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New York Crossbow Hunters..

sits in trees

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BigTom doesnt know what hes talking about, and he just thinks that he speaks for anyone other than himself and maybe 1 or 2 instructors he might know. Weve already established that a while back. The bottom line is, the instructors will teach what NY tells them to teach, and alot of the talkers will eat their crow and teach like they are told to. I have a feeling BigTom is just another NYB member thumping his chest in protest of the inevitable.

Here we go again when you don't agree with some one attack them!! By the way your wrong on all accounts!!

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Not true at all. Ive just been down this road with you before, and the fact remains that you dont speak for anyone other than yourself, even though you think you do.
It is true anybody can read through this thread and see it, and I'm glad you know me well enough to read my mind!! LOL

Guy's truth be told I was a member of NYB for many years but droped my membership 8 years ago because of there stand on the cross bow.

Edited by BigTomsCalls
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Just because I express my thoughts on things, doesnt mean Im attacking you. Its my opinion of you based on my previous experience with you. Theres certain people around here (including you) that seem to have not figured out that when someone says something and doesnt back it up with facts, its their opinion, and they have every right to express it. Let me re-phrase my original statement a little so youll be able to keep up...

IMO, BigTom doesnt know what hes talking about, and he just thinks that he speaks for anyone other than himself and maybe 1 or 2 instructors he might know. Weve already established that a while back. The bottom line is, the instructors will teach what NY tells them to teach, and alot of the talkers will eat their crow and teach like they are told to. I have a feeling BigTom is just another NYB member thumping his chest in protest of the inevitable.

...is that better there big guy?

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Just because I express my thoughts on things, doesnt mean Im attacking you. Its my opinion of you based on my previous experience with you. Theres certain people around here (including you) that seem to have not figured out that when someone says something and doesnt back it up with facts, its their opinion, and they have every right to express it. Let me re-phrase my original statement a little so youll be able to keep up... IMO, BigTom doesnt know what hes talking about, and he just thinks that he speaks for anyone other than himself and maybe 1 or 2 instructors he might know. Weve already established that a while back. The bottom line is, the instructors will teach what NY tells them to teach, and alot of the talkers will eat their crow and teach like they are told to. I have a feeling BigTom is just another NYB member thumping his chest in protest of the inevitable. ...is that better there big guy?
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I think it should be specifically addressed for safety reasons alone.

Correct me if I am wrong but you have to take the hunters safety education course them you have to take the bow course in order to hunt with a bow. (or crossbow te way i phreased it). what special aspect of the crossbow wouldn't be addressed by one of those two courses. It is a weapon and shares traits with both (been beat up here to no end...lol). I am not busting balls just wonderig what is so special about it. the cocking? I never had a lever gun address in my calss to hunt. what else?

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Correct me if I am wrong but you have to take the hunters safety education course them you have to take the bow course in order to hunt with a bow. (or crossbow te way i phreased it). what special aspect of the crossbow wouldn't be addressed by one of those two courses. It is a weapon and shares traits with both (been beat up here to no end...lol). I am not busting balls just wonderig what is so special about it. the cocking? I never had a lever gun address in my calss to hunt. what else?

I guess it is slightly covered in both spots. I just prefer it be covered specifically in archery if its included in the archery season. Your talking about a huge influx of people that potentially never hunted during archery season with a weapon they may not know the limits on or the dangers of improper handling or usage.

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I was just think IF what Big Tom asserts is true.....I would think the safety rule of all the other weapons discussed in the classes would be adequate. The people everyone seems to be worried about are around us anyway in gun season and carrying a weapon that is much deadlier.

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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NYCC is working to secure the rights of ALL hunters to use crossbows in every season Archery Equipment is allowed, including Big Game, Small Game, Turkey, and even Varmints and Bow fishing.

If you believe current laws do not reflect the wishes of the majority of NY Hunters, please consider joining NYCC - Information and applications are available online.

Defending EVERY Sportsmen’s Right to Choose

Together We WILL Succeed


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I guess it is slightly covered in both spots. I just prefer it be covered specifically in archery if its included in the archery season. Your talking about a huge influx of people that potentially never hunted during archery season with a weapon they may not know the limits on or the dangers of improper handling or usage.

1) "huge influx of people"? we should all be so lucky that "huge" hunter numbers were present in any aspect of hunting as that would help us all. Unfortunately hunter numbers are on a steady decline.

