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Uncle Ted being investigated by Secret Service

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:fie: The point of the original post was simply to point out that the Secret Service has a lot more on their plate dealing with the hooker scandal than with a well known zealously outspoken advocate against gun control and an admitted Obama hater.
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The Leftists used to burn George W. Bush in effigy and call for his death. I don't remember the SS ever investigating any of them. I guess a Republican Administration is smart enough to know a real threat when it sees it.

This administration is worried about Ted, but not concerned about terrorists living in America, illegals crossing the border and committing murder or the New Black Panther Party vowing to start killing white people. Damn they dumb!

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Obama doesn't care about the new black panther party threats, bc " trevon Martin could have just as easily been his son" where does a president get off making statements about a case that has yet tried? Where is the innocent until proven guilty?

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The Leftists used to burn George W. Bush in effigy and call for his death. I don't remember the SS ever investigating any of them. I guess a Republican Administration is smart enough to know a real threat when it sees it.

This administration is worried about Ted, but not concerned about terrorists living in America, illegals crossing the border and committing murder or the New Black Panther Party vowing to start killing white people. Damn they dumb!

That about sums it up. I totally agree.

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Nugent, 63, confirmed in a statement that “two fine, professional Secret Service agents” came to see him Thursday in Oklahoma, where he was scheduled to play Ardmore’s 2 Frogs Grill that night.

By his account, all parties concluded “that I have never made any threats of violence towards anyone. . . I thanked them for their service, we shook hands and went about our business.”

“The issue has been resolved,” Secret Service spokesman Brian Leary told us. The agency, he said, “does not anticipate any further action.”

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I'm not to worried about Uncle Ted going postal but there are some wack jobs out there that will get all fired up by his speech and then try something stupid. All they have to say is Uncle Teddy said so and he will be guilty by association of his speech. I recall a few KKK leaders getting thrown in prison for something simular to this. Obama may be a left wing commie but he is an elected by a majority of Americans left wing commie. The American people got what they deserved. Hopefully some people will wake up and not vote for him again this fall. But being the pessimist I am I doubt it. Everyone loves free handouts.

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Ted is not one of my greatest hunters that I would like to take a hunt with.

He runs his mouth to much and what he said if you read his exact words should have SS stopping by to dicuss his actions with him..

Were was he like most of the top right wings spoke people in the 60's they sure were not in service with me. They found ways to dodge the draft and or not join the miltary like I did.( Jan 1960 to Nov 1963 USAF)

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Someone posted this stuff is getting the anti Obama/anti government folks all riled up again. Ever stop to think maybe it's the government's attacks on American rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights and protected by the Constitution that makes them anti's in the first place?

It is very hard to debate against the statement, "The Government Is Not Your Friend."

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