to navigate the site. Is there a sub forum here to put like minded members together who might want to do an out of state hunt? If not, is that a possibility and how would one go about setting something like that up that up? 


Scroll down there is an “out of NY hunting “ area . But it gets little traffic, I’d put it in “General hunting”  for better views .

Welcome and enjoy .

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  On 9/21/2018 at 12:23 PM, Stay at home Nomad said:

I have a friend who lives in Montana and a closer friend in Washington state , who drives to Montana to hunt with him every year , they kill nice bucks every year and the resident kills elk often .

Our deer spot is a river bottom , and some spots we can drive a truck to the deer, others we use a deer cart to,get them back to camp .

He has packed out Elk, 12 miles between all the trips though .

I missed the application deadline this year, it’s the end of March I think .

I drove mine to “ town” had it cut up and brought it home in a cooler on the plane . Head was shipped back by the taxidermist.

Im planning on going next year , but you’ll have to apply by March. I go rifle season , it can be 60 or minus 10....

deer tag for non res was about12% , so I did deer elk combo 60% chance but it was $900. I hear today the odds are much better some years almost certin .


the demand far exceeded tags years ago then the economy tanked and they could not fill all non res.

now it seems with the better economy it’s no longer 100% success for non res. But far better odds then when I went .

youre welcome to come, my friend from  Seattle is a big fancy beer guy ..... and an attorney which is always a benefit when traveling I’ve found . The guy who lives there is a biology professor, so field dressing is clean and fast .


And I thought I was going!  Darn you.  Hopes dashed again

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I did a back pack archery Elk hunt in CO last year. Came out empty handed but one of the greatest things I have done in my life. Trying to make it an annual thing. This year it didn't play out as I got married and bought a house, but hoping to do Idaho next year. I highly recommend it. I would even be interested if someone wanted to plan something. I went solo and it did get lonely back there all alone.

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