2) "limits or dangers of handling and usage"? a) limits are similar to any string / limb launched projectile as arrow /bolt will fall quickly as it travels downrange. handling and usage are similar to any weapon that can be locked and loaded, which most gun owners are already familar.

I really don't see any major concerns here as the proof lies in the many states where things have gone along just fine.

Edited by skyhunter
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ahh yes the big rally in Albany where if I recall all of the archery instructors said they refuse to teach crossbow. What a crock. I have been doing a bit of research and I was at the meeting. Two or maybe 3 guys said they refuse and the state officials said ok fine then you are no longer certified. How they quickly changed their minds. If they do not teach the curriculum, they are out. Big Tom can puff out his chest and pretend to have connections with power, but it is all false. The state has the power, we don't and of a couple volunteer instructors think they have that much power, they need to talk to someone. Again, it is all of no matter. It will be taught in the gun course, and that has not been officially rolled out for us yet.

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1) "huge influx of people"? we should all be so lucky that "huge" hunter numbers were present in any aspect of hunting as that would help us all. Unfortunately hunter numbers are on a steady decline.

I was referring to the influx of people that already participate in the gun season into the archery season.

2) "limits or dangers of handling and usage"? a) limits are similar to any string / limb launched projectile as arrow /bolt will fall quickly as it travels downrange. handling and usage are similar to any weapon that can be locked and loaded, which most gun owners are already familar.

I really don't see any major concerns here as the proof lies in the many states where things have gone along just fine.

I guess you have more faith in people then I do. I don't see any major issues having some coverage in safety in the archery course. Seems irresponisble not to.

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"huge influx of people". Yes, that is one of the main concerns. Don't be fooled with all the talk of the xgun being a recruitment tool. I am a gun hunter but enjoy the seperation of archery season and the challenges it poses. The big push for xbows is from gun hunter looking to transition into archery season without all the challenges of archery equipment.

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Bottom line... ask a gun hunter who does not bow hunt currently why that is and they will admit because it's "too hard" and takes "too much time to practice". But give them a x-gun and they can shoot it a time or two and put it in the closet till next season it's no wonder their is support to put it in archery season. Why not just put riffles in bow season too while you are at it. X-guns in NY archery would dramatically change the quality of the current bow season and the herd overall- we already have one of the longest seasons with multiple buck take opportunities and now you want to expand the weapon choice during the season which deer are most vulnerable. You have cross bows in a season already.

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Bottom line... ask a gun hunter who does not bow hunt currently why that is and they will admit because it's "too hard" and takes "too much time to practice". But give them a x-gun and they can shoot it a time or two and put it in the closet till next season it's no wonder their is support to put it in archery season. Why not just put riffles in bow season too while you are at it. X-guns in NY archery would dramatically change the quality of the current bow season and the herd overall- we already have one of the longest seasons with multiple buck take opportunities and now you want to expand the weapon choice during the season which deer are most vulnerable. You have cross bows in a season already.

It is a CROSS BOW not an xgun,whatever that is? The Crossbow launches arrows, not bullets,

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"huge influx of people". Yes, that is one of the main concerns. Don't be fooled with all the talk of the xgun being a recruitment tool. I am a gun hunter but enjoy the seperation of archery season and the challenges it poses. The big push for xbows is from gun hunter looking to transition into archery season without all the challenges of archery equipment.

Where is the talk of ,your term,xgun, being talked about as a recruitment tool?

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Bottom line... ask a gun hunter who does not bow hunt currently why that is and they will admit because it's "too hard" and takes "too much time to practice". But give them a x-gun and they can shoot it a time or two and put it in the closet till next season it's no wonder their is support to put it in archery season. Why not just put riffles in bow season too while you are at it. X-guns in NY archery would dramatically change the quality of the current bow season and the herd overall- we already have one of the longest seasons with multiple buck take opportunities and now you want to expand the weapon choice during the season which deer are most vulnerable. You have cross bows in a season already.

actually the "bottom line" is that there are tons of compound bowhunters that don't practice at all. They just pull out the bow the night before the opener and then attempt to chuck arrows.

that's your true "bottom line". Crossbows aren't going to add these huge numbers that the naysayers fear.

