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Skunked.....any advice?


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My parents are away and there dog (a shorthair) got skunked last night. Poor woman who is watching the dog probably is going crazy right now. Any tips on how to get rid of the smell? I know the tomatoe paste or sauce one...but do you guys know anything better?

Poor dog probably can't even take being in the basement with herself.....

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we have used peroxide and Dawn dish liquid mix in a bottle about the size of a hair shampoo bottle half peroxide a couple table spoons or so of the Dawn and fill rest with water . shake and use on the animal , the peroxide will bring the skunk spray . (ITS A OIL ) to the serface of the hair the Dawn will cut the oil greasey skunk spray , we bring this camping with us i can not tell you how many times on the camping trips our dog has got a pole cat (skunk) sprayed, THIS was advised from OUR VET. USE A FEMALE feminane doushe for around the dogs face as that will not harm its eyes .........

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mix 4 table spoons bakingsoda to 2 cups peroxide and 1 half cup of scope mouth wash and begin washing scrub about 4 mins then rinse you wont even know your dog was skunked this works every time had to do my dog several times

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There is actually something to the vinegar! If you don't want to shell out for the Nature's Miracle, the cheapest and best solution is just a jug of white vinegar from your grocery store. It works remarkably well. Your dog will smell a bit like a salad, but better than the alternative. Just keep it out of their eyes/ears when washing them down with it.

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