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Catholic leaders call for Gov. Cuomo to be excommunicated for ‘flagrant celebration of pro-abortion bill’

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11 minutes ago, Storm914 said:

Just to let you guys know I posted that to talk about the abortion law  going way far .

I believe the catholic church problem is exaggerated 

Hollywood leftist propaganda. 

You will find more pedophiles in Hollywood and the public schools then any church don't let them fool you .


Molesting little boys is never an exaggerated problem.  

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4 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

Molesting little boys is never an exaggerated problem.  

Yes and is anyone going after the teachers in public schools who do that way more often. Then what happens in any church .

You only here it about the church because the media hates religion not that they care about the kids is my point . Btw Other religions it's even a bigger problem. 

You know the ones you can't talk about . 

Edited by Storm914
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14 minutes ago, Belo said:

we needed another topic on this?

Belo I think you are   generally a good guy   but still  been brainwashed with lefty proganada sorry to tell you .

:) the main stream media who protected guys like MJ bill Cosby  Weinstein Bill Clinton  , Are never going to give you straight answers to this stuff 

They cherry pick the stuff they tell you  it's so one sided it's not even funny .


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Lets not move the goalposts.  Thats a liberal tactic that you guys seem to be using. 



Why cant the catholic church be bad for harboring child molesters and we all agree its bad?  Saying “well islam is bad.  And Hollywood is bad” to downplay the rapists that are hidden within the church is sad.  The catholic church needs to start doing the right thing.  Not wait or sit back because other groups and people are doing bad things. 

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11 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

Lets not move the goalposts.  Thats a liberal tactic that you guys seem to be using. 



Why cant the catholic church be bad for harboring child molesters and we all agree its bad?  Saying “well islam is bad.  And Hollywood is bad” to downplay the rapists that are hidden within the church is sad.  The catholic church needs to start doing the right thing.  Not wait or sit back because other groups and people are doing bad things. 

Do you have any idea how large the catholic church organization  is ?  If you got a gazillion people in your organization some bad apples happen .

Compared to other organizations of that size  you will find many more criminals then in  the cathlic church . 

That is not to say they should  try and fix any problems they have but don't   fall into the leftist trap of propaganda that  most priests are like that,   that is totally a fantasy. 

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43 minutes ago, Storm914 said:

Belo I think you are   generally a good guy   but still  been brainwashed with lefty proganada sorry to tell you .

:) the main stream media who protected guys like MJ bill Cosby  Weinstein Bill Clinton  , Are never going to give you straight answers to this stuff 

They cherry pick the stuff they tell you  it's so one sided it's not even funny .


you know i've never voted for a liberal in my life right?

I asked why you needed to make another post, not about "MJ bill Cosby". cool deflection though.

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24 minutes ago, Rattler said:

The point is, the media feels free to persecute one group while giving others a pass.  Why would they do that?

Perhaps they are pushing a narrative that is useful to achieve their goals?


yeah there's been no coverage of the Hollywood scandals. Certainly  isn't ever on the news. It's not like there's a whole #metoo movement out there or anything. I'm starting to think some of you have carbon monoxide seeping into your homes and are literally suffering from cabin fever. 

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12 minutes ago, Belo said:

yeah there's been no coverage of the Hollywood scandals. Certainly  isn't ever on the news. It's not like there's a whole #metoo movement out there or anything. I'm starting to think some of you have carbon monoxide seeping into your homes and are literally suffering from cabin fever. 

Bahahaha meto was started only to go after trump then it backfired on the left .

Bill Cosby Weinstein Clinton and others in the left got away with that for 30 40  years only to get busted by accident really if Clinton's got in all would be covered up . The meto movement would have never been pushed by the media that was started to try and get trump  they  never figured out that women would start talking about all the perverts in the media and Hollywood that have been rapping women for decades. It was a misscalculation on their part .



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10 hours ago, Storm914 said:

Catholic leaders call for Gov. Cuomo to be excommunicated for ‘flagrant celebration of pro-abortion


Cardinal Dolan, the man who would have to sign off on it, has already said ex-communication is completely off the table.


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I do not believe the Catholic Church would ever ex-communicate Governor Cuomo.

Why?  My experience with the Catholic Church is that they embrace many of Cuomo's beliefs.  The Catholic Church is pro-gun control, social programs, lenient with violent criminals and support for illegal aliens.

