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Memory cards for trail cams


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Memory cards are pricey so my question is - I plan to have 2 cards per camera and 6 cameras so are 64MB card suffice ? Also if I command the pics to deleted each time will there be an issue with corrupting the card. Anything else advice?

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32 GB is plenty unless your taking long videos or leaving them for a year at a time. Walmart has 32 GB sd card with the adapter for like $8.99. If your in the Hudson Valley send me a pm and I can hook you up.

I concur. In addition, check your camera to see what the maximum size card you can use. I believe 32 GBs is max for my camera.
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I rarely do videos . I have 8 cams in Geneseo and 9 in Walworth . I have them set for 3 pics per sensing . I use 4 and 8 GB cards . I have gotten over 4500 pics on a card . It takes a long time to go through editing that many pics to weed out worthless pictures . I would go nuts editing a 32 GB card . I check EBAY for SD card prices and buy from there . Besides the cards in my cameras , I probably have an extra 25 - 30 SD cards . 

I was looking through some of my original cards and have some 16 , 32 128 and256 MB cards . They would be worthless in today's cameras . I even have a 35 mm film Trail Camera .

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I have a trail cam that isn't even a cam.  It just counted every time "something" went by.  I saw it in my basement the other day, I was shocked I still had it. 

I need to buy a card reader and pull cards. When I just had my original digital cam, I never left it out long term, a few days to a week at most. When I started leaving them out for months and bought a second cam, when I went "upda camp" I just swapped cams. That became my norm, even as more cams followed. I'm still not sure why I do it, I could have twice as many cams out if I'd just buy a card reader and a few more cards. lol

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Depends on where you are placing them and how.many photos it takes and time between photos. I have cameras set on 1 sec delay and have several that will have 2500 photos plus a week,  I use 16gig cards and sometimes they are full especially if I am taking 18meg photos.

Sensitivity also is  a factor.

A flock of turkey will burn up a lot of photos in a hurry so will deer if they bed in front of a camera, squirrels and my newest nemesis rabbits!! 

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