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7mm-08 Ammo Question


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First let’s dispel the 3000 yard shot with 7-08. Farthest kill shot was with a 338-lupua mag in 2014 and it was at 2474 yds.

The 7-08 is a 308 neck down to 7mm. Remington brought out the round back in the 1980’s it was a wildcat long before that. It is one of a number of very good cartridges based on the 308 win starting with the 243win.

Whether you use a 139gr or a 140gr bullet it makes no difference Hornady makes a very good bullets. So pick one you like and go with it. it will work and don’t over analyze this.

Why is everyone failing to grasp the fact that the original intent of the post about the 3000 yard shot W/a 7mm-08 was to point out the absurdity of the calim by one of the "7mm-aught 8 experts".


As far as 139 or 140 grain bullets go. Why not choose the one that groups the best out of your particular gun? Hornady 139 grain .284 bullets have failed to group as well as 140 grain Noslers in every 7mm bore rifle I have tested so far. The Hornadys will seldom group 1" or less while the Noslers routinely group 1/2" or less.


I did prefer the Hornady 139 grain Interbond to the 140 grain Nosler Accubond due to the superior termenial performance of the Interbond when driven in excess of 3100 fps Mv. The interbond would retain 86% or more weight while the Noslers would blow the nose off resulting in meat damage on the entry side W/small exit would resulting in very poor blood trails.


At 7mm-08 Mv there s no need for controlled expansion & the Nosler BTs have superior terminal performance (larger exit wounds) compered to the 139 grain SSTs.


Here is a typical exit wound from a hand loaded 140 grain Nosler BT driven from a 7mm -08 @ 2900 fps Mv. Distance was about 80 yards.



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Who would take a 2000+ yd shot at a deer? That's insane! At least IMHO. 200 yds is my comfort zone with any rifle. Everything will be within 150 yds in the areas I hunt.


I might try out the Federals. Don't see any harm in it. If they are better great, if not, fine too.


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If you do enough research on the Factory Ammo  ( which I think you are talking about ) even with 1 weight of bullet , there are many types ,even from the same company. You have to find which bullet to use for the distance you intend to hunt. As some plastic tipped bullets will go right threw a deer at 75 yards, some will explode on contact and do no damage and some will expand and hold a good part of there weight ( that is what you want). You can never go wrong at that distance with the old reliable Fed. , Rem. or Win. soft points.

Just my 2 cents.

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Hoe close is the 7mm-08 to the old Winchester 284?? I assume they're not interchangable……..

The .284 Win is a fatter case with a greater powder capacity than the 7mm08. It is ballistically similar to the .280 Rem, which produces about 200 FPS more velocity than the 7mm08 with bullets in the 140 grain range..

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that was a sniper kill

Oh, OK. I don't hunt people, I hear they taste like crap.




Yes, I shoot factory loads. As I said max would be about 150yds, most will be inside 100. Not many fields in the areas I hunt, mainly woods and not overly brushy.

I am shooting the Hornady SP's that's what the American Whitetails are, all metal. The SST's are the Superformance rounds and have the plastic tips.


Now as for everyone talking about the Federals, are you talking about the Fusions or the Premiums? The premiums have a polymer tip. Or the Power Shok ammo in 150gr from Federal which are also all metal?

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Hoe close is the 7mm-08 to the old Winchester 284?? I assume they're not interchangable……..

Pretty close in ballistics, but a whole different cartridge. The .284 Win was similar to today's short fat magnums only less so. Rebated rim case, etc.

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Yes they were loaded but they didn’t have heavy weapons (50cal). If they weren’t loaded them someone made a mistake. They were there to keep the pace not make war(keep the Israelis and the different factions from going to war) their rules of engagement were not the same as ours we went in to the city the Marines did not.

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Yes, I shoot factory loads. As I said max would be about 150yds, most will be inside 100. Not many fields in the areas I hunt, mainly woods and not overly brushy.

I am shooting the Hornady SP's, that's what the American Whitetails are, all metal. The SST's are the Superformance rounds and have the plastic tips.


Now as for everyone talking about the Federals, are you talking about the Fusions or the Premiums? The premiums have a polymer tip. Or the Power Shok ammo in 150gr from Federal which are also all metal?




One try to get this runaway train back under control.

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