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Everything posted by FULLDRAWXX75
The only thing that I found to be priced "right" in the entire store (BPS) was there jerky/sausage spice mixes. I picked up a few packets of the flavors we like best. FDXX75
Your favorite hot sauce...not neccessarily hot
FULLDRAWXX75 replied to Single_shot's topic in Game Recipes / Cooking
I like Frank's & Tabasco, but recently found a really good one ....................................Cholula!!!!!!! FDXX75 -
Absolutely ! Not exactly understanding what you mean by overcooking,but crock pot 8 hr or 3hr canning could be construed as over cooking. Both methods are excellent ways to cook any meat actually. If you throw a piece of meat in a frying pan, cooked it until it is well done, OVER COOKED. It is impossible to over cook something in a crock pot unless you cook it completely dry for several days maybe.................................... FDXX75
what exactly are you looking for????? List her draw length, capable max. draw weight, etc and I will see what I might be able to come up with........................no promises, but is know some folks. FDXX75
Very good point !!!! Always bring a compass with you. With any GPS I have purchased they always tell your that also . If I am hiking or deer hunting I always use compass and gps in conjunction. For bird hunting with my dog I just hit the go home button and take my chances. LOL! I was taught old school (compass) but use the modern tech. to store location information while in the woods. I then bring the data home, plot it on my maps and get an idea/total view of how/where things look in conjunction with everything else. I rely totally on compass readings when in the woods. I hunt the deep mountain areas of the central Adirondack Park, mess up there and the next person you talk to is speaking French..................LOL. I like my GPS equipment for data gathering intel only. FDXX75
I have been using a Magellan GPS300 for many yrs. I has done what I wanted/needed it to do but I am currently looking at upgrading to a Garmin (I have eyeballed the 60CSX that NYSLOWHAND mentioned) it has some very good reviews. I have the DeLorme Topo USA mapping software that I am currently using to plot my waypoints (by long/lat data) from my old Magellan, with the new GPS I can plug N play.................................. FDXX75 PS: I bought a Bushnell Backtracker last summer(got a really good deal) it is ok for its capabilities. But always remember...........................not a single one of them is any better than the batteries that power them. My compass has never once gone dead and left me standing in the woods wondering which way is home..............................
I will have to dig out am old 35mm shot from my first trail cam I ever had...............................The best shot was its last. A 3-4 yr. old male black bear got ticked off at the flash (we are surmizing) and distroyed the camera. Last shot was the inside of his mouth........................tongue, teeth, the whole nine yds. LOL FDXX75
Thanks G man, FDXX75
I drove out to Auburn, NY to the BPS and was very disappointed with the hunting (gun & archery) sections. Very limited, over priced and the staff was not helpful at all. Actually, one of the guys made a comment about me being incorrect about what I was questioning him about, when in fact he had no idea and had never even heard of the gun I was asking about, he finally stated...................."We don't have such a thing, and simply walked away". The guy in charge of the archery shop was on the phone with someone, and was airing the dirty laundry of BPS for the whole world to hear............................Was very unprofessional in my opinion. I doubt I will ever enter another one of their stores again. FDXX75
Dang, I had 1 1/2 " of snow yesterday, nearly 70 out today and now rain and sleet for tonight and tomorrow morning. Make up it mind............................please. FDXX75
Welcome, grab a seat, put your feet up and get comfy..........................LOL FDXX75
I ran a Google search on parks and reserves in the 'Cuse area, I am in the midst of checking them all out individually as there were 13 seperate locations. Two that look very interesting and have an outdoor pavilion are Beaver Lake Nature Center & Carpenter's Brook Fish Hatchery. Beaver Lake is $3.00 a car load The Hatchery is free admission and provides tours of the facilities or $45.00 for day rental of the pavilion on site. I am looking into something that would be interesting to all attendees. FDXX75
I get quite the aray of animal life around my place from early spring until just after the hunting season starts, I posted the pics of the Dueling Tom's on the gobbler thread. Here are some deer pics: The first two pics are a doe and her twin yrlings @ 15 yds off the back porch, the 3rd pic is another fawn @ 60 yds, and the rest are in the back lawn @ 145 yds or so. They really work the three apple trees I have back there when apples are on............................ FDXX75
Cool pics FDXX75
Steve863, Duh, my bad..............I didn't even notice I typed May, the pic file is dated 6/6/10 that would make it June. Don't know why I did that, o well. FDXX75
I have always towed with P/U truck, I had a '80 Chev 1/2 ton 4wd, then a '96 Dodge Ram 1500 4wd and now '05 Dodge Ram 1500 4wd (Rumble Bee w/hemi). Doewhacker, if you are having some sway problems, I would recommend investing in a anti-sway bar system to eliminate that and also help transfer the tongue weight between the tow vehicle and the camper to eliminate the bounce that comes with towing as well. FDXX75
That is exactly what I was thinking, a one day meet n greet with a covered dish lunch or something of that effect. I has to start somewhere and from something....................... As far as travel expenses go, if a few guys from the same area got together and car pooled to the location that helps also. I suggested Syracuse because it is sort of centrally located in the state, that way members from one end don't have to do all the travel.................if you can make it great, if not maybe next yr. or sorry we missed you. FDXX75
: You know what they say about assuming, right? Maybe some people just like to see how fast they can do it. ASSUMING-------------Making an arse out of you and a chinese guy??????? LOL Just another guy gettin' is 2+ mins. of fame..................................
