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Did you know that all but one country in Europe requires government-issued photo voter IDs to vote? And the one country that doesn't mandate photo IDs for the entire country will soon be doing so to be like all the other European countries? This research shows that these countries adopted these rules because they had seen vote fraud.

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  On 5/23/2021 at 9:57 AM, Grouse said:

Did you know that all but one country in Europe requires government-issued photo voter IDs to vote? And the one country that doesn't mandate photo IDs for the entire country will soon be doing so to be like all the other European countries? This research shows that these countries adopted these rules because they had seen vote fraud.


Also,  No mail in voting in Europe unless its for medical reasons and you have to ask for it . 


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Why post political stuff?

As it pertains to this forum I want to know who supports the activities discussed and participated in by members who live the Outdoor lifestyle. Be it Trapping, Fishing, Hunting, Shooting, Gun-Ammunition ownership for starters.

Just as important is I want to know what politicians, political party and activist groups along with other antis that do not support the Outdoor lifestyle, also I like knowing who goes along with and votes for the above.

I want to know who my friends are!!


Edited by airedale
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  On 5/24/2021 at 12:32 PM, Versatile_Hunter said:

It’s important to understand that being a hunter is not synonymous with having a regressive, myopic, and isolationist take on the world. 


I unequivocally and emphatically refute your contention that anyone, simply by being politically affiliated any particular political party and/or ideology, could accurately be so labelled- I mean, isnt that a form of bias at its very core? Your description could easily describe countless individuals of both major political ideologies and has nothing to do with the ideology , in and of itself. 

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  On 5/24/2021 at 1:06 PM, Northcountryman said:

I unequivocally and emphatically refute your contention that anyone, simply by being politically affiliated any particular political party and/or ideology, could accurately be so labelled- I mean, isnt that a form of bias at its very core? Your description could easily describe countless individuals of both major political ideologies and has nothing to do with the ideology , in and of itself. 


So you agree with me. Not synonymous. 

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  On 5/24/2021 at 4:54 PM, Northcountryman said:

Who would believe that it was in the first place?


Well this particular thread is perhaps not the best counter to the false notion that hunters are regressive, myopic, and isolationist minded. But yes, it's an easy caricature seemingly modeled on some on this board. It's important for the rest of us to speak up. 

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So according to leftists, if you have integrity, morals and values, you're regressive.  If you see the truth and reject propaganda, you're myopic.  If you believe our elected officials should put America first, you're an isolationist.

Orwell predicted totalitarians would use derogatory terms to demean all good things and fawning praise to support all bad things.  The "deplorables" must be silenced in order to maintain control of the indoctrinated masses.  Facts need not be supplied to support the accusations.  Just yell the accusations louder.

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  On 5/25/2021 at 5:43 AM, Grouse said:

So according to leftists, if you have integrity, morals and values, you're regressive.  If you see the truth and reject propaganda, you're myopic.  If you believe our elected officials should put America first, you're an isolationist.

Orwell predicted totalitarians would use derogatory terms to demean all good things and fawning praise to support all bad things.  The "deplorables" must be silenced in order to maintain control of the indoctrinated masses.  Facts need not be supplied to support the accusations.  Just yell the accusations louder.


Case in point, @Northcountryman

This guy is a cartoon character…

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I love how you can hold up your end of a debate with logic, facts and credible info, never stooping to attack the messenger when you do not understand the issues or points made.

I'd be insulted if I actually valued your opinion.

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  On 5/25/2021 at 11:32 AM, Versatile_Hunter said:

Case in point, @Northcountryman

This guy is a cartoon character…


If you and Grouse actually met and had a substantive discussion, Im sure you could fnd some common ground on certain issues and agree to disagree on others.  I mean, hell, we know you  both have at least one thing in common: you like to hunt, right!!   :)

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It still amazes me how many of you don't support pro-environmental legislation just because it's pushed by a group that you disagree with on many other topics.

I wish more of us (not just this group, but this country) wasn't so afraid to cross "party lines". You can be republican and still believe in global warming and want us to take actions to curb it. You can be a democrat and support the 2A. You can still be republican and believe that covid is real and that masks were needed. You can still be a democrat and support the science that at this point in time masks are no longer needed and kids need to go back to school. You can support trump and wish he'd never have joined twitter. You can support biden and acknowledge he doesn't appear to be driving the ship.

think for your damn self

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  On 5/25/2021 at 12:43 PM, Belo said:

It still amazes me how many of you don't support pro-environmental legislation just because it's pushed by a group that you disagree with on many other topics.

I wish more of us (not just this group, but this country) wasn't so afraid to cross "party lines". You can be republican and still believe in global warming and want us to take actions to curb it. You can be a democrat and support the 2A. You can still be republican and believe that covid is real and that masks were needed. You can still be a democrat and support the science that at this point in time masks are no longer needed and kids need to go back to school. You can support trump and wish he'd never have joined twitter. You can support biden and acknowledge he doesn't appear to be driving the ship.

think for your damn self


It’s truly wild

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Trouble is, thinking for ones self without a basic understanding of an issue and the complexities involved, simply adopts a belief system that is based on feelings and emotion.  Analytical thinking requires the ability to properly state what the problem is, list alternatives and analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative to form and educated commitment to an issue.

Most people either do not have the skill set to do that, or are simply not that concerned about committing to the correct solution to a problem.  That's how politics can pander to people.  It promises to support issues based on belief systems rather than logic.

Believe whatever you like.  But if you cannot support what you believe, you can't expect to gain many followers.

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  On 5/24/2021 at 5:00 PM, Versatile_Hunter said:

Well this particular thread is perhaps not the best counter to the false notion that hunters are regressive, myopic, and isolationist minded. But yes, it's an easy caricature seemingly modeled on some on this board. It's important for the rest of us to speak up. 


Like you, I'm sure there are many liberals that hunt and into guns and that's a good thing . Politically not so much :) but staying around here probably going to make your a little  less of a liberal I would imagine even if you don't admit it .  That's why left try  so hard to censor block  the right and not the other way around.       

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Pretty demeaning of you to assume that a personal opinion or belief is more often rooted in feelings and not in science, experience or research. While I don't disagree that this does happen, I get the impression that you believe those who feel differently than you on a subject are just ignorant, lazy and wrong.

Fact of the matter is most of the divisive issues we have in this country ranging from border control, corporate taxes, health care, minimum wage, abortion, social welfare, gun rights, so on and so on are very, very complicated issues. There really isn't a whole lot of clear cut right or wrong. The issue that are clear have been acted on already.

Generally speaking both parties want what's best for this country, we just disagree on how to get there. There was a time that this was understood in Washington and I'm afraid that seems to no longer be the case, as was seen by the witch hunts the last few years and delaying the stimulus till after the election. Also it appears that lately it's more common that a politician is concerned with their own self interests vs that of the country and its people... often forgetting that they are servants for us, not the other way around.

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