Edited by skyhunter
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Hey JFB your statement. “that it doesn’t take as much practice to shoot a cross-bow”. What the hell does that mean? Is that supposed to be bad? I would rather see someone with limited practice. Who can shoot a cross-bow well, then the guy who takes out his bow a week before the season, and then wonders why he lost 2 or 3 deer?( it’s ok He’s a bow hunter)

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ahh yes the big rally in Albany where if I recall all of the archery instructors said they refuse to teach crossbow. What a crock. I have been doing a bit of research and I was at the meeting. Two or maybe 3 guys said they refuse and the state officials said ok fine then you are no longer certified. How they quickly changed their minds. If they do not teach the curriculum, they are out. Big Tom can puff out his chest and pretend to have connections with power, but it is all false. The state has the power, we don't and of a couple volunteer instructors think they have that much power, they need to talk to someone. Again, it is all of no matter. It will be taught in the gun course, and that has not been officially rolled out for us yet.

Ahh yes I see that ol' bubba now says that yes there was a few instructors that said they wouldn't teach the xbow in there class where before it never happened!! I never said it was all the instructors and I never said it was a rally!! If you think that the issue was not dicussed after the meeting and more instructors came onboard and the state notified your saddly mistaken.

I don't know why your trying to fide or avoid the facts could it be that your worried it may harm your image as a TOP NOTCH INSTRUCTOR? After all we can see in your diclaimer your a LEGEND IN YOUR OWN MIND!!!

YES IT DOES MATTER WHERE THE COUSRE IS TAUGHT!!! If the xbow is going to be allowed in the archery season than it should be taught in the archery classes for reasons already discussed by other members of this forum!!!

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The big push for xbows is from gun hunter looking to transition into archery season without all the challenges of archery equipment.

You keep repeating this line, but it simply is not true. Plenty of bow hunters, including myself, are supporting full inclusion of crossbows into archery season. Just more false information being put out by those on the anti side of the fence.

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Bottom line... ask a gun hunter who does not bow hunt currently why that is and they will admit because it's "too hard" and takes "too much time to practice". But give them a x-gun and they can shoot it a time or two and put it in the closet till next season it's no wonder their is support to put it in archery season. Why not just put riffles in bow season too while you are at it. X-guns in NY archery would dramatically change the quality of the current bow season and the herd overall- we already have one of the longest seasons with multiple buck take opportunities and now you want to expand the weapon choice during the season which deer are most vulnerable. You have cross bows in a season already.

Whats the problem with the guys that dont have the time or desire to practice and shoot vertical bows accurately and consistently moving over to a weapon that they can have a better chance at making a clean kill with, rather than have deer wounded by a bad shot? The comparison to a rifle is just plain stupid, its about effective range, not how you hold it.

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I think Chevy has a point, but not as many people as you think are this way. Too much negative wishfull thinking, provoking people to assume that ''most" are for xbows because they are "lazy gun hunters" that want to hunt in archery season. What makes you think the lazy gun hunters have the perseverance to hunt in archery as well as gun season? If they are what all you anti "anyonehuntingmydeer" guys say they are, then that's not what's going on here is it?

Keep up the good work guys, no wonder hunter numbers are on the decline, not even hunters want anyone else hunting.

i'm for xbows in any season that allows someone who wouldn't be buying a license otherwise, buy one. Which helps us all in the long run.

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Ahh yes I see that ol' bubba now says that yes there was a few instructors that said they wouldn't teach the xbow in there class where before it never happened!! I never said it was all the instructors and I never said it was a rally!! If you think that the issue was not dicussed after the meeting and more instructors came onboard and the state notified your saddly mistaken.

I don't know why your trying to fide or avoid the facts could it be that your worried it may harm your image as a TOP NOTCH INSTRUCTOR? After all we can see in your diclaimer your a LEGEND IN YOUR OWN MIND!!!

YES IT DOES MATTER WHERE THE COUSRE IS TAUGHT!!! If the xbow is going to be allowed in the archery season than it should be taught in the archery classes for reasons already discussed by other members of this forum!!!

can I have a list of all these instructors? I would be interested in seeing the list of all 4 names. And be sure to take my disclaimer out of context and use one sentence. It says my personal views do not stop me from being an excellent instructor. As far as teaching cross bow in my classes knocking me off some pedestal you think I am on is ridiculous at best. I have all the things I need to teach cross bow at this time from the state. We are not teaching it yet as the curriculum has not been rolled out. We have been given a 15 minute dvd which shows history, and safety with a cross bow. That is all there is going to be. 15 minutes per class. Again I Ask to please post the list of instructors who think they are holding the state hostage.

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