Fishers have a very large fondness for porcupine's, it is there favorite food group per say. Where you find a high concentration of porcupine you will also find Fisher. There is an area of wood lots near my house, within a 1/4 mile to the south. It covers several country blocks and @ a 3-4 mile radius that is loaded with porcupines, over the past few yrs. the amount of Fisher sightings has increased greatly. I see at least 2-3 per hunting season when in that area. One of the land owners had a rather unpleasant run in with one in the late fall while cutting firewood. All we can guess is he was very near or on top of its den area. About 12 yrs ago, I was hunting a new area and was still hunting the edge of this big swamp area, I sat down on a wind blown hemlock to check things out, when I felt the tree move/bounce slightly.............................I slowly looked down the tree and here comes a fisher, just trotting along up the tree. At first I was not sure if it was coming for me or just didn't see me.......................well it was the later, just as I moved to point my gun at it (if needed) it stopped dead, slowly lifted its head and had the most surprised look on its face. It just slowly backed up about 3 steps and jumped off the log and ran off away from me. It was only about 1.5 - 2 ft. long at tops (nose to tail) It was one of those excited/scared moments, not sure what it was going to do. Turned out to be a really cool day in the woods......................................... FDXX75
Maybe the 30-06 has more than enough gas to blow the bolt all the way back and the others are a little short on power? That really doesn't make much sense though sound more like an extractor or possibly a fouled gas tube problem? The Remington auto's are famous for feed/ejection related issues, ranging from dirty action, magizine issues, bolt spring tension, ammo brands.........the list go on. I have not read much about the new 750, their past track record is enough to steer me clear of owning one. Best of luck to you with it. FDXX75
Do you wear Orange? If so why? If not Why not? :)
FULLDRAWXX75 replied to TheHunter's topic in General Hunting
Yes, for about the past 6-7 yrs. In the 30+ yrs. that I have been hunting my clothing as changed numerous times. When I first started hunting I wore the traditional Woolrich red/blk plaid coat with blk or green wool pants, then I went to camo BDU pants, to full camo for a number of yrs. UNTIL...................................... One day while hunting in Cherry Valley the second week of the southern season (mid week), some guy sent three slugs in my direction at a couple of deer that pasted between him and I (neither of us knew the other was there) I was sitting at the base of a rather large oak, down hill about 60 yds from where this guy had walked to, I was facing the opposite direction. Well, I heard something behind me and slowly started to turn to look when gun fire broke out and lead to smacking trees including the one I was sitting against. Needless to say, the guy never saw me or knew I was down range from him. I left that spot immediately I was so shaken up and went home. From that point forward it was of importance to be seen, I now wear a hunter safety orange guide shirt from Cabela's as my outter layer, if I put my coat over it (low temp. days) I have an orange vest on. This is during the gun season only..................................I have my son wear a hat or vest when hunting during the gun season as well. Being seen by other hunters is as much a safety factor as identifying your target is............................... FDXX75 -
Cool, keep us posted. FDXX75 Oh, and thanks.
I will throw this idea out to the masses.....................................I am a member of another hunting site in a different state than NY. The site is considerably larger than this site but that does not make it better. One thing that they do that I have always been interested in but distance has prevented was their annual member "VOUS" as they put it.(short for Rendezvous) They hold a site members weekend every yr. so folks can gather, meet face to face with folks they have only spoken with via the net. They have guest speakers from DEC and other organizations, raffles and auctions to raise funds for the site and charities. They currently have a BBQ dinner on the Sat. night of the event, just to name a few things that it has developed into. It started out many yrs. ago as just a one day meet n greet(13 members) and has since grown into a 200 plus attendance. The funny thing is the original organizer of the event missed the first yr. because he was ill). Now, I am realistic in thinking.................and would not expect to see 200 members show an interest or even that many folks show up....................but would there be any interest at all from members if one was planned and organized. Lets say centrally located in the state (Syracuse area, maybe) ????? Lets hear the feedback................ FDXX75
Last night I was lookin' for something a little different to put on the table, being a single dad and cookin' for two kids all the time I like to mix it up a bit to keep the boredom & complaining to a min. I decided to run with pasta and sauce with a little twist.......................I started out with a 10qt. cast iron dutch oven, added @ 3T olive oil and one coursely chopped onion. one red bell pepper chopped,3 garlic cloves & a lb. of fresh baby portabella mushrooms sliced..........saute'd until cooked through. I didn't have any hamburger in the house so I decided to add some venison into the mix..................when I process my deer, I use the larger pieces of frt. shoulder meat (taken off the scapula bone) as a "pepper steak" cut, I use it for stir fry, stroganoff, etc. Well, last night I took out about 2 lbs and thin sliced(1/8" thick) the entire package, I dusted it with a seasoning mixture (made and stored in an airtight container for future use) 2 parts salt, 1 part blk pepper & garlic powder, then cover with a light coat of flour. I removed the onion mixture and bumped the heat up to high, added 2T oil until the pot started to smoke then in went the venison to sear/brown quickly, as soon as it was all browned, I dumped the onion mixture back into the pot and stirred all together. I then added one jar of pasta sauce(home style) and a small can of diced tomatoes, simmered for @ 15 mins. while the pasta cooked. Served with garlic bread and tossed salad.................................. My son, who is not a big sauce eater, had seconds and commented on making "that" again. FDXX75
Mathews rest and Easton carbon arrows
FULLDRAWXX75 replied to Chromeslayer's topic in Hunting Items For Sale and Trade
Update: the arrows have been sold. FDXX75