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Everything posted by suburbanfarmer

  1. How does the solar unit work, do you have to use rechargeable batteries in the camera ;Or it has its own battery?
  2. I agree with Foggy, the versatility of the portable generator with the low initial investment cant be beat.
  3. I was getting some regular pics until this heat wave came in. Right after the thunderstorms, the pattern switched and getting no pics. Hoping it will turn around again. And no cant be my intrusion since its a Reveal Cell cam, so I dont need to be near it
  4. Federal wont ship to NY period
  5. @Lomax You have far too many bucks, should organize a HNY get together and we will burn our tags on those yrlings for you
  6. I dont see any 3.5yr in there, usually they have more mass compared to what I am seeing but then again every area is different.
  7. I am a sucker for old Remi's..almost bid on it myself...lol
  8. @luberhill As stated earlier by most, given the current shortage your best option will be a local gun store if they have any consignment or gunbroker https://www.gunbroker.com/item/902845980
  9. Here is a really good one https://www.gunbroker.com/item/903234826
  10. Wasted resources for some politician to feel good.
  11. Can't go wrong with the Browning Bar but given the current situation GBroker will be your best option.
  12. I would like to keep them as pets if possible and make some money on the side with their stuff
  13. I did take it off and the spring seemed weak on it. Must be why its having trouble chambering the second round. There was not much gunk there and no corrosion.
  14. I lost that battle too, too many in my yard to save.
  15. If you ever want the best of the best, reach out to Jerry at south shore archery.. https://southshorearcherysupply.com/
  16. I will once in a couple of years get a pic of deer that are never to be seen again. Those are the ones that keep me awake the night of opening day
  17. Took a short break and dug it up and cleaned it during lunch Needs a scope, getting old and eyes can't focus the sights too well any more.
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