Additionally, the Catholic Church refrained from prosecuting pedophiles and implementing real protection for children from pedophiles.  So with that kind of baggage we can only imagine the rant Cuomo would  scream if he were ex-communicated.  I would say Cuomo would top his infamous, but psychotic rant that "YOU DON'T NEED TEN BULLETS TO KILL A DEER." upon receiving his papers booting him out of the Catholic Church!

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On 1/29/2019 at 1:08 PM, Belo said:

yeah there's been no coverage of the Hollywood scandals. Certainly  isn't ever on the news. It's not like there's a whole #metoo movement out there or anything. I'm starting to think some of you have carbon monoxide seeping into your homes and are literally suffering from cabin fever. 

I was referring to other religions with that post, specifically thinking of one leftist preferred, well protected religion in general.  Care to take a shot at that point?

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18 hours ago, ADK Native said:

The Catholic Church refrained from prosecuting homosexual priests and implementing real protection for early teen aged males from homosexual priests. 

There,  I fixed it for you.  Now the statement is factually correct, though the left and it's lap dog media would have you believe otherwise, to protect their favorite protected class of voters.

And yes, Cuomo would be correct to point out the church covered it up, but he wouldn't claim they covered up what is posted above and factually correct.


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18 hours ago, ADK Native said:

Additionally, the Catholic Church refrained from prosecuting pedophiles and implementing real protection for children from pedophiles. 

It is not a good thing that they didn't prosecute the priests, but the Catholic church HAS taken numerous measures to try to prevent the abuses from happening again in the future.  Anyone working with kids in a Catholic church or school now goes thru a background check and specific child abuse prevention training and must get certified, even if they are doing something as simple as lunch duty at a school.  Without this certification you are NOT allowed to work or volunteer around children in a Catholic church or school.  Priests are also no longer allowed to be in a room alone with a minor without another adult layperson present.  This of course does not mean that abuse of children can never happen again, but I am certain plenty of other churches, schools and organizations haven't even gone this far to try to protect their children.  Maybe too little too late in the minds of some, but protective measures ARE being implemented.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/30/2019 at 1:37 PM, Rattler said:

The Catholic Church refrained from prosecuting homosexual priests and implementing real protection for early teen aged males from homosexual priests. 

Nothing to do with pedophilia and everything to do with the gay hierarchy in the church.

Vatican defrocks former US cardinal McCarrick over sex abuse

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Francis has defrocked former U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick after Vatican officials found him guilty of soliciting for sex while hearing Confession and sexual crimes against minors and adults, the Holy See said Saturday.

The punishment for the once-powerful prelate, who had served as the archbishop of Washington, was announced five days before Francis is to lead an extraordinary gathering of bishops from around the world to help the church grapple with the crisis of sex abuse by clergy and systematic cover-ups by church hierarchy. The decades-long scandals have shaken the faith of many Catholics and threatened his papacy.

Defrocking means McCarrick, 88, who now lives in a friary in Kansas after he lost his title of cardinal last year, won't be allowed to celebrate Mass or other sacraments.

The Vatican's press office said that on Jan. 11, the Holy See's doctrinal watchdog office, the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, had found McCarrick guilty of "solicitation in the Sacrament of Confession, and sins against the Sixth Commandment with minors and adults, with the aggravating factor of the abuse of power."

The officials "imposed on him the penalty of dismissal from the clerical state."

The Sixth Commandment regards sexual behavior. In addition, McCarrick, when he was ordained a priest in 1958, took a vow of celibacy, in accordance with church rules on priests.

McCarrick appealed the penalty, but the doctrinal officials earlier this week rejected his recourse, and he was notified on Friday, the Vatican announcement said.

The pope "has recognized the definitive nature of this decision made in accordance with (church) law, rendering it as 'res iudicata,'" the Vatican said, using the Latin phrase for admitting no further recourse.

That meant McCarrick, a one-time "prince of the church," as cardinals are known, becomes the highest-ranking churchman to be laicized, or dismissed from the clerical state. It marks a remarkable downfall for the globe-trotting powerbroker and influential church fundraiser who mingled with presidents and popes but preferred to be called "Uncle Ted" by the young men he courted.

The scandal swirling around McCarrick was even more damning because it apparently was an open secret that he slept with adult seminarians.


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Not many people realize that about 40% of the RC's income in the US is federal funding, mostly tied up with immigration services for 'refugees' etc. Sad to say, but the RC is really a government agency these days, and very much tied up with the Democrats. A sorry state of affairs. The RC has, for now, abandoned its mission in favor of social work.

This is an excellent discussion:


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