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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/13 in Posts

  1. I'd like to see a restriction on posts about antler restrictions,lol
    7 points
  2. Not a good idea to target ourselves with a boycott. Thats like rioting in your own neighborhood.
    3 points
  3. A ranking of political parties 1. steaming pile of fecal matter 2. Libertarian 3. self immolation 4. being repeatedly folded over on yourself until you fit in an ant's pocket 5. falling feet first into an industrial sausage press 6. death by bunga bunga 7. death by 1,000 cuts 8. Republicans 9. castration 10. Democrat upon reexamination, I realized I had rated Republicans too high originally.
    3 points
  4. When it's time to bury 'em, it's time to dig 'em up.
    3 points
  5. Do you not have an understanding of ...When we forget or ignore our past we are doomed to repeat it?....Perhaps that's just what the power mongers are hoping for...maybe they figure that they have raped the middle class into submission and all the well fare recipients will stand by their side and help further neuter the sheep..... I for one am not a lamb...I watched ppl I love leave this ground to die on foreign soils just to stop this from happening...they fought.... being fed a line of fear of loosing our freedoms from the out side....For what?.... The rest of us could stand by and let the enemy on our soils destroy the freedoms they died for....no...I'm at the age that I have nothing to loose except the future of my adult children and my self respect....
    2 points
  6. Like anything else It could have a place (assuming you could afford it). I would put in on par with the helo hunts for pigs. I would love to have this thing in a big tower stand with a view in all directions and a mandate to clean out some pigs. In the hunting world I can't see it, but it sure would be fun to play with
    2 points
  7. We could start with having you move out of state, its idiots like you that ruin everything for everyone else.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. Good idea...as a lifetime license holder I'll have all the room I want..lol
    2 points
  10. Why the secret approach? I'm all for protecting immature bucks - those under 4,5. But I want it threw education and choice.
    2 points
  11. W/O even looking at the poster I knew who wrote this!
    2 points
  12. Like father, like son: What was it the elder Cuomo called us...."Gun-toting, beer-drinking, pickup-driving, wife beaters" (That's damn close). Junior holds us in the same disregard. To thwart the bastard will be difficult. Suggestion.....BUY NOW!!!! Beat the regs!
    2 points
  13. We had a fantastic time at Otis pike today!!!!! The men did not do as well as the woman:( We saw a total of about 24 deer. A number of them were moving fast but we (my god daughter) managed to keep up with them and bagged her first deer!!!! We had section 9 and 10 which was huge. My brother and I probably walked 10 miles each. He shot a few times and so did I. I had 4 doe served to me on a silver platter but missed the lead doe and my gun jammed on the second shot. My buddy missed one also but many were moving fast as we were pushing a lot of the property. My brother texted me and said I will get my daughter a deer on this drive. He sent 7 deer her way and she took the last one in the group. I'm so proud of her, it was a great day we saw a lot of deer and will do this again next year, well maybe next week (I feel a bit sick) lol BTW I flushed out 3 grouse 4 pheasant. It was a great day!!!!!
    1 point
  14. "The government may not descend to the evil of preventive law. The government cannot treat men as guilty until they have proven themselves to be, for the moment, innocent. No law can require the individual to prove that he won't violate another's rights, in the absence of evidence that he is going to. But this is precisely what gun control laws do. Gun control laws use force against the individual in the absence of any specific evidence that he is about to commit a crime. They say to the rational, responsible gun owner: you may not have or carry a gun because others have used them irrationally or irresponsibly. Thus, preventive law sacrifices the rational and responsible to the irrational and irresponsible. This is unjust and intolerable. The government may coercively intervene only when there is an objective threat that someone is going to use force. ... Statistics about how often gun-related crimes occur in the population is no evidence against you. That's collectivist thinking. The choices made by others are irrelevant to the choices that you will make. ... The government may respond only to specific threats, objectively evident. It has no right to initiate force against the innocent. And a gun owner is innocent until specific evidence arises that he is threatening to initiate force. Laws prohibiting or regulating guns across the board represent the evil of preventive law and should be abolished." --columnist Harry Binswanger Got that Cuomo? Friggin' Tyrant Spawned By A Dying Failed Tyrant.
