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Opening day success in NY, bit graphic pic...


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Took this doe in the 25 mph wind on Saturday at 5:15pm, shot was 20 yards broadside, she went maybe 60 yards... Rage through the cage for sure... First Rage kill for me, was using them instead of Slick Trick's due to the wind, figured they would be less effected in case the shot was a bit further...


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Shot my deer at about 15 yards Saturday morning with a Muzzy 100 grain, 3 blade. It went about 50 yards and crashed. I waited about a half hour and got down to check it. When I retrieved my arrow, the spot looked like the deer's heart had exploded. When I field dressed it, I found out why. My shot was just a touch low and went in one side of the heart and out the other. I am amazed it ran that far. Adrenaline is an amazing thing!

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