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Everything posted by suburbanfarmer

  1. Congrats , you are lucky he has the bug. Feed it
  2. Black walnuts have started to drop which are always the first to shed their leaves
  3. Tons of yote and huge bucks in Rush, its a hidden ag area
  4. Hopefully that yote is not in Brighton..friends live across the Buckland park
  5. Congrats to the young hunter and proud papa. Job well done!!
  6. That is a giant and beautiful. Congrats!!
  7. My gut tells me, my knees will shake climbing any ladder.
  8. Thx, I have been contemplating the second opinion idea myself just for my peace of mind.
  9. Flat back and not much belly sag, my guess its a nice 4.5yr old Good luck chasing him.
  10. I can relate to your friends depression. It will be first time in 2 decades I will be missing the opening days.
  11. It was not related to a hunting or ladder stand at all. The ladder i was on slid side ways and as a result I landed on my left side, where the elbow hit the ground first. Crazy thing I still had my PPD and helmet on.
  12. thx, i am no doctor but the xray still shows a pretty big gap after 6 weeks and minimum callous formation.
  13. This is what is scaring me the most, what if the fracture doesn't heal by itself..
  14. Hope you connect with the buck in the last pic while hunting with your son. He will be hooked Goodluck
  15. Back on August 3rd, I was up around 12ft high and I chose not wear my safety harness cause it would take longer to put it on than the task at hand. Long story short, this was the time i needed that harness. I fell and broke 3 ribs and a near compound mid shaft humerus fracture in my left arm. 6 weeks in and the union of the fracture is delayed but doctor is confident that i wont need surgery. But I sure wont be lifting any weights or PT till Dec from that left arm. Ribs still hurt if I cough or sneeze. So why am i posting this? Learn from mistake and this coming season plz wear your harness as there are no exceptions to safety. One mistake leads to a lot of pain, frustration and most of all becoming dependent on others for a simple task to put your clothes on or tie shoe laces. Be safe out there and Best of Luck to you All.
  16. ok, sounds good. Will read up the instructions again. Count me in
  17. I am sidelined till Muzzleloader, will be real optimistic goal if I make it out on thanksgiving hunt. I will be following the thread though
  18. Good luck, I wish you the best. If I am lucky I maybe able to go out for late muzzleloader. 6 weeks in and 2 more before the sling/brace is removed for me.
  19. My friends nephew dropped a nice size doe today in 8G, they processed 53# of meat.
  20. Good BB gun target practice for the black birds..shoot a couple and the rest will stay away for a bit.
  21. They both work well, just depends which one groups better with your rifle. My sons Marlin xs7 loves the Hornady sst, where as my axis prefers Winchester powerpoint. Shoot both to see which one groups better and buy that kind in bulk.
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