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Honey Do


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I busted my ass getting mine done before bow season. I have had the last two weeks off (for hunting) but spent them packing the house and looking at houses / rentals.

Now guess when i am moving?

That's right a week from today - HA. Funny how this crap works out. I couldn't have planned it better if i had tried.

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I busted my ass getting mine done before bow season. I have had the last two weeks off (for hunting) but spent them packing the house and looking at houses / rentals.

Now guess when i am moving?

That's right a week from today - HA. Funny how this crap works out. I couldn't have planned it better if i had tried.

If it were me i would still go hunting first thing in the morning,than do my moving.I know easy to say than to do Good luck on your new place.
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Bagged 10 bags of leaves yesterday. Sited in my rifle this morning and as I guessed it some foreigner next to me was shooting an AK semi popping hot shells into my bench. Took 1 hr drive for 1/2 hr of shooting to site mine and my bros savage and 1 hr drive back. Been helping the wife clean the house so I have next weekend free. My Honey do list is just about complete. :)

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Have been working on installing a new kitchen. Been at it for months now almost done. Had counter measured and new floor measured on Thursday. So that's all I can do till those two items are installed. Looks like after Thanksgiving, so I am free till then. Didn't realize how much you can spent on a new kitchen, but I needed to replace everything, down to studs.

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Heck , my wife is glad to have me out of the house ! One of the days that I do not hunt is Thanksgiving . We always have a house full of company and I feel guilty if I hunt , bag a deer and have folks waiting for me to get home . It's not worth the trouble .

I usually don't hunt two days in a row . I need a day for my back to recuperate .

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I stayed out of the woods yesterday and will for the first half of today to get things done around here. My list is done and then some. The only things I have to do for the first 9 days of gun season is make it to Thanksgiving dinner and go with my fiance to do the Black Friday shopping. Other than that, I wont be around.

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Wow you guys have it ruff sorry about that. Do what I did about 15 years ago the wife always had things for me to do. Then I got her in the woods ,it was great she took a big doe her 1st day out and she is hooked. She wants to hunt harder then I do sometimes. BUT BE CAREFULL dont let her have your best spot I lost mine to her ha ha ha Good luck to all and be safe out there

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black friday? your a brave man. we've come to agree that all christmas shopping is to be done online to save both our insanity. you still get the deals too

Yeah it drives me nuts, but my better half leaves me alone for the rest of deer season, so it works out. This year we actually have the majority of our Christmas shopping done already.

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I would never go near a store on Black Friday.I have to drive past the outlets in Woodbury,on BlackFriday,and we leave the house around 4am and that place is already packed no BS state troopers have to direct traffic at 4am.Nope not going anywhere near a store.You are a brave man..........LOL

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Deerthug, we have been doing the same thing this year, just have the larger purchases to make on Black Friday.

ny hunter, I wouldnt say brave lol.

Usually I'll wait till cyber Monday for the larger purchases. I have bought stuff on line with free shipping for same deal in store.

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Not exactly a Honey Do job but I decided to clean the eave troughs today . I had purchased a gadget that has a loop and a nozzle that lets you shoot a pressure stream into the gutter . The theory is fine but it doesn't pack the gear to do the job .

I ended up getting out the ladders to pull the leaves out and then used a straight pressure nozzle to clear the troughs . Had to put a step ladder on the peak of the addition to get on the top roof . I was up there spraying away thinking , what the hell am I doing up here ! Each time a little breeze blew , I got a bit nervous . Got it done though and lived to tell about it . I'm getting too old for this crap !

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Not exactly a Honey Do job but I decided to clean the eave troughs today . I had purchased a gadget that has a loop and a nozzle that lets you shoot a pressure stream into the gutter . The theory is fine but it doesn't pack the gear to do the job .

I ended up getting out the ladders to pull the leaves out and then used a straight pressure nozzle to clear the troughs . Had to put a step ladder on the peak of the addition to get on the top roof . I was up there spraying away thinking , what the hell am I doing up here ! Each time a little breeze blew , I got a bit nervous . Got it done though and lived to tell about it . I'm getting too old for this crap !

You should have worn your harness! :D

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