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  1. Looks like the Holiday hunt is shaping up to a touch on the milder side. Hope more are able to get out and capitalize on some great late season potential. Good luck
    4 points
  2. I haven’t got a deer in the Holiday season since the first one. I didn’t even see a deer during last year’s, which I blame mostly on my own corn plots up north, and my buddy’s down in the southern tier, both being total failures then. Each of us have bumper crops of standing corn this year and I am more excited than ever for the Holiday season. I also still have a buck tag, (4) doe tags one of which can be used anywhere in the state, and all (7) days of that season off of work and available to hunt this year. My primary ML seems to be right about on the mark, after a successful gorilla glue stock repair, after last Holiday season, and striking 3/4” from my aim point from 120 yards on a fine 8-pointer last Tuesday evening. I’m planning on hitting it real hard and hopefully punching a few more of my (5) remaining tags. I called in my punched tag from Tuesday’s buck to the DEC yesterday and even that often tedious process went very well. After a dismal, worst ever regular gun season, my deer sightings are definitely on the upswing lately. (4) of my (14) available hunts are planned to be at my buddy’s southern tier camp next weekend. I haven’t been there in a few years and I am really looking forward to it. His brother has a new 4wd pickup truck and He is planning on driving me down there. I no longer own a registered 4wd and getting down there has been a bit of an issue for me for that reason and due to weather the last few years. I’m also glad to see a good uptick in the temperatures in the forecast thru most of the Holiday season. That will make it considerably more comfortable out there. Most of the rest of my Holiday hunts will probably be here at home, where my standing corn, turnip, and winter wheat plots are really starting to earn their keep. My neighbor wants to do a few drives on the last day. He’s got a couple young son in laws and a son willing to do most of the pushing. I’ll also hit my parents a few more times, where they are starting to see a little more action on the wheat plot over there. If I manage to fill my last buck tag (it’s been close to 10 years since I filled both of those), I’ll may switch over to my old sidelock Traditions Fox River 50, to try and try to punch a doe tag with that. I’ve never got a deer with that but it’s a fun little lightweight gun to carry. Even though our freezer will be in real good shape, after I finish processing Tuesday’s Buck later today, I’m looking forward to this years Holiday season more than any prior. One other reason for that might be the fact that I got a little score to settle. I suffered my first ever vehicular damage to my previously spotless Chevy suv on my drive to work a couple weeks ago, when a doe ran into my passenger side fender. There are way more deer around locally than there should be and I am in as good of a position as I’ve ever been to do something about that. When it’s all said and done on January 2, I hope to have my cost of boneless venison back down under $ 1 per pound where it should be, after subtracting all input costs. I love venison and so does my wife and kids. It will be great to get a break from the ridiculous grocery store prices on meat.
    3 points
  3. The fabric is not noisy but color is not the best for still hunting and they are heavy, when I am moving I do not get cold. I like wearing wool best for still hunting. Al
    2 points
  4. Merry Christmas to all the Hunting New Yorkers Al
    2 points
  5. No shot during Bow season . Got 1 shot 1st day of gun and took a 9 point .
    2 points
  6. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate
    1 point
  7. There are no days off when you have even a small farm like mine and going out doing chores on these zero degree days is not fun but has to be done. I have tried just about everything there is clothes wise for keeping comfortable in freezing cold temps and the best solution I have found are the Refridgiwear coveralls. No matter how cold it is or how bad the wind is howling these coveralls keep me warm and allow me to get my work done comfortably, I am never cold when wearing these things. They are not cheap but worth every penny for anyone that has to be out in bad weather. I wear military, heavy weight poly under wear for a base and just slip these coveralls on and am good to go. They would work great for any outdoor activities. Al
    1 point
  8. Refrigiwear has been around for 70 yrs. so they must be doing something right. I have a pair of their long underwear that I use for severe cold outdoor work ....their over 50 yrs. old but I also owe some newer stuff. Certainly would recommend !
    1 point
  9. Hope Everyone has a Great One!!
    1 point
  10. Sounds like a well thought out plan Wolc, and good luck to you, as for me I am pretty much set for meat with one decent adult Deer, just me and the wife. My freezer is just about full of Deer and Squirrel meat so while I have archery, muzzleloader and DPM tags and would love to take another I just can not utilize much more. A few more small game animals will be about it for me. Al
    1 point
  11. I would say $200 is a decent price. I never replaced the crossbow. It was a nice crossbow but I decided to just use my bow. Here in the northern tier there is only a 4 day window at the end of bow season where you could use a crossbow before muzzleloader season. Sent from my moto g power (2022) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. Very good year so far, between me and 1 of my sons we took 3 shooters off of our 41 acres between the rifle and muzzleloader seasons. Freezer is almost full with healthy lean meat!!! Unfortunately the ML buck was a mercy kill as he was in bad shape otherwise he would have gotten a pass with that half rack. Only got half the meat off him but I didn't do it for the meat, had to end his suffering. All in all a fantastic season with lots of great memories!!! Truly blessed to be able to hunt these elusive animals.
    1 point
  13. Hope everyone had a great season. Either freezer fillers or some bone on the wall. I was lucky enough to get 2 of the 3 target bucks I was after this year. I was beat by all during the bow season. Late November I started to get the Letchworth buck back on cameras and was able to close the deal on him. It was into December before I started again getting pics of the buck I had hanging around on the North farm. Finally sealing the deal with him during late muzzleloader season. Was another great season and have been getting some pics of a couple of new bucks that have been hanging around a couple weeks now Hopefully those will be 2 that I will be chasing around next year.
    1 point
  14. Oh forgot to say my Brothers Grandson at 14 got his first buck! It's pretty funny but we have one stand where we send the new hunters to. They always seem to connect! Thats him years ago with Stepdad. Now first deer at the box!
    1 point
  15. Zero deer seen but at least they are warm
    1 point
  16. I shot a decent 8 on the afternoon of opening day and I’m grateful. However, I put a lot of time in between the xbow and rifle seasons and did not see much. Actually, I have been seeing less deer each year and the kill rate amongst me and my peers seems to be declining as well. I don’t get it. You would think that we should be seeing more if we’re killing less year after year.
    1 point
  17. Pulled the card today. Again crows, Eagle, Turkey Vulture and some hawks day time. Have a big Yote, Two fox and a skunk at night. They make short order of things. Something ate the ear off!
    1 point
  18. 1 minute before sunset buzzer beater 8-pointer tonight:
    1 point
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