    1 point
  15. The NRA showed some guts here. Wonder if they will stand firm and lead, instead of backing down. “We attended today’s White House meeting to discuss how to keep our children safe and were prepared to have a meaningful conversation about school safety, mental health issues, the marketing of violence to our kids and the collapse of federal prosecutions of violent criminals,” read the NRA Statement. “We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment.” It is unfortunate that this Administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation’s most pressing problems. We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen. "The NRA says that they will now move on from working with the White House to members of Congress from both parties “who are interested in having an honest conversation about what works – and what does not.” http://www.mediaite....-2nd-amendment/
    1 point
  16. Sogaard...no one what?...You actually think no one in this country will fight to keep their property? and maintain the right to use that property...Did you just move here? Here's what they figure...once we take the guns and destroy them....they will never be able to gain a strong hold to get their 2nd amendment rights back...They started small...with picking at our freedom of speech and the right to assemble...hell that went down with out a second look...they have been poking at are rights to own land with the broad stroke of eminent domain...For the good of all...forget rights to privacy...we signed that away years ago ...to better our health care...our cars are all lo jacked..blk boxed ...ect..ect...now they have come to a line.....
    1 point
  17. wtf? you'll never un-arm anyone. You're just spreading fear. there are already 300 million firearms in this country. They will not take them away. Will they come up with taxes, restrictions and ban certain kinds? maybe. But you've been reading too many wacko extremist columns if you feel they'll ever ban and confiscate.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I like the idea and it should be for all deer not just bucks,I have yet to see a mature doe in my area in the last 3 years.Area 4.Every thing was 2 years or younger.The DEC said the were going to limit the amount of doe permits this past season,They should have not given any out.Other then for the youth hunt.You can get your doe in archery or MZ. season.If your a meat hunter.They should stiffen the fines on Jacking deer,there is still a lot of that going on too.
    1 point
  20. The best fruitcake??? Isn't that like being called the tallest midget?
    1 point
  21. The ignorant sheep voted the idiot obama back in. How's this working for you? LOL
    1 point
  22. Honestly he made a list he was familiar with and it was accurate.It was not complete but it was accurate. He made no assertion that it was complete.It is about like going after assault weapons to stamp out fireamrs related murders or crime. Might stop a few but won't make a dent
    1 point
  23. Not buying hunting licenses would just mean the DEC would suffer, not the rest of the state that doesn't give a crap about the realities of keeping a herd healthy.
    1 point
  24. Temporary Social Security Tax reliefs are temporary. Someone has to pay for the 10,000 baby boomers turning 65 (per day) for about the next decade or two. Go go ponzi scheme!
    1 point
  25. I'm honored, Burt! I reckon I've done my job well. LOL I'm sort of like Picasso or Elvis. If you see his artwork or hear his voice, you know exactly who it is.
    1 point
  26. Remember: No hunting license means no hunting. Get caught hunting without a license and....VOILA, big brother CAN confiscate your hunting implements!
    1 point
  27. I think this guy is just an anti that thinks we would be dumb enough to shoot ourselves in the head.
    1 point
  28. in the middle east the husbands cut the heads of their wives off. like you and i have both said, the gun was merely a tool used for an eventuality that was going to happen regardless.
    1 point
  29. All I can conclude from this post is....I can't say you guys are full of sh-t ....hahaha Congrat Lawz....you made a post that's gone 4 and I'm sure + pages long...and not one argument ....kudo's.....Just proves there is sh-t we can all agree on...
    1 point
  30. Not always able to be...."politically correct" in others eyes...I'll refrain from giving my opinion...so as to avoid offending anyone....
    1 point
  31. I don't get it. What did they do that has people saying "good for them"? They showed up to meeting to talk about how to reduce gun violence, then they are shocked that that actually included a discussion on potential new gun laws, so they put out a silly statement then took their ball and went home. What did I miss?
    1 point
  32. The real danger in all of this will almost certainly boil down to whether or not an Executive Order issued by the President is Constituitional or not. It is clear to me that the president intends to challenge the validity of the Constitution when it comes to Executive power. It should be noted that any Executive Order that has an effect on individuals who are not government employees is unconstituitional and Congress is obligated to veto such actions. Biden can explore all the options regarding Executive Orders issued by the president. Any attempt made by the president to unilaterally legislate laws for the American people must be fought as such actions are unconstituitional. Buckle your seat belts!
    1 point
  33. Here it is. Guess just for big game: It is illegal to hunt deer or bear with the aid of any artificial light including laser sights. http://www.dec.ny.go...door/28182.html
    1 point
  34. Heart of Flushing, one block from the Library. Right across the street from the new Target, BJ's etc. The 6 squirrels underneath didn't seem to mind it's presence.
    1 point
  35. I nearly peed my self laughing when I read (6. death by bunga bunga) Love that joke!!
    1 point
  36. The only thing that will help our cause is to increase our lobbying power. Here is a link to join the NRA for $25. instead of the annual cost of $35. https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp?CampaignID=XR020795 So what are you waiting for? Click the link and sign up. A membership also makes a great gift for a fellow sportsman.
    1 point
  37. could we say gun control is one of those ideas?
