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Breaking news biden bans all russia ammo and firearms imports !!!


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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Some people cannot comprehend the issue. Choosing not to buy something is freedom of choice.  Not being able to buy something because the government says you can't is Marxist totalitarian tyranny.

The left is trying to put all the US manufacturers of guns and ammo out of business with lawsuits.  If they succeed and imports are banned, guess what?

This move will hurt US consumers more than it will hurt Russia.  It just cuts off a supply of less expensive ammo.  But Biden actually wants to increase prices on everything the base of his political opposition buys.  Meanwhile he uses their tax dollars to pay off loans for his base.

BUY AMERICAN and boost the economy of the country to claim to love so much! You really are a single mined buffoon at times aren't you? I think you should get out more, maybe try some good old east coastal hyking.


Now, I'm going fishing.

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11 minutes ago, DirtTime said:

It also sanctions missiles if I read correctly. Again, I ask what happened to buy American? One would presume then that the best ammo is made in Russia?


If a Democrat farts in the wind it's a violation of the Second Amendment. This has nothing to do with China, it's about Russia so why not stay on point? Funny how most people can't do that anymore. It's also not a ban, it's a restriction/sanction on a country that does horrible things to innocent people. I could flip the coin like so many others do here, and say- so by being against this you must me OK with innocent people being killed by chemical warfare.


It wasn't that long ago, maybe a few weeks, that people were up in arms that Russian ships were to close to waters they weren't supposed to be on/in. My how things change, when a Russian ship gets a little to close for comfort people blow a gasket- Russia bad. Tell those same people they might not be able to get commie ammo and they still blow a gasket- Russian weapons good. Like I said, isn't not standing your ground a "libtard" thing to do? Nothing wrong with back-peddling, we have all done it. It's all good until your foot slips and you faceplant.


Again, I said it's a mute point to bring up anything logical here. You can't hammer a wooden nail into a rock.


Now if you'll pardon my leave, I'm off to go do some fishing. You know, one of those topics that this place was made to discuss.

Yea I'm sure that's why they banned it because they want you to buy american lol Come on you know better .

If that was the case why not ban all chinese crap ?

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Dirt Time is capable of the most convoluted, tortured, irrational. illogical thinking I have ever seen.  He really has no idea how the American economy works and doesn't seem capable of learning.

How is it he can support Biden sanctioning Russia, but not China?

Quote: "it's a restriction/sanction on a country that does horrible things to innocent people."

China is far worse than Russia in this respect.

You do not force Americans to boost the economy through government regulation.  It's done by companies that sell a better product that people willingly pay for.  If everything goes up in price in America, that doesn't make the economy better.  It makes it worse because nobody can afford anything.  That's how Democrats ruin the economy. Wages do not go up to match price increases for goods.  

I really have a very low tolerance for stupidity and the economy would do better if everyone did.

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18 minutes ago, DirtTime said:


If a Democrat farts in the wind it's a violation of the Second Amendment.

While farting in the wind may be somewhat overboard the fact of the matter is the Democrats are against the Second Amendment and would like nothing better than seeing it gone. Gun control is in the forefront of their party's platform for all to see, they preach it not stop, and they are using every conceivable way they can to get around the Second Amendment.


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6 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

What American outdoorsman would buy russian or chinese ammo to begin with?  

Not everyone is a  millionaire like you buddy 

Its cheap affordable ammo if anything good for practice shooting 

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14 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

What American outdoorsman would buy russian or chinese ammo to begin with?  

What about American shooters who don't hunt?  Need they pay for expensive ammo to punch holes in paper? How about all the Americans involved in the business of importing and selling inexpensive ammo to American shooters that will all be out of a job now?  How many jobs will Biden have to kill in America before stupid people stop supporting him?

Edited by Grouse
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Rob, a lot of people can’t find ammo currently, so, any reduction in the supply ,will simply make it even harder as well as help maintain elevated prices .

Myself I don’t have any Russian ammo , but to my surprise one of the recent cases of 9mm I bought was made in Bosnia. It’s been a clean reliable ammo so far ,would I seek it out instead of Hornady  ? No . But it was available at the time .

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12 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

What American outdoorsman would buy russian or chinese ammo to begin with?

I have a Russian SKS rifle that I just plink with, I use the cheap Russian Wolf ammo which works perfectly fine in it. Not a tack driver by any means but it is sure a lot of fun.


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7 minutes ago, Grouse said:

What about American shooters who don't hunt?  Need they pay for expensive ammo to punch holes in paper? How about all the Americans involved in the business of importing and sell inexpensive ammo to American shooters that will all be out of a job now?  How many jobs will Biden have to kill in America before stupid people stop supporting him?

Was just creeping around in cheaper than dirt.  Did a quick search for 223/5.56.   American made fmj is right there with the russian stuff price wise.  So idk. 

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5 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

Was just creeping around in cheaper than dirt.  Did a quick search for 223/5.56.   American made fmj is right there with the russian stuff price wise.  So idk. 

And when the Russian ammo is not available anymore, what do you expect will happen to the price of the cheap America stuff?

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7 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

Was just creeping around in cheaper than dirt.  Did a quick search for 223/5.56.   American made fmj is right there with the russian stuff price wise.  So idk. 

 Now go to 7.62 , which the AK uses. Imported steel, case is what feeds those guns .

I don’t have one ,so the impact on me isn’t a direct one , but I view any reduction in the ammo supply as having a cumulative effect ( affect ? ) 

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16 minutes ago, Grouse said:

And when the Russian ammo is not available anymore, what do you expect will happen to the price of the cheap America stuff?

By God Economics were my favorite classes in my brief college days ! 

This hits two determinants of supply, 1.gov. regulations and 2. A reduction in the number of sellers . So less supply means the curve moves, well I forget the direction , but we’ll be paying more . 

Edited by Nomad
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10 minutes ago, Nomad said:

 Now go to 7.62 , which the AK uses. Imported steel, case is what feeds those guns .

I don’t have one ,so the impact on me isn’t a direct one , but I view any reduction in the ammo supply as having a cumulative effect ( affect ? ) 

A Ruger Mini-30 also uses 7.62x39 Russian ammo.  Come to think of it, there are many bolt rifles that are chambered for it now as well.

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

A Ruger Mini-30 also uses 7.62x39 Russian ammo.  Come to think of it, there are many bolt rifles that are chambered for it now as well.

You are right . Funny thing a friend just traded his AK47 W/bump stock , for a Mini thirty . His thinking was well, he wanted a more under the radar gun, and it uses the same ammo ,which he has a ton of , for now .

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40 minutes ago, Jeremy K said:

if enough people start farting the wind the government will tax it ,fact.

Or mandate you consume a GasX like product so you do not fart because like the farting Cattle the Democrats want to get rid of you will be causing climate change.

Edited by airedale
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The founders would have tarred and feathered Biden and been shooting by now.  I think Democrats know most American's tolerance of their tyranny is thinning, so they are coming for the guns and ammo as much as they can, while they can.

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38 minutes ago, Nomad said:

 Now go to 7.62 , which the AK uses. Imported steel, case is what feeds those guns .

I don’t have one ,so the impact on me isn’t a direct one , but I view any reduction in the ammo supply as having a cumulative effect ( affect ? ) 

Saw that for 7.62.   Why arent American companies producing the same cheap steel cases ammo as the russians?

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