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looks like democrats going to try and steal the election

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yea sure it is  and Epstein didn't have  a island 

Mr. Trump's own lawyers admitted there are representatives from the campaign in the convention center where ballots are being processed, according to CNN. During a hearing in a separate case filed in federal court, Jerome Marcus, a lawyer for the campaign, told Judge Paul Diamond "there's a non-zero number of people in the room."

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yea sure you do and you hunt from your house  I suppose kolobok_rolleyes.gif    but its ok for the delivery guy to have to right  

I hunt down the street from my house yes, and I work for a FEMA certified food distributor, trust me i have no problem getting food to my house



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10 minutes ago, Chef said:

Mr. Trump's own lawyers admitted there are representatives from the campaign in the convention center where ballots are being processed, according to CNN. During a hearing in a separate case filed in federal court, Jerome Marcus, a lawyer for the campaign, told Judge Paul Diamond "there's a non-zero number of people in the room."

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cnn you mean the cnn whos head guy happens to be the governor  of new York's brother well no conflict of interest there  lol you win  cnn  who pushed the Russia bs and other  trump bs for 4 years  .

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3 minutes ago, Chef said:

I hunt down the street from my house yes, and I work for a FEMA certified food distributor, trust me i have no problem getting food to my house



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you and joe biden maybe but what about  the rest  of us or do you think most people  are just like you .   

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5 minutes ago, Chef said:

They also quote a trump campaign lawyers statement to a Judge, that my friend is public record.. I guess you can try and pick out what you want and ignore the facts.

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needs to be  a audit and hand count  to really know  

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41 minutes ago, Chef said:

That myth you are taking about in reference poll watchers has already been debunked... how by a layer for the Trump campaign admitting it right before his case got thrown out of court

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btw if biden   wins congratulations. 



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needs to be  a audit and hand count  to really know  

Maybe we should go back and count every election ever you are just being told bullshit my a desperate man and have his bullshit faucet so far down your throat you believe anything you’re told

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4 minutes ago, Chef said:

Thanks considering he already won

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nope has to go through the prosses  first  courts  and then the 

electoral college decide who is president they have not done it yet  happens in December 

 When we vote for president, we are actually voting for the electors of our state to go vote for the president  and in about 20 states  they technically  can vote for  the other side if they want to .

so biden in a real way could still lose .  

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If Biden supporters are so sure Biden really won, why are they so adamant about stopping the investigations?

What are they afraid of?  If they truly believe there was no fraud, they should be the one's demanding the recounts and investigations to eliminate and future doubt about Biden honestly winning the election.

If it isn't done, 73 million voters will always refuse to accept Biden is the President and will resist everything he  or Harris tries to do.

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18 minutes ago, Northcountryman said:

Yeah , there was fraud . At least , Fraud  in relation to voting by dead persons, as it appears . Evidently, a lot of dead people DID vote And , I’m multiple states; they’re reporting about it now as I type this . Multiple incidents found in GA, NV,  and PA reported , to name a few . 

Those are just the easy  cheats they  can prove   that can be found out  other things are harder to detect and take time to prove  like paying people to vote ballot harvesting destroying ballots and fake ballots or filling in ballots of people that didn't  vote and  software hacks  .  the dems shot them self's in the foot with that Russia  investigation   if its ok to put trump though all of that then its ok to investigate  biden  and all the ballots for fake votes.  its only fair and what do they have to hide if there was no cheating  biden got nothing to worry about isn't  that the speech they gave trump 4 years ago .and if biden  and the dems try and stop the investigation that's obstruction of justice  remember  that's what they said when trump wanted them to stop  dems own words going to come back to hurt them .   :)    

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As far as voting in person, why are they allowing mass Biden celebrations with thousands of people in the streets when they were too afraid to vote in person?

Outside VS inside.... you can’t be that dumb

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Yeah , there was fraud . At least , Fraud  in relation to voting by dead persons, as it appears . Evidently, a lot of dead people DID vote And , I’m multiple states; they’re reporting about it now as I type this . Multiple incidents found in GA, NV,  and PA reported , to name a few . 

They have already started to investigate and found the people on those lists are either not dead or didn’t vote.... one list only had 5 dead people on it and no ballot was cast in any of their names

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7 hours ago, Northcountryman said:

Yeah , there was fraud . At least , Fraud  in relation to voting by dead persons, as it appears . Evidently, a lot of dead people DID vote And , I’m multiple states; they’re reporting about it now as I type this . Multiple incidents found in GA, NV,  and PA reported , to name a few . 

Last night Tucker Carlson showed the pics and names of people that "voted" but had died years ago. This was in several states. That is fraud and fake news is repeating over and over there was no fraud.

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18 minutes ago, Steuben Jerry said:

Yeah, but so are most football games, outdoor concerts Indy and Nascar racing, etc. And we can't have those either.

Grouse is right , actually . They were busting Trumps chops  back in The late summer / early fall for holding large rallies , calling “ Super Spreader Events “ and they were all outdoors. If that was wrong then so were the Biden victory celebrations . There is always a double standard in politics in terms of the way the media covers and treats Democrats vs Republicans ; it’s sickening . 

( Sorry , wrong quote referenced. I was referring to the “ outside vs inside , youCant be that dumb “ quote from Chef ) 

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9 hours ago, Chef said:

Outside VS inside.... you can’t be that dumb


People inside wearing masks, staying 6 ft apart, using hand sanitizer and using machines being constantly cleaned, for about 20 minutes, as opposed to thousands of screaming unwashed clustered together like sardines, handling each others property and grabbing each other for hours?

Who's that dumb?



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"After enduring four years of corporate media and congressional Democrats peddling lies, half-truths, and false narratives, Donald Trump voters will never believe a Joe Biden victory was lawfully achieved." —Margot Cleveland

The reason our democratic republic has functioned as well as it has for the past 231 years is because of our trust in the electoral process. When confidence in the election process disappears, confidence in the legitimacy of government disappears with it. It is a very potent way to destabilize a republic or a democracy.

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5 minutes ago, Grouse said:


People inside wearing masks, staying 6 ft apart, using hand sanitizer and using machines being constantly cleaned, for about 20 minutes, as opposed to thousands of screaming unwashed clustered together like sardines, handling each others property and grabbing each other for hours?

Who's that dumb?



Grabbing each other? You talking about a maga rally?

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Nope.  I was referring to the people who support the party of child molesters, pedophiles and perverted sexual activity of all sorts.  Not saying that's going on at the Biden rallies, but how would we know, since the media would never report it.  I'm sure there's quite a bit of drug use going on there and they never clean up the mess they make.  That's the antithesis of a MAGA rally.

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