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Everything posted by suburbanfarmer

  1. So you willing to pay $40 for a box
  2. Lets hope that day never comes
  3. Rain may have washed away the scent and disturbed ground only makes bucks more agitated.
  4. You can check from the website to make sure you didn't accidently delete the pics https://account.revealcellcam.com/
  5. You may want to change your pick, i am sidelined and not hunting until ortho allows PT
  6. WoWzaa..Will be interesting to see what he weighs. Good luck!!
  7. Totally agree and if you age them with the marinade of choice , it just gets better.
  8. Covid survivors..lol Cant eat those antlers but sure do help in dragging
  9. Canada didnt have 6-8million new first time gun owners in the last yr.
  10. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/guide/atf-guidebook-importation-verification-firearms-ammunition-and-implements-war/download
  11. Mines must be low level cold , cause 4 days of Robitussin and seems to be getting better.
  12. Life is short, take the deer before EHD, CWD or a truck kills it
  13. Hang in there, good things come those who wait.
  14. Well it must be an infection thats moving fast. Woke up like i had eaten glass. Cant swallow and nose is stuffy.
  15. Requires RX and if its viral than it doesnt do anything
  16. I also hear they are recruiting male immigrants, apparently 15:1 ratio. Literally pay you to move there...Just saying
  17. Does it count for Bruno if my daughter connected during the youth hunt since I cant hunt for another month ?
  18. I have used this one for yrs and really love it https://www.amazon.com/Flashlight-FloodLight-Waterproof-Headlight-Hands-free/dp/B088FQ7WJJ?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1
  19. Nice collection. If you need help in thinning that herd by ML time plz dont hesitate to ask
  20. Larrys Deer Processing in Avon maybe even farther. Better option learn to do it yourself and save some money.
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