    1 point
  38. Holy crap he's got wooly beat.
    1 point
  39. We had a fantastic time at Otis pike today!!!!! The men did not do as well as the woman:( We saw a total of about 24 deer. A number of them were moving fast but we (my god daughter) managed to keep up with them and bagged her first deer!!!! We had section 9 and 10 which was huge. My brother and I probably walked 10 miles each. He shot a few times and so did I. I had 4 doe served to me on a silver platter but missed the lead doe and my gun jammed on the second shot. My buddy missed one also but many were moving fast as we were pushing a lot of the property. My brother texted me and said I will get my daughter a deer on this drive. He sent 7 deer her way and she took the last one in the group. I'm so proud of her, it was a great day we saw a lot of deer and will do this again next year, well maybe next week (I feel a bit sick) lol BTW I flushed out 3 grouse 4 pheasant. It was a great day!!!!!
    1 point
  40. We had a fantastic time at Otis pike today!!!!! The men did not do as well as the woman:( We saw a total of about 24 deer. A number of them were moving fast but we (my god daughter) managed to keep up with them and bagged her first deer!!!! We had section 9 and 10 which was huge. My brother and I probably walked 10 miles each. He shot a few times and so did I. I had 4 doe served to me on a silver platter but missed the lead doe and my gun jammed on the second shot. My buddy missed one also but many were moving fast as we were pushing a lot of the property. My brother texted me and said I will get my daughter a deer on this drive. He sent 7 deer her way and she took the last one in the group. I'm so proud of her, it was a great day we saw a lot of deer and will do this again next year, well maybe next week (I feel a bit sick) lol BTW I flushed out 3 grouse 4 pheasant. It was a great day!!!!!
    1 point
  41. That's why I never understood why women would complain with their husbands/boyfriends leave the seat up. I'm thinking you should be glad we left the seat up. That means you know for certain we didn't pee all over it. It's when you see the seat down is when you have to worry.
    1 point
  42. This is obfuscation of the matter at hand Sogaard. I recognize that the limit in this particular instance was the weapon itself, and I acknowledged it in another post. However, the meat of the matter is that we have persons who are decrying high capacity magazines as "unnecessary" when this one particular instance proves that more ammunition is superior to less in every case. I can link you to several videos of policemen putting rounds into perpetrators that do not drop. Again, ammunition limits are by no means an effective means of stopping crimes, and moreso, put law abiding citizens in defensive positions at a disadvantage. Pointing to the weapon at hand in this case as some sort of proof that 50 round drums aren't going to help and thus are not necessary is petty, and beneath what I usually see as intellectual (if misguided) posts from you. Arbitrarily saying "Hey, 10 rounds is plenty." ignores the fact that in a high pressure situation such as this one, or worse, one with multiple attackers, 10 rounds most likely will in fact not be enough. First, just because someone is shot does not mean they are incapacitated, and second, most people are not combat veterans used to being in firefights. As such, it is almost certain some rounds will miss their mark entirely, or cause only superficial wounding. Why risk innocent lives because evil men do evil things with inanimate objects?
    1 point
  43. I'm sure some here will claim that it should be legal under the 2nd amendment. When the founding fathers said "well regulated Militia", they really meant that they wanted to keep their bowel movements regular. And when they said "the right to bear arms", this also meant that they could bare other parts of their bodies, such as their ASSES. LOL
    1 point
  44. If new guns can only come with 7 round mags whats going to happen is this, we'll buy more powerful guns.Right? Lets see a 7 rounds of 9mm or a 7 rounds of .45.... A .223 or 308 or 30.06? I see lots of scout rifles being bought up.Before we had a choice a lot of little bullets or a few big ones,now Andy is saying buy the big ones. So more folks will die,because more will be shot with the major calibers,because most shootings by far are not mass shootings where high cap matters. I happen to know 3 guys who've been shot, all 3 work with me on the fire dept. all minor calibers. One just took a .223 round a couple weeks back, he's out, up on his feet.I'm glad the scumbag did not use grandpa's deer rifle ... But those we be next,"sniper rifles". Who needs such a powerful gun that can kill at over 400 yards...... I gotta go now the sun made the ground soft enough to dig and I got pvc pipes to bury, just do it along water lines to throw off the metal detectors .
    1 point
  45. Ya all do know that i couldnt give a #$%& for the "laws" he proposes on gun control.... Right? Easy for you to say- you'll only be charged as a juvenile.
    1 point
  46. Imagine if the law was proposing castrating all American men because you might use your genitals to commit rape. How many men would think that is OK?
    1 point
  47. Well, here's one I inherited from my uncle. A Beretta 12 gauge O/U made somewhere in the late 50's, early 60's I guess. Figured it's the fanciest gun I've got, so I took a glamour shot of it. LOL
    1 point
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