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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by njg0621

  1. Here are a few more pics I did the whole job for under $10,000. Everything was done myself or with the help of my Uncle and Father. I didn't pay for a single thing to be done by a contractor it was just materials. If I had to pay someone to do that job it probably would have cost me 60k. Honestly for someone to come and just build that custom bar it would cost over 10k. Anyways it was a lot of hard work and a lot of time but I think it came out nice. There are so many things that need to get done that you don't even realize until you start the project. Like the ceiling, 23 recessed lights, baseboard heat, carpet, bar, tile, soffit to cover all the plumbing, switches, outlets, stairs, all the trim, chair rail, staining, painting, the list can go on forever! Thanks for your compliments guys!
  2. Actually I will tell you how much this project cost me from start to finish but first I would like to hear what people think. Take a guess!
  3. I have been finishing my basement over the past several months. I finally have it all finished and now it is time to enjoy it! Took me alot of time and effort to complete the project but I think it was worth it all. Here is the basment prior to the remodel. Here it is pretty much complete. the bartop was custom fit, the logs were out of the yard, the back bar has LED lighting to light up the top as well as the glass cabinets. The mirror was framed in with a 100yr old piece of lumber. I have a ton of pics in between but I would have to write a book to explain everything along the way. The pics don't do it justice, the bar came out absolutley amazing. It took me a while because I would just do a little bit at a time when I had extra cash in the paycheck.
  4. Does anyone in this forum really think it is possible to "Trophy Manage" 300 acres? 300 acres isn't even close to enough property to successfully practice trophy management in hopes to have plentiful 150" deer on the property. I agree, don't shoot the little guys as this is my philosophy too but you can't expect that those bucks will stay on your 300 acres. During the rut (rifle season unfortunately) those bucks are on your 300 acres and ten others probably. My point is that passing small bucks is def a good idea in general but to think that a club is going to manage a 300 acre piece of land and grow big deer on it is probably never going to happen. That is unless everyone on the bordering properties practices all the same rules and trophy management guidelines you do. As far as the buck.... If I said that I would let him walk I would be a liar!
  5. AR is not going to solve the problem. We need to do it like the states that grow big deer.. 1 BUCK THAT'S IT! Shorten the gun season and we are in business. Ohio, Illinois, everyone claims these states have big deer because of the bucks diets, if you ask me it is because they enforce these two simple rules. Yes the beans and everything else helps but in the end they let you shoot more does and not as many bucks. NYS is backwards if you ask me and most hunters here are just meat hunters. Not that there is anything wrong with that but let us take some does out of the heard and save some of these bucks. In my area you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than drawing a doe tag without preference points
  6. Just to make myself clear I wasn't trying to condone trespassing at all. My point was that who is really going to make up "WANTED" signs and post them all through town. Of course I would post my land and if anyone was on it I would approach them and ask them to leave. As far as making up wanted signs and plastering the town with them.... that sounds like something someone would say in a forum but not really ever do. Just my opinion
  7. C'mon are you serious with this? I love how people sit behind the computer and say the most ludicrous things.... like you would ever really do that over a couple of hikers walking through the woods. More importantly if you really would you might want to question your sanity!
  8. I doubt the couple taking a hike through the woods would be the ones stealing your camera. Unfortunately most of the time it is another hunter or some kid walking through the woods. Sad to say but I have caught many hunters in he act of trying to steal my stuff. I actually had a guy steal a lock off of a tree stand that left there. My Dad saw the guy walking out with the lock and stopped him. The hunter tried to say that he took it off the tree stand and was going to return it so no one stole it!!!!?? My Dad called me and my buddy and I went over to have a little conversation. I was like How were you going to return something to someone when you didn't even know who the owner is and you were headed to your car? Anyways we had some words and I am pretty sure we scared the guy so silly he will never be in the area again. I would never steal anything from anyone.
  9. Buckwheat grows like wild fire! You can't beat it!
  10. njg0621

    Trophy Room

    That Wolf looks AMAZING! Nice trophies, I only wish I have that many someday!
  11. njg0621


    It's going to be a bad year. I went out fishing the other day adn picked over 30 tics off me by the end of the trip! http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Nature-the-trickster-3419367.php
  12. Just consider yourself lucky that you don't have to worry about it! Alot of people dont have that luxury!
  13. It funny becauase a taxidermist usually can mount a deer within 10hrs. The process usually only takes about 3 weeks but most of them are just so backed up it takes you a year to get your mount back!
  14. What are you hunting in Africa? Do you mind if I ask how much these hunts are costing you?
  15. Why in gods name would you catch and release them?
  16. Wooly this is a really cool thread! Keep it up! I never find sheds....
  17. I fish it as much as I can for Steelies and salmon. Usually float fish with beads for steelies, but I break out the fly rod sometimes to.
  18. Do you count seeing the same spike 40 times as seeing 40 yearling bucks? These numbers seem a little crazy to me... are you hunting a high fenced area?
  19. I would pass him early but with the year I had this year he would have been dead late!
  20. njg0621

    Handheld GPS

    Looking to buy a handheld GPS for fishing. This will pretty much only be used for ice fishing 90% of the time. I am looking to have a handheld that I can walk out on a body of water in NY and know what my depth is and where to start fishing with the new GPS. What is the best middle of the road GPS and who makes maps for NY that will work with it? Thanks alot! I have never bought one before so I just want to make sure I chose the best option.
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