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red squirrel blues


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I have this red squirrel (pine squirrel) who broke into my soffit. Wasn't sure if he was up there so I shoved a bottle into a little opening to see if he would push it out. Woke up this am and sure enough bottle was chewed and laying on the ground. Rather than close him in and letting him eat his way out, I will wait for him to exit and close up the soffit or try the vertical rat trap method. I have caught reds in my barn using the rat trap the traditional way but this will be a first trying it vertical. damn red squirrels! I have an avanti 853c air rifle but it doesn't have enough foot pounds to toast it. I might have to put a scope on my benjamin sheridan 1500 if all else fails and wait him out.

anybody have any other ideas...suggestions





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ł have a pine wind break so this is a recurring issue for me.

110's are great once you get the population under control.

They have colony traps that work good to get a handle, just give em all a bath at once.

ł don't use poison because you have no control of where they'll take the last breath. Could be in a wall and you won't know until the smell makes you want to cut holes in the walls to find it. Can be messy...

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21 minutes ago, G-Man said:

110 conibear.live trap, 1 leghold leaf spring trap, rat poison.. .22 bird shot. .22 CBcaps .. I hate red squirrels got 153 out of yard one year then cut down all the pines to keep them away..

If that doesn’t work nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure. 

I’ve had good success with those one way wire tunnels. 

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16 hours ago, XGX7PM said:

Peanut Butter on the trigger wires, ł set it in a box.

Catch em like this in 110's all the time.



This is how I did it with gray squirrels for years.The only thing I added was some dental floss across the trigger wires to hold the PB and stick on there teeth.

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got him/her with a havahart. Relocated about 3 miles away to a state forest. According to sources he/she only has a 3% chance of survival after relocation but would have had a zero % chance if I didn't get him/her with the havahart. If there were young-uns they will have a zero % chance of survival, But my house will have a 100% chance of survival. Hate to do things like this but it is